Are they the good guys or the bad guys?

Are they the good guys or the bad guys?

They are the future.

bad guy

They attacked Finland and Poland for no reason

They keep taking advantage of our poor senile president, bad guys for sure.


They do things. Good things like modernize and are clearly going to take care of the environment after they're through with it, which is good enough for me.

But the media wants me to love China. What's bad, and why?

They are the less-bad guys

>But the media wants me to love China. What's bad, and why?
You mean hate? They never say positive things about china.

He's joking about the chinese flag looking similar to the soviet flag

sells well i guess

imho china will probably own all the means of production at some point, allowing them to implement global luxury socialism

I browse american left-wing headlines that seem to fawn over China's futuristic advances.

All the inter-nation saber-rattling seems to be a distraction from internal problems though, on both sides

Definitely bad
Free Tibet

They're neither - they're just guys.

They're the stupid guys

What is Sup Forums's official opinion on China?

They are the bad guys alongside the US and EU
>American education


highly educated people/rich tourists may be good
but most scam related crimes in Japan are committed by Chinese

They hate them and spam liveleak videos whenever the country is brought up

Which one's the chink?

They make westerners butthurt so they're excellent in my book.

Did not need to see that


They are like the Jews of Asia.

Are you envy China?