What did ancient Europeans use to eat?

What did ancient Europeans use to eat?
Rice is chinese, pasta is chinese, wheat is Mesopotamian, potatoes are South American, tomatoes are Mesoamerican...

Other urls found in this thread:

books.google.it/books?id=G6uP11tGcVQC&pg=PA7&lpg=PA7&dq=Cerveteri tomb pasta&source=bl&ots=7pobi8q_w3&sig=riexjPYUjeP6kNKU9PlyiV-H6nQ&hl=it&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj2jpGRv-zXAhUGK1AKHdLdAksQ6AEIYDAM#v=onepage&q=Cerveteri tomb pasta&f=false

ancient finns invented asbestosis




your mum's pussy

asbestos is delicious but gives me headaches

Bread, meat, fish.

what dis polish et before patatoes where brougth to europe?

wypepo didnt even had food before poc brought it to europe DAYUM

How "ancient" wheat was already spread to current borders of Lithuania by mid-neolithic age.

they were a pillaging tribes

>pasta is chinese

there is no actual evidence for this outside of sinocentrism and anti-european sentiment in modern academia

Yeah everything is a conspiracy to keep white cuisine down modafucka

Cows are Anatolian, grapes are Middle Eastern, beer is Egyptian, pigs are Middle Eastern, sheep is Armenian, chicken is SE Asian

What did Europeans eat? Rocks?



It would be hard to find evidence for it since it's false. Pasta was eaten as back as the etruscans here in Italy.

They were into canibalism.




Fish you dumb cunt

in the netherlands, people used to eat oat groats before rice.

How did the monkey become like that

Tourists give him food

toast sandwich


>What did ancient Europeans use to eat?


le monke

Like what? He seems normal.

Pickled fish, dried reindeer meat and turnips.

turnip/rutabaga are also known as swedes :D

>Pasta was eaten as back as the etruscans here in Italy
Source otherwise that's bullshit

the funny thing about that monkey is that the other monkeys in the group consider him their leader. people call him the trump monkey


>not living off beer
non-Germanic detected

elk, fish and bears I guess

books.google.it/books?id=G6uP11tGcVQC&pg=PA7&lpg=PA7&dq=Cerveteri tomb pasta&source=bl&ots=7pobi8q_w3&sig=riexjPYUjeP6kNKU9PlyiV-H6nQ&hl=it&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj2jpGRv-zXAhUGK1AKHdLdAksQ6AEIYDAM#v=onepage&q=Cerveteri tomb pasta&f=false

pasta is not chinese. It came from the middle east to sicily but they didn't put sauce on it or cut it into strings. The sicilians cut it up, put tomato sauce on it and then sent it to mainland italy. Marco polo, the first italian to go to china wrote in his diary that chinese noodles was a lot like pasta.

ancient Europeans.

Pretty much all lands all agricultural lands in Europe ate porridge made out of barley (if they were very poor) or wheat on the daily basis, and ate meat during festivals / holidays / special events. Other vegetables or fruits (depending on the land) might be introduced with it on a daily basis during a particular season if you weren't destitute.

So whites stole all POC food? Interesting