Can you trigger French people without mentioning about refugees, blacks,surrender and Muslim?

Can you trigger French people without mentioning about refugees, blacks,surrender and Muslim?

I can never be triggered even in real life, so good luck Tchang

Why does France have to surrender to a bunch of black Muslim refugees? Like come on now

aaaah damn it. i can't seem to do it

Napoleon was an imperialistic arsehole and all his ideas were complete garbage.

You know, most French people on here hate France, me the first, so you won't trigger anybody.

Surrender jokes don't even affect me anymore


This, fuck this shithole

Winter protected Russia from him.
You should thank miserable weather.

you can mention the lingua franca and waterloo

But it doesn't change the fact that he was a retard.
Only supports it.
Besides he was aiming for a wrong city.

How is imperialism something bad? Also, try harder, most French people doesn't give a flying fuck about Napoleon.

French is unironically the ugliest and most overrated language on this planet. France should be partitioned and given to Italy, Germany and Spain.


We know you can't think this seriously so why even care.

Most progressive Americans cheered on and celebrated the attacks in Paris, Normandy and Nice. They despise the French state and European French, for their disgusting Islamophobia and laïcité. They cheer and celebrate everytime the Muslims strike a blow against France.

Every single progressive American supports the attacks, and every white American aged 20-35 is a progressive. Remember this when you next meet one on the street.

I hate Amerimutts for deeper reasons but great reminder.

French cuisine is made up entirely of things found under rocks

imperialism brings niggers

It depends on who's speaking it.

I'll only care if a French says it

So what's the problem? Why live in country were locals are hostile to you? Why can't they live in their respective countries instead of coming to, in this case France, and victimizing themselves?
I will never go to russia, for example. Even if entire central asia turns into nuclear wasteland tomorrow and russia for some reason will be a heaven on earth. I'll rather kill myself. They hates us, i hate them.

They consider it their right to live in the first world, along with their own customs, while the French must adapt to them

Didn't even notice the pathetic image. We should send our shitskins to America.

Any people in the world would have rather been a part of the British Empire than the French Empire

This, only Islam can fix France now

just talk to them with British accent

Makes sense : we're not very good at colonization.

>Napoleon was italian

Modern French people don’t hate English people so much.
They hate German people instead.

Britain was, is, and always will be superior to France.

French are south europeans.

Spanish wine and cheese are way better than the overrated French.

but i like the french

>le frogs hate le english and german maymay

I unironically dislike krauts (history) and see brits as rivals

Everyone should hate the Anglo, although Germans are nice

You're not supposed to lie, just to trigger us


>French are south europeans.
you won

You have to fight for the relevancy of your language on the global stage, as well as within your own borders.

>Most progressive Americans cheered on and celebrated the attacks in Paris, Normandy and Nice.
Utter bullshit, but 7.5/10 troll. Incorporating us into was a nice touch.

I cheered for 9/11


he also wake up german nationalism and lost 500.000 french men for nothing in russia. fuck him

Can't be helped

Then you're a bad person. I did too, but I was a 16 yr old edgelord.

I just hate America so much.

I kind of like America but
>C H E C K E D

Well, that's unfortunate. Hatred is a heavy and ugly thing to have to carry around. I hope you become less hateful some day.
I kind of like France

French is unironically the ugliest and most overrated language on this planet. France should be partitioned and given to Italy, Germany and Spain.

California makes better wine tbqh

It's impossible, America is doomed forever, racially, politically, philosophically, it's just pure trash and there are less people to save everyday as mongrels grow everywhere.

French people in this thread were already triggered?

>tfw I don't even drink wine but I drink beer


that's right frenchy. spread those cheeks

baguette tastes like shit, pane pugliese is way better

Not really

Oh behave :^)

France is the same, French people are a minority in France, amount of muslim population is undervalued by 10 to 15%, our women would rather slut around with blacks and arabs and abort than procreate with us, most of your youth is controlled by arab sold weed and cocain, our streets are full of gypsies who don't respect private property or even basic human standards yet are protected by the states, most of the suburbs are controlled by various kinds of africano-muslim gangs, etc...
Get that log out of your eye if you want to talk about the american spec bro.

