>there are polish shops on the mainstreet
>occasionally hear polish language spoken by random people
>see polish lastnames i can't pronounce everywhere
>car plates on trucks are all polish
>even the mayor is half polish
wtf all this seemed to happen overnight
There are polish shops on the mainstreet
just be grateful its not niggers and shut the fuck up
And this is a bad thing because.....?
Wanna trade? Your Poles for our Chinese
There's nothing wrong with poles
Fuck me give them please.
We will send you our PALOP's.
And Poles are bad because...?
>oh my god my city is being invaded by white christians, where the fuck did the mosque go, I'm literally shaking rn
because they're poles
sorry we didn't bring any mosques with, we know you'd rather like Norway to look like pic related
And Poles are bad because they are Poles because...?
whiter than u Mohammed
ideal world: no poles or muslims
both HAVE to go back
thank you for your input Mohammed
>Not the future of Europe
fuck off
i dont want muslims or poles
stay in your own country and improve them
danish jobs for danish people
that sounds like some far right nationalistic violent hate speech
lol fucking cucks you're brainwashed to think we must have immigrants
idgaf if there are 1 million africans or poles in my country, they are not danish.
epik meme america
Your princess is an immigrant
Well if this is your mindset then you deserve to be flooded by arabs.
Poles are the least of your problems, at least they won't make average dane le 56% face.
I don't want immigrants at all. But since the EU is forcing me and so is our government let them be whites at least.
Poles are very often criminals or generally unpleasant people.
It's your own fault for having retarded communist social benefits that attract immigrants. None of this is the fault of Poland or the EU or anybody but Denmark.
Seriously, when the 65 IQ gypsies from Eastern Europe can scam the welfare systems of the UK or Belgium you know things are dire.
then why is your cunt flooded with muslims and nobody is doing anythnig about them? Throw Ahmed and then poles
dumbass the royal family doesn't have a single drop of danish blood
it's easy to downplay the difference of european people when you're from brazil. you just look at skin colour
portugal has one of the smallest immigrant communities and largest diaspora in europe, alberto.
>dumbass the royal family doesn't have a single drop of danish blood
And yet we're somehow the cucks
No point in discussing any further. You'll have to concede somehow, much like your brothers from scandinavia.
Might as well pick the lesser evil.
they're causing way more crime than muslims, same with lithuanians
we are probably the country who does the most against muslim immigration in western europe.
an immigrant is an immigrant and will influence society once they establish a community
cringe thread
vietnamese immigrants are better for europe than polish immigrants
>we are probably the country who does the most against muslim immigration in western europe.
clearly not doing much since they are still in Denmark
Yeah but they don't form separate societies and wouldn't cut your head given the chance.
big posts
damn you are stupid
>we are doing the most against immigration!
>muslims till in Denmark
truly the greatest nation
>portugal has one of the smallest immigrant communities and largest diaspora in europe, alberto.
lol no. Our immigrants who become citizens count as "Portuguese" like France. It's impossible to know how many there are.
I worked in a strawberry field in Norway 5 years ago and plucked out 5 strawberry plants and brought them back. They're still in my Lithuanian garden and so therefore I've effectively stolen dozens of Norwegian strawberries. How does it feel?
>Westerners think that Germans have the biggest influence over EU nand will stay like that forever or that Muslim immigrants are outbreeding them and taking over cultures, while we've been playing the long game for the last few decedes without raising suspition
ah yes, all according to keikaku
*cuckstern europe.
thanks for proving the notion that lithuanians are thieves
>Kaczyński sends singals to all Poles abroad
>suddenly entire world votes to be annexed by Poland
West btfo.
based as fuck
How can Westerners ever recover,
Start breeding, otherwise enjoy your krakus ham, Pączki and Kielbasa
>John Paul II photo on display
it's a must
A lot of Poles in Chicago are right off the boat
poles are subhuman
Good number of Lithuanians around here too. There's some monastery that prints out a Lithuanian language paper
Their women are cuter too
You are wasting your time by discussing or posting about this fail country
Not sure, but they have even bigger problems right now. Around 9 inches, banana shaped and brown. Lots of 'em.
you know just because we are doing the most doesn't mean that we can legally throw them out
we are also under the laws of the UN
poles have an insanely low birthrate thought so that wont be a problem
your fault you let them in then
All jokes aside though, the Polish government actually pays fellowship money to Polish people who live abroad, if they can prove they're doing things there that preserve/spread Polish culture and work for the betterment of Poland, so... I can see your point in more ways than one, I suppose.
