Why is portugal so racist?

why is portugal so racist?

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low iq obviously

low iq obviously

Because they are true waito people

Maybe they're identifying themselves

>poland is 3rd least one's

quite ironic, when the entire media always sees poland is that big monster of racism.

1. State us just one great nigger scientist.

2. Explain us why in multiracial societies where niggers live for generations (are not immigrants like Western Europe), like Brazil and the United States, niggers are always at the bottom of the society.

Because 'Muslim' is not an ethnic group.

low iq obviously

Raycizt and broud :D

>1. State us just one great nigger scientist.
every African witch doctor and rain dance engineer

>2. Explain us why in multiracial societies where niggers live for generations (are not immigrants like Western Europe), like Brazil and the United States, niggers are always at the bottom of the society.
whypipo be racis, we good bois we dindu nuffin

>Explain us why in multiracial societies where niggers live for generations (are not immigrants like Western Europe), like Brazil and the United States, niggers are always at the bottom of the society.
Because they're the minority. Show me ONE country where the minority isn't considered lesser than the majority.

Jews are a minority in your country too, they appear to be at the top of your society yet.

Also niggers are the majority in Brazil.

>Show me ONE country where the minority isn't considered lesser than the majority.
Besides Brazil, I can state you another one, the first that comes to my mind, South Africa.

White South Africans gave born to Elon Musk
Nigger South Africans gave born to ...

White people in South Africa



Whites in any latin country, jews in any western country, whites in SA, Shia's in Bahrain, Mandarins in China, list goes on etc

Italy is n/a because it's off-scale

>Shia's in Bahrain

Shias are oppressed niggers in Bahrain.

Exactly, and yet Sunnis are the minority there. It was supposed to be the other way around.

If you met gypsies, brazilians, cape verdians or angolans you'd know why

Who teach portuguese people to be racist is it the mothers, fathers or what?

Racism is just common sense you thieving monkey

Answer the question, who teaches you to hate people

The more blacks your country have, the more racist you are.

Look at Africa, they burn other niggers alive using tires and petrol because they are from different tribes (aka, a nigger)

anyone who lives around nigs and has common sense will think the same

who could deny the affect of race on intelligence

the same reason niggers are more racist than whites

>fringe small as fuck hate groups overblown by sensationist media define a country

Why non white countries always the most racist
>all East Asian cunts

I can smell the curry from your post.


The blacks of there also treat them bad

parent teach you not to say it out loud

it's the imigrants doing shit that makes people racist
also gypcies but it's debatable if they're any race of human

Mind you, it's not just against dark people, we are racist against eastern euros too and they are whiter than us
polish women here are perceived to be even worse their brazilean counterpart for example. Both are deathtraps, though. Any eastern euro is automaticaly a russian and probably mafia too
Germs and anglos don't face anything since only the rich come live here but the rest should expect xenophobia


>all you need is love
*swarms your country with pinoys*
heh nothing personnel


it was a brilliant strategy desu
immigrants know we're shit so they either don't come or just move north after arriving here (I think we only have some 100 left, the others should be in germany by now).
this whole situation was great to expose several institutions to the general public (there was a huge outrage when the church offered help when they no longer care for our homeless, for example)

portugal is not so bad, here they get like 350€ month, not worth leaving a sunny portugal behind

But Portuguese recognize their culture is inferior? Because if you know there are more intelligent people...

Portuguese hospitality is the greatest in the world. Even if they think you're interior, they will still treat you well.

The world doesn't deserve a nation as great as Portugal.

Because nobody here seems to remember the portugal map meme

We did a surname study.

Portuguese surnames are the poorest people in Brazil.

Japanese and German surnames are the richest.

I have a question: If Portuguese are ethnocentric, do they recognize their culture is inferior, right?

source of that please?
also based on elections, i would have thought Czech Republic is more racist. Still pretty terrible.

Great, Portugal will be either a xenophobic country like Japan or a honest country that still has slavery.

they also have a decent homeand cheap goods (our taxes are something else)

here they would be dumped in fucking nowere (alentejo) and put them into apartments built for other purposes (not even joking, I remember one of those being built for students, but never used). The ones that remained were the ones in nicer places

how is that surprising? the richest surnames in portugal are spanish or english, because the vast majority uses portuguese names, while very few have spanish or english surnames, the ones who do are descendants from rich/powerful families like Sotto-Mayor or Lancaster.

But countries like Japan or Germany at least have all reasons to feel superior or think their culture is superior, unlike Portugal.

It's always shit countries that are wannabes.

Sup Forums is also filled with selfhating brown people and slavs


conta-me mais. tenho um prof na minha faculdade com esse nome

ever been to germany? I've been1 year in rheineland
never found any german acting superior for their culture (that more like a french thing), they do act superior, but that's because they unironicaly believe they are better people (as a whole) than others (which may be germans as well, their opinion on the poor is rather cruel).
I faced some soft discrimination because I didn't dress apropriately for my position and thus I was often taken for someone from the lower classes. I was told that several times, but I didn't really care since I knew I was not staying for a very long time

just because you think portugal sucks doesn't mean they should want any outsider niggers in their country

That is not what the graph is showing at all. All it shows is that on average people with japanese, germanic, arab, slav and italian surenames make more money than portuguese. Portuguese people still make more than people of any other ancestry

>b-b-but poland is le based white country

there is not much to say, they are an old family (traders but they are better known for the bank with their name), kept their position well with times (despite suffering in 1974-5) and there are quite a few of them, mostly middle-to-high class people.

