Why are Belgians so insecure ?

Why are Belgians so insecure ?

why are french girls such whores

why are frogs so gay?

Belgian cocks...

French people have high sex drive and it's great, you angl*s have low-testosterone and are scared by whores
t. not a real country

I'm not Anglo

every french (or french canadian) girl I know is a degenerate whore

t. gay weeb

Girls being whores isn't degenerate user, it's natural
Do you prefer your SJW fat girls ?
t. future French département

Why are the French such nigger cock lovers?

it's not normal for girls to cheat on their boyfriends/husbands, have kids out of wedlock, have kids with multiple fathers, do drugs, drink and drive, etc

it's degenerate

They're way less insecure than french psoters

i dont think so, nobody likes the frogs here

t. low-test angl*
Why are Belgians so insecure about minorities ?

Who cares about walloon's opinion ?

>wanting to marry and have children with a roastie who has 3 kids with 3 different fathers
no wonder your country is so cucked by the blacks

you sure cared enough to make a thread about us though?

t. elected a Black president TWICE
I just like to banter you ma petite frite française

im not walloon , but our walloons are better than 99% of french people you know

imagine having your country only be known on the world stage for waffles

imagine living in a coutry where people can't point a country on a map

Belgian influence

imagine living in a non-country

Why do the belgians hate themselves?

don't blame others for your faggotry Jean-Michel
really makes you think

if you told me to point to Belgium on a blank map I'd probably miss on my first try

I think that says more about Belgium than the US desu

Why can't belgians accept their frenchness and destroy their butthole with a baguette ?

Why cant you get along?:'(

yes you're right it tells a lot about how mutts are dumbasses
No thanks, keep your baguettes

The eternal belgian won't let us annex his country.

Little brother syndrome
You find it in nations that border a similar but larger and/or more relevant nation. Canada, New Zealand, and Belgium are some of the most high profile examples.

i would rather be annexed by the Netherland or Germany than you

Why do you even hate us, eternal belgian ?

because most of you guys are letting your country being destroyed
that's why i think your country is gay and cucked


things america knows about belgium

>brussels sprouts
>In Bruges
>not a real country
>that time nigel farage made fun of you guys
>ugly flag

I'm not the one making a rude thread about our neighbours. Let that sink in.

Because France is so cool and powerful and belgians wish they were part of it.

But Netherlands and Germany are not really better, in that respect.

Based Denmark

No one I know wishes to be part of the First Caliphate Of Europe

But do they want to be part of the third or fourth caliphate of Europe?

>thought go to Belgium for a week
>felt like Pakistan there

Never again

at least no cars are burned there

Brussel i guess?

Brussels isnt Belgium

Probably not, then again it's far better than the absolute state of France

Just wait its getting worse and worse

Instead, they have mass rapes

>far better
No. In the end, whole Western Europe will be a muslim shithole. If tomorrow France officially becomes a caliphate and Belgium becomes a caliphate in, I don't know, 10 years, you will not be 'winners' or some shit like that, it's not a competition.

If it's no competition then shut the fuck up in the first place. You are the one setting a competion with this very thread.

thanks Merkel :^)
>France is the same, French people are a minority in France, amount of muslim population is undervalued by 10 to 15%, our women would rather slut around with blacks and arabs and abort than procreate with us, most of your youth is controlled by arab sold weed and cocain, our streets are full of gypsies who don't respect private property or even basic human standards yet are protected by the states, most of the suburbs are controlled by various kinds of africano-muslim gangs, etc...
Get that log out of your eye if you want to talk about the american spec bro.

from a frogbro

>You are the one setting a competion with this very thread.
No I'm not.

They're all better than their big brothers though.

They really are, but then being better than America isn't much of an achievement on our part