Circle Europe Please

Circle Europe Please.


If the Middle East stayed Christian, would we be considered Europeans?


unironically yes
or more precisely we would use another concept than europe


levant, meghreb, turkey and iran would. the rest, no.

In red

pretty much

I got it ready


Yes. I mean, look at Cyprus.


No, middle easterners aren't of indo-European origin and don't look like euros





non-meme answer

(((kill the tsar)))



shit brown is europe


Try to find areas inaccessable on foot.

I dont consider sicillians white so no.

Barbaria starts further south of Spain, further east than Greece, and further north than Gaul.
So, no.


No, the Middle East was always considered part of Asia, but probably the modern meaning of Europe wouldn't have developed then

The concept of European and Europe rose exactly because of the loss of Christian Africa and the Levant. I'm not sure the concept would exist, it would be a Christian civilization instead of talking about European civilization.



k*kes are honorary e*ropeans

>South Italy


I think this is the relevant map.

this but without armenia i guess
it just doesn't feel that european to me
i mean i haven't been there or anything, i just imagine it as some sandy, arid place, and it doesn't really feel very european to me
kindof like arizona but poor

I included Armenia on 3 debatable grounds:

1) They speak an Indo-European language.
2) They are Christian
3) Genetically, they are halfway between groups like Georgians (which I consider European) and Assyrians and other Middel Eastern.

well for me, speaking an indo european language is not an important factor
christianity i really do associate with europe.
as for being related to georgians, that really doesn't say as much since georgia itself just barely made my mental list of what i consider europe

>like arizona
you probably know nothing about armenia

i don't
but if you look at the satellite map, all those parts are kind of yellowish so it might as well be yemen for all i care, it doesn't feel like europe to me
europe=green on the map (or white if it's snowing)
rocks and sand=not europe
nothing personal, it's just how i learned to look at it
