This thread is for the discussion of the language, culture, travel, daily life, etc. of Japan. Let's tark at randam in Japanese and English. Take it easy!
Is having a photo of your child as your phone wallpaper being a 親バカ?
Jaxson Gray
you’re so gorgeous
Carter Peterson
モンスターハンターワールドβまであと6日だよおおお 地球人で生まれて良かった!!
Evan Jackson
Why like 95% of japanese people speak no english at all even when it's a mandatory subject? I suspect it is because japanese people don't really consume that much foreign media and even when they do it's dubbed in japanese. Does this sound right?
I'm learning 3 language(English, German, Japanese) at the same time now. I also started German and Japanese with poor English ability. But if you diligently and regularly keep study, it would be manageable.
> I can not help to say that it is perverted That's why I told you I disliked Johnny's too. How to use Japanese wrong. Johnny's Junior Favorite Babaa is also going down. > I can not help but said to have perverted So I wonder to say Datte also hate Johnny. Wrong use of the Japanese. Johnny's Junior Favorite hag also fuck. >私は助けることはできませんが、変態したと言いました だから、DatteはJohnnyも嫌いだと思っている。 日本人の間違った使い方。 ジョニーのジュニアお気に入りのハグもファック。 >私は助けることはできませんが、倒錯持っていると言わ だから私は、だってもジョニーが嫌いと言うことだろう。 日本の間違った使用。 ジャニーズジュニアお気に入りHAGはまたファック。 >我忍不住說它已經變態了 這就是為什麼我會說約翰尼不喜歡它。 錯誤地使