The Land of Ice



She sounds like a pretty awesome leader tbqh

What's so funny? Here in the developed world, we elect politicians based on their policies, not their personal life

Why are Northern European women such trash, Icelandic women unironically take 'slut' as a compliment

>"Here in the developed world"

I don't see a problem here except that Sup Forums seems to be leaking again so please fuck off back there

I am Transylvanian

GOOD post

Is Iceland even real?

iceland? more like incompetenceland amirite? AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH

Bucharest and Cluj already have higher living standards than Berlin or Madrid

Come to Spain and you know the problem :^)

Comedy gold.

Bucharest has a million gypsies living underground.

>expert on crime literature


IIRC their old PM was a lesbo

Crime literature is plebeian

What benefit would a pro war, anti environmetalist attitude in the leader of a small, isolated nation be?

Yes. And?
nice fantasy

People from third world shitholes wouldn't laugh at them on a belgian wafflecombing website.

I am Central European

What benefit does a small nation have from a feminist leader?

Holy fuck, no you're not. There is no such thing as central europe, it's a coping phrase made up by eastern europeans feeling ashamed of being easterners.

Does this mean that Iceland is about to be enriched?
>I hope not


Shut up

u mad

>all these people in this thread who laughs at feminsts yet STILL will refuse to move to yemen

>false dilemma fallacy
google "golden mean"