>americans call their father “mister” and “sir”
Americans call their father “mister” and “sir”
Stop acting like we're different. You're literally just us without niggers or southerners.
Hello, where is the proofs?
>you are just us without weak points
what did he mean by this
Why do Americans call their Mother "Honey"?
sono americani, i loro nomi non significano un cazzo
You are a Euro on Sup Forums, you know that there are more problems than that.
>canadians call americans “master” and “sir”
>Stop acting like we're different. You're literally just us but completely different.
>americans call their father “mister"
Who does this
That's actually very classy of them, we used to do that as well until a couple of decades back.
>tfw raised by a single mother
>would have given anything to be raised by a strong male figure that taught me respect (even if it meant calling him sir) and took me hunting
We don't.
I only call my spouse honey. Sometimes females refer to each other as honey but they're being sassy lol
Why do Canadians call their parents "they" and "them"?
Fuck off normalfag. Deadset, just keep your shit to yourself and lurk if you feel such a need to be on Sup Forums.
Go back to r9k incel virgin.
I call my dad by his first name
No we don't, that's what we call our girlfriend's fathers before we get to know them.
>Canadians call their boyfriends "daddy"
They do?