fuck Connecticut edition
/ne/ - New England General
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I live in New England. I can confirm, this state is trash.
but i dont have a ct girlfriend {:0
There are many other ways to creatively fuck the geopolitical entity known as Connecticut
my dad's renting a truck from there
that'll teach em
After about an hour of rolling around the flooring covered in petroleum jelly I finally took my anal virginity. I absolutely couldn't bare the thought of having some friendless asexual soyboy do it only because he had nothing better to do. I can't believe someone would actually let a soyboy do something like that to them. It's absolutely baffling. These people could not possibly be anymore insane, there's no way around it. If anyone ever came up to me and said they let a soyboy take their anal virginity, I would just tell them to go see a therapist.
CT is a garbage state. I've lived here most of my life, but have traveled around the U.S. a fair amount and can safely say this is probably a bottom 5 state.
the entirety of new england is the bottom 5
New Hampshire reporting in, daily reminder fuck southern new england.
ya go fuck urself
has it not snown anywhere (to the point where it doesn't melt on the ground)?
No snow in south NH, hope it stays that way for a bit longer. Shoveling sucks at 5 am.
that is literally impossible, New England has 6 states
this, what the fuck is going on it was almost 50 yesterday
New England state rankings:
MA > ME > NH > RH > VT > CT
Its official
>top three
pick only one
CT is garbage but New London is GOAT
Which state has the most muzzies lads?
Almost everytime I go to a """populated""" place (bangor, and occasionally portland) I see a few.
I also remember seeing a picture of one getting some kind of meme award on a university website, why are lefties so obsessed with goat fuckers?
redpill me on new hampshire
massive heroin problems all throughout the state especially in Manchester. generally nice people though
Very good state, high hdi, low crime and low minorities. If you dont go looking for the drug problem you wont find it.
>massive heroin problems all throughout the state
every state itt
They average bay stater has superior:
>athletic prowess
>physical beauty
Than the average person of all other New English states combined divided by the number of other New English states
RH? you mean RI? also MA should be dead fucking last.
nice thumbnail antman
I heard a significant percentage of Mainers spoke french
>posting in 4 generals
Is the US balkanizing on Sup Forums?
je le fais
>posting in 3 generals
mais il est plus des traductions qui sont dans espanol pour les produits est les haricots parce que l'agriculture
>posting in 2 generals
/dixie/ here, I've come to invade New England!
*blocks your path*
*gets blocked*
hi yes i support new englander independence
t. dixon
*360s into /dicksee/ scum*
Damn you New England, I will get my revenge!!
need a scooby snack
if you take the force of the rolling resistance and multiply it by the friction of rolling resistance with aerodynamic drag, you can quite easily that new englanders are the most powerful race in the world
prefer the old one personally
>anglos should be anglos instead of being anglos
the absolute state of old england
I don't get this one. Why are you calling a picture of a battle a 'face'?
Some guy last thread said "mfw /dicksee/ want to annex /NE/" or something along those lines with that pic attached. Personally just thinking about the continued existence of southerners I can feel my facial features contorting into the brutal visage of William T. Sherman's advance through Georgia
im pretty sure europoors have a shitton of guns but dont say anything about it
I bet that isn't true
I'm pretty sure it was 'tfw' not 'mfw'
That is, 'the feel when'
noone knows though
is he /ourguy/
johnny's been a very bad boi
Whomst the greatest musician to come from New England?
uh stebin king {:S
I read about a girl from boston who's apparently a big deal but i thought her music is shit
in theory i'd vote for myself but i've never done anything
Liz Phair, the only good thing to come out of Connecticut
Steven tyler of course. What kind of question is this
>This is the greatest achievement of Connecticucks
So, when will Massholes Anschluss CT and RI already?
Every Connectiuck and Toad Islander hates Massachusetts, they'd fight to the last.
lets settle it oonce and for all
red apples > green apples
childhood is idolizing green apples
adulthood is realizing red apples make more sense
I'm a nutm*gger who can't understand all the hate towards us. Is it the idea that we're all really preppy bastards or what? Also guy's we are very clearly superior to the other regions in the US, but I was always under the impression that we'd never stoop so to post a general for NE. It's actually kinda pathetic.
What's a nutm*gger?
en réalité, il n'y a pas beaucoup de gens qui parlent français aux états-unis ou bien les autres langues. la plupart d'américains oublient tous ce qu'ils ont appris après lycée. bien sûr il y a des américains qui sont riches et ils vont à paris pour une petite photo du tour eifel. mais tu sais bien qu'ils ne parlent pas un mot de français. désolé, pierre je souhaite que mon pays pourrait mieux.
guy from Connecticut. we're the nutmeg state nutmegger is our nickname.
Oh, I thought you were just called "suburban New Yorkers" and it was the "New Jersey North" state.
usually no one ever talks about us, mentions us, or visits us. we're truly a very boring state, but so aren't most states in new england. most Sup Forumstards from new england shill the hell out of this place on Sup Forums because most of the states here are really white, but really do not come here... you will be surrounded by yuppies from the northeast of the US, and there will be nothing for you to do except muh nature, muh skiing, muh cape cod beach. Better skiing in colorado, much better beaches everywhere else, and in general better people too. it's my home and I love it, but if this is truly a new england thread then we should be able to criticize it.
I don't like Sup Forumstards either but Northern New England is the best part of America, particularly Maine, and it isn't because they are the whitest. There is also plenty to do, you have just become reliant on other people for your entertainment.
Believe me I've been there plenty of times. I like the place, but do I think it's the best place to go in america? Not a chance. It isn't nearly as awesome as mainers make it out to be, the west is far more interesting to see.
I like the west too, at least the Rocky Mountain states, but Maine is remarkable in ways no other state is. I don't know if it's "the best place to go in America," I guess that depends on what you want to see and do, but it is the best place to live in America.
2bh fuck maine, fuck vermont and their little muh flatlander insults. you'd think for two states that rely so much on southern new england tourism that they wouldn't be such bastards about their states being nice places to visit.
I don't know anything about that
Nobody in MA uses deodorant
fuck maine its full anyways
t. assmad vermont
this thread is good for unironic redpills and shitposting
sand beaches are for normies
simple as
I despise seeing your plates on the roads up here, I also saw my first mosque in Connecticut. Other than that you guys are just lumped in like a smaller Massachusetts to me although I dont really know much about your state.
t. NH
How did this general survive?
Most of those posting under the US flag on Sup Forums, are self-hating whites and millennial progressives of the following type:
They desire the transformation of the United States, which they consider the most racist country to ever exist, into a non-white country, and are actively leading the charge to turn it more diverse and multicultural, while marginalizing the white males and reducing their social and economic power. Many of them are members of Antifa, and all of them fully support the protests taking place on college campuses, where they receive their liberal arts degrees. They consider it important to include PoC in all forms of media because it helps people especially in Western countries to make the psychological adjustments that are necessary for the transformation of their countries into multicultural societies.
They despise white America more than the most anti-Americans on Sup Forums are capable of, and are the most eager proponents of its destruction. The leading figures of the anti-American and anti-white intellectual movement in the US, are almost entirely composed of white males. They are united in their belief in and support for the extermination of the white working class demographic in the US. They consider it, just like the extermination of the bourgeoise in Marxist ideology, to be an inevitable step in the creation of a post-racial, multicultural United States, where the power is no longer dominated by white men, but distributed among women, ethnic and sexual minorities.
They are known by many names - bugmen, soyboy, numale, yoga shrimp, incel - in their desire to be recognized as allies to People of Color, women, transsexuals, and homosexuals. New England, particularly Massachusetts and Vermont, is a breeding ground of such beliefs