>mfw reading that animals are leaving Yellowstone, not dying or migrating, leaving
>mfw reading about the earthquake swarms below the caldera
>mfw reading about the lake that's bulging upwards
>mfw reading about all the trees that have had their roots cooked in warm areas
Fuck it's really going to happen.
Mfw reading that animals are leaving Yellowstone, not dying or migrating, leaving
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I hope all the fallout blows westward and California, Oregon and Washington are wiped off the map.
>I wonder how many refugees we'll get
Realistically, how do we handle something like this? I mean I'm on the East Coast but I can't imagine it's going to end well for us.
no it's not you fucking tard
the us will become
I hope it doesn't happen, all the times I wished for the supervolcano to explode were a joke
please stay safe ameribros
don't forget to bring your electronics
It's the end of the world as we know it
Who are you quoting?
Oh no a volcano erruption.
We have that shit in Europe every few years, and people in the Pacific have it all the damn time.
> (You)
>mfw the wall will stop american refugees from coming here
We Vvardenfell now, lads
thanks mexifriend
The west coast brought this on themselves for being a bunch of rowdy queers. God's giving you your comeuppance. At least accept your fate with some courage
>Americans will literally become dark elves, thus bringing le 0% face to life
This isn't any ordinary volcano eruption.
Sorry mexifriend, it looks like our time here is over.
>Midwest and Cali buried under meters of ash, most food production is done for
>Sun blotted out for weeks, maybe months
>Over a dozen major cities become uninhabitable
>Most nuclear silos are rendered inoperable
>Hundreds of thousands dead in the first day, millions in the first weeks
>Millions of Americans attempting to flee
This is an unprecedented disaster, nothing in recorded human history compares to this.
God I hope so
>Yellowstone erupts
>Millions of Trump voters die
>>Millions of Trump voters die
Weren't most of these states almost empty?
>About to move to CO
Wyoming and Montana have less than a million people. Colorado has a lot though.
Concerning volcano related stuff?
Well see it this way, of all countries on earth you have the best geography in all imaginable criterias and could enjoy it unmolested for centuries now.
Theres gonna be one drawback.
>Comparable to a supervolcano
just go to east usa there's space
It's like you have no idea about basic Earth science you retarded okie cunt.
Fuck off we're full
Build a wall on the Mississippi
If Yellowstone erupts, the climate around the planet could potentially get super fucky.
Hope some suicidal fuck livestreams it for the whole world to see
Fuck off, we're full
it's going to be the perfect opportunity to invade and seize america, wonder if someone's going to do it
>mfw a fucking supervolcano erupts and brainlets think we're gonna be fine if it happens far away, like in USA
We're doomed.
>we will never be hit by an asteroid
>yellowstone is never gonna explode
it's all so boring
God please let it happen
We'll finally get a kickass winter with lots of snow and skiing like in the good old days
That or it could slow down global warming for a few decades
finally god is giving americans what they deserve
but classic wow hasn't come out yet how am I supposed to play classic wow when a fucking volcano is erupting ffs fuck this place
Wouldn't really wonder, if someone actually did that tbqh
will mexico build a wall to keep out all muricans?
Wouldn't it cool the earth?
>coming from uma
Or drastically speed it up.
exactly what I had in my mind kek
We wouldnt die from the volcano but we would have to learn russian.
>It's like you have no idea about basic Earth science you retarded okie cunt.
Guys we're missing an important details here
>Millions of ARMED Americans will be racing towards the nearest safezone
This will bring >Be American >Get shot to a new level.
the meme implies by another American, though
The end is nigh. Post music to listen to while we die choking, smothered by ash.
>all the rich americans get to go to australia
>everyone else has to go to fucking brazil and argentina
The world laughed at American gun laws, they won't be laughing after the American save the world.
I'm out of Yellowstone range (Arizona so right outside) and it would bring a new ice age apparently.. that sounds comfortable
Bring it on super volcano, purge the degenerates that take their existence on mother earth for granted
What part of Mexico should I move to when I become a refugee?
wow i am excited now.
this will be yuuuuuuuge.
sorry, but argentina already is our safe zone
so what? better having high crime rates than being hated by god
Now I wanna re-watch that movie again desu
>be American
>get shot by a hurricane
they're legally obligated to take american refugees
Brazil is a perfect example of a country hated by god
meant for
Colombia and Venezuela are more of your own character
brazil will be safe mate
just bring marina sadova and I will give you a greencard
I hope no single americans survive that.
No because they're going to be starving when the global climate gets fucked.
we did this to ourselves
but when a force of nature rekts your country with hurricanes, earthquakes and super volcanoes, that does mean god wants you to get fucked
Good luck trying to take an international fly with your automatic weapon
unfortunately I think a lot of them will be safe mate
but don't worry, it will be a really big progress already, stay positive
>earthquakes only fuck up California
>hurricanes only destroy plywood redneck shacks in the southeast
Only the volcano is really a problem
the world is so boring we desire for massive volcano explosions rofl
No man, I mean AMERICANS will be shooting each other at never before seen rates.
fucking hope so
The estimates for the last time Yellowstone erupted say it yielded 875000 megatons
the entirety of bombs dropped during the second world war, including Hiroshima and Nagasaki is estimated at 3 megatons over a period of several years.
Also something like 15 times the energy Earth receives from the Sun over a minute.
oh fug
As if anyone would want to go anyways
>he unironically thinks that the largest supervolcano eruption in human history, which will fill the entire planet's upper atmospher with ash for months, will not destroy the entire USA
one problem that is big enough to prove my point btw
>implying anybody with money isn't heading north anyway
>>mfw reading that animals are leaving Yellowstone, not dying or migrating, leaving
Do you have a source for this because this is distressing
We would just go to canada or the eastern america honestly.
You'll get stuck with CHI's and your own migrants for sure thouhg
Time to move to Brownsville
>Liberal west coast gets annihilated.
definitely wouldn't do that, it'd reflect way more light into space
Not empty enough
I guarantee the Chicanos will stop claiming """aztlan""" as Mexican clay after it becomes an uninhabitable ashland
>Americans would either prefer to get asphyxiate or drwon in the ocean than escape to mexico
>We have that shit in Europe every few years
The fuck are you talking about, the only countries with active volcanoes are Italy and Iceland, and they are harmless
Would I be insta killed in south eastern Alaska?
Nah, we'll be fine, it mostly only affects unproductive desert regions over here. Don't worry, we'll ship all men to Europe where they have a preference for those refugees and provide refuge for your women.
>youtube wont let me listen to an english band cos of some american copyright claim
reeeee yellowstone cant come soon enough
Nothing will happen unfortunately
Rude. Americans are welcome here. Florida weather but it isn't full of retired assholes and a lot cheaper.
I hope you take a long chink airplane ride into the sea friendo
>This can cause a chain reaction. If the expansion results in further relief of pressure, for example, by blowing crust material off the top of the chamber, the result is a very large gas explosion.
so if I drop a nuke on the surface i could trigger the super volcano?
you don't. that's it for civilization.