The meme that destroyed American patriotism.
The meme that destroyed American patriotism
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more like the meme that showed americans for what they are - unstable children that start flailing arms and yelling the moment things dont go their plan. same applies to Sup Forumsturds.
You always want to be what you lack the most.
>typing on MY website
fuck off, I love this meme, fag
>MY website
Moot sold it so it's a jap website now
>will be Brazil
>same applies to Sup Forumsturds.
so, americans?
you realise that Sup Forums is 75% American?
>Implying moot was wrong
I really hate Sup Forumsyps
Never said he was, i hate Sup Forumslacks too
Kys yuropoor
Anyone have the trump mutt one?
First one I made
If that's genuinely a psyop, give me 10 days, immunity to twitter terms of service and $10000 and I'll bully Trump into deleting his Account.
No need for shitty paint drawings picturing the declining american population and Billions to NGOs. Just go straight for it.
Warum nicht für umme, brudi?
noooooooo jkajskajska
I don't speak your goddamn language you ugly cuck. Do you actually think flags on this website mean anything?
>being this butthurt
Show us where the bullies touched you
I'm Greek
German is the Latin of the 21th century. Basically dead language
Go chop some jungle fauna in your soup, monkey
I am Greek.
Are you angry that Sup Forums is taking a shit on Sup Forums? It has almost always been like this newfriend, the entire site have been laughing at your expenses for years now, long before the election even
Are you angry that Greece is taking a shit on Brazil? It has been like this since 2000bc newfriend, the entire ancient world have been laughing at your expenses for centuries, long before some portuguese even raped the first native.
Why do i keep seeing this hue user in every anti america thread?Why is he so obsessed with murica?Jesus it's not even healthy.Is it jealously?Is it anger?Why?
>>Implying moot was wrong
Well, he went back on his word and gave them a board again.
>t. ahmed
It was either that or let stormfags keep spilling everywhere
By the time Sup Forums was back up he'd been through the delete/redo recycle like four times, and he was about to delete Sup Forums again before he left
>It was either that or let stormfags keep spilling everywhere
So he was wrong then.
The idea behind a containment board is sound it just doesn't work if mods aren't consistent outside of it
But he was wrong about deleting said containment board thinking it would do the opposite of what actually happened. He was also wrong in thinking he could moderate the now-boardless people, let alone years later when the userbase increased.
Nobody could have predicted the Great Reddit Invasion triggered by the American elections
deleting /new/ was absolutely justified at that time. It was just actual neo-nazis circlejerking all day, not the LARPing college freshmen that replaced them.
Was that the time when he replcaced the word cuck by kek?
neo nazis deserve a board
How do you even have neo nazis in the US?
Back in the day you'd all have ended up in the showers
take off the proxy tyrone
everyone knows nazis were cool
Read a book you mongrel
>everyone knows nazis were cool
>wabb du yous mean dis burger less meats?
They will soon be 50%
And then 40% ... until Whites will be a relict of history.
>Implying Japan isn’t owned by the US