In poland perhaps
Should a forced Polexit with a Britin be considered? It would solve two problems
yes and its also our fault that we let the poles in and now we are trying to fix it
> we are trying to fix it
so far you're terrible at it
but you have been terrible at fixing your birthrate
why did it drop after the collapse of the soviet union?
>t. Lukasz
the dane is right but for new worlders immigrants dont matter as long as they are white, which is retarded
I'm fucking sick of these poles in my country
Disregard the Norwegian and other Dane in this thread. When you're so unfathomably stupid that you don't even recognise that some types of immigrants are better than others, it's time to reconsider your life.
How the fuck are Poles good/better immigrants? They fill up the prisons, don't speak Norwegian, don't trust the state and sends their kids to Polish schools while doing some shitty manual labor alongside Lithuanians for some rich Norwegian schmuck.
I want my country to be filled with ethnic Norwegians who grew up here, not niggers and white niggers who can't do anything besides use a hammer and drink
2bh all poles abroad should be deported and borders of Poland close
no one deserve having to deal with polish cancer
Denmark at 1.69 births per woman (2015)
That's almost just as bad desu.
I mean it's practically the same for Lithuania
1.63 births per woman (2015)
and people here are calling for more births, predicting extinction if those numbers continue, etc. Less than at least 2 births per woman essentially means that any country's welfare system wont hold up in the future and that they're fucked if things don't change.
Why does Russia invade it's neighbors and sponsor frozen conflicts and criminal states
Why not?
so others suffer as much as they do
>they are better
>that means we want them
>1.69 is even remotely comparable to 1.29
what a retard you are
also, it is 1.73, not 1.69
danish fertility rate is at 1.8
Sorry wrong thread
>danish fertility rate is at 1.8
because you also count non whites such as muslims, while polish 1,4 is pure white
>welfare system
Not to be rude but I don't think you have much of one
the ethnic danish fertility rate is 1.7 and poles aren't white.
just fuck off troll
World bank data says 1.69. Didn't look for any other sources desu, but feel free to quote and prove me wrong. Don't make declarative statements though.
Danish fertility rates - fucked...future is totally fucked if things don't change.
Polish fertility rates - totally fucked soon, ultra crisis mode.
Those are fertility rates IN THEIR RESPECTIVE COUNTRIES btw. Quote:
"The birth rates of Denmark’s immigrant population has also slowed. Non-Western immigrants now have an average of 1.8 children compared to 1.69 children for ethnic Danes."
Google it:
>the ethnic danish fertility rate is 1.7
bold claim, source for that
>Polish fertility rates - totally fucked soon, ultra crisis mode.
funny thing is everyone ignores it here
it will be blamed at jews probably
I fucking hate this country and people
goal of average polak life - earn enough money for alcohol, shitty car and shitty food
Aye. Kinda like it makes them feel better about themselves because Poland of all places is getting fucked faster than they are KEK
Not everyone is like that
That's TOTAL fertility rate, not ethnic danes. So if you take the average of ethnic dane fertility rate and immirant's in denmark fertility rate you do et roughly that number. Sounds about right.
Fertility rate per
Western immigrant women: 1.4
Non-western immigrant women: 2.1
Descendants of western immigrants: 1.6
Descendants of non-western immigrants: 1.9
Danish women: 1.8
Brb, moving to Danemark.
Pretty much the same if we calculate relative to wages in respective countries, isn't it?
and here's the overall fertility
yes of course but huge number is and it's enough to ruin a country
good to see more people are becoming woke on the polish question
>it's easy to downplay the difference of european people when you're from brazil. you just look at skin colour
poles and danes are both Northerners. The big physical difference between Europeans is North and South.