Eu também tive uma professora sotto-mayor na faculdade, mas seria de esperar tendo em conta como funciona o ensino superior em portugal. Aliás, o ICBAS foi fundado porque os docentes do ultramar precisavam de emprego e era preciso mante-los em portugal (obviamente porque eram de boas familias e com massa).

SeeIts normal for minorities to perform above average

>their opinion on the poor is rather cruel
that unironically seems reasonable, most of the poor in any country are left leaning parasites who want to mooch off the state as much as they can




In the past it was much worse:


for historical reasons.


this can only be wrong, poland is racist af

>Sweden below 100%

Go ask them what they think about Finns and 100% of those racist fucks think we're a lesser group.

That's stupid.

Believing a race is inherently more or less intelligent is racist.

But a central component of ethnicity is culture. People can have a cultural tendency to value education and study more than others.

That's cause you're all drunks, not cause you're all Mongolian.

>1. State us just one great nigger scientist.
Black Science Man
>2. Explain us why in multiracial societies where niggers live for generations (are not immigrants like Western Europe), like Brazil and the United States, niggers are always at the bottom of the society.
whitey keepin the brothers down

poor countries in Europe are racist.
because they have nothing to do , always frustrated.



>tfw most stoopit latin country

Exactly this kind of racism.

we imtelignet in 91

Don't they ban sale of excessive amounts of alcohol in your country during the winter because people get depressed and drink themselves to death in some parts of your country?

I'm Scottish, like, we have issues too.

No but they tax the shit out of it.
Which is great.

It's for our own good, really.

Exactly this kind of racism and hateful memes is what Swedes spread.

ALKO is the exact same kind of system as Systembolaget or Liqour sales in e.g. Pennsylvania and no it's not banned in winter in Finland.

We don't drink any more alcohol than Brits or French.

Kill yourself, fucking racist fcuk.



keep telling that, it's the way we avoid the shitskins that invade your homelands

>Poortuguese education

>me right at this moment reading your post

>hello shitskin

keep rooling, cause we too

Oh, I guess the higher taxes in Norway and Sweden is for their own good too.

The biggest ALKO of Finland is 5 kilometers from Norwegian border and nobody lives there. Really makes me think who are the customers.

You retard. Expats love it because everything is so cheap since youre poor. Did you even read it?

hum? don´t know about that report but quality of life index, that has nothing to do with expats, gives always the same results.

depends a lot, they vote for gibs and all parties promisse gibs one way or another, they don't care about more taxes because they don't need to pay most of them.

the most infuriating ones actualy take pride in exploiting the system, you can see girls as young as 16 (dare I say 14...) trying to get pregnant to "prepare their future". And indeed they get a home with something like 20€ rent, lots of gibs and institutional help for as long as they have children under 16 (IIRC), they'll never work a day of their lives and live better than most of their worker class counter parts. Furthermore, they make an agreement with their "partner" so that they remain as single-mothers for maximum gibs, the man gets to have a family, maybe a job (a few of them do) and don't pay alimony or anything at all.

but don´t say it loud lmao

Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand... the minority Chinese in these countries make more money and far wealthier than the majority in the country.

the why aren't Poland and Lithuania racist?


This, this, and this

I don't get why they are so racist if they look like literal moors from morocco.
Quite sad seing moortuguese people thinking they are white.

>white supremacists in moortugal
so, who's gonna break the news to them?

Fake news uhehuhehue buthurted mongrel. It was all faked by the dude, who was of immigrant background (not native portuguese white) and the polish cops catch him lying.

about the moors we are not gene related to them, sorry mr grandson of slaves.

i-its f-fake n-news
lmao the absolute state of damage control
>inb4 hurr it's gypsies

>they may have been mistaken from muslim migrants

All of those 3 are white (west med, an alpinoid and atlanto med), the first guy on the left is tanned.
But nice inferiority complex from you, it's always laughable.

ROTFL the chimp is on tilt and of course lying once again
3/4 of those people are not native portuguese, but or gypsies, or immigrants, other's just tanned, and other's are not even related to portugal whatsover.
look, and this is french people. surrreeeee

>i-it's just a tan

That's fake.
There was a colonial/immigrant among the group and he got harassed so he chimped out with the usual muh racism. Apparently he forgot to check for cameras before making up a story.

Use google translate

that pic is hilarious, not portuguese people of course.


Are you an idiot? Can you not read?

The map literally shows neolithic berber (caucasoid), in europe for mileniums call that african is delusion, , the same way with west asian (anatolian), in europe since the neolithic or bronze age, its not asian, it's caucasoid, you dumb retard.