>Can you trigger French people without mentioning France

truly a hard task

I can try:
La republique tomb, les idéaux de liberté, égalité, et fraternité tombent. Le temps est venu pour la vrai Reine en France
>Que Dieu benisse sa Majeste la Reine
>Vive la Reine

At least France was something, and is still something in many places. America is shit since the beginning. It's sole existence is a mistake, and sadly we are responsible for this. I guess we deserve our sin for this crime.

This whole thread triggered me

ils mangent des grenouilles

France hasn't amounted to anything for centuries, since the fall of the First Empire we just became an accomplice to English domination of the world serving as their armed arm in various conflicts around the world against our own interests from Crimea to China meanwhile until 1929 America was the beacon of liberty shining upon the world.
France has been dead for a long time and the various dark skinned foreigners and eastern europeans here now are just the maggots consuming the rotting remains.

Gee, if you really want to trigger a frenchy just bring up the US.

France was not so bad in the 20th century. And no matter how trash it becomes it will never fall as low as America, believe me.

I too want to eat the grenouille

It would not bother me, tb h

The easiest way to trigger any euro as an american is by talking about their countries as if you know more about them than they do.


Triggering Italian is more difficult because they don’t love their country but their own city.

France is (and always was) completely irrelevant

you jsut passed the line
not funny, not funny at all, you fucking psychopath

>The easiest way to trigger any euro as an american is by talking about their countries as if you know more about them than they do.

>France was not so bad in the 20th century
Maybe if you were a commie protected by the state that could assassinate people on the street for their political opinions without repercussion.

could do at the beginning, it's been spammed far too long to work anymore
i hate my city

First half

et voilà. it never fails.

I'm talking about the first half here broski

hon hon baguette brûlée hon hon

Second half was worse

>et voilà. it never fails.

yes, yes it was, but the first half was already shit

It still triggers you guys because there's clearly some euro superiority complex on here. Even if it's obvious bait too, or just low effort posting.

more relevant than u jános

1940-1944 was decent
also 1901-1914 somehow

>l'occupation was cool :))))

why is english so superior to french?
why is french so full of mispronounced english words?

commies were shot in the street, you should appreciate

40-44 was shit for absolutely everyone from the german stationed in france to my grand aunt who was killed at age 16 by the milice in the south of France

if it's done correctly yeah it works
like, if i say lol jew york full of NIGGERS LMAO that doesnt work, but if i go on something very specific that people of new york care about that will for sure deal some damage
that, or 2n emendament stuff
for italians it would be food, most of times

If you have to pick a period where it was less shitty than usual, this one would do
>no democracy
>communism is illegal
>proto-fascist state
>Jews and non-Whites are state-discriminated

T'es un rosbif en pour cœur ?

So were french civilians, in general.
But I guess you will show me some Reynouard video telling us germans were gentlemen who never harmed french people.

There is nothing better to trigger a French than another French. Foreigners opinions don't matter.

You sound like an angry young person who spends too much time consuming meme information.

France is now Americanized and lost its distinct flavor. Sad because France was the last hope against the domination of American culture. French people are now merely a conglomeration of "muh heritage, we wuz shit" pitiful frogs.

yeah that's true. it takes skill. american Sup Forumstards are low hanging fruit though, and are triggered by anything at all because in reality they want to live in europe and be european so badly so they're always seeking the euro's approval.

Non, je dis juste que ça me gênerait pas d'avoir un monarque.
Et puis, la monarchie anglaise est allemande, ça n'a pas l'air de déranger les britanniques...

fuken this

Well, Allies bombings killed more French civilians and thus indiscriminately, while the occasional German retaliations happened after terror attacks towards them
I'd have done the same if it was France that occupied Germany

except that's not how it worked, it would do you good to read Rebatet's books on Vichy.
France effectively stopped to exist between 42 and 44 by the way.