ITT: Show us some recent "art" from your country

ITT: Show us some recent "art" from your country.

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I fucking hate Sebastian, his "art" is literally an example of corruption

And it's everwhere


Fucking commies

>denouncing Nazism makes you a commie
Sven, I....


>what ? a penis ? that wasn't my intention, I just made a christmas tree :^)))))))))))))))))
actually what the fucker said

lmao triggered nazicuck

THe first thing that came to mind was someone fisting themselves.

right under the eiffel tower

He is right, it is not a penis, it's a buttplug.


To be fair that looks like a butt plug, not a penis.

>a giant fucking horse head

>denouncing the foreign power who invaded you and infringed on your national sovereignity makes you a commie

how it doesn't fall?

Yes a butt plug, my bad

We call it the dog turd.


steel frame

of course we needed a male mermaid....


Neat. Wouldn't ask anyone to pay money for it though.

I like better your old timey canadian art.

dunno really it's pretty big as well

me neither

European showing amerimutt he isn't white


Seriously delete this

WTF I hate canadians now


>not Varg

Also picture related, a pissing statue in Örebro.


I don't think you know what a mermaid looks like lad

My nigga


Located in Ostriket, 'the cheese empire'.

the country is full of favelas, high crime and murder rate, people with debits, poverty and political and economic crisis and some faggots wants to argue about "gender".

God haver mercy

Pinocchio in Borås.

it's based on the little mermaid, a statue

Europe is finished

who's that?

looks like a little kid try to make an elephant with playdough.



checked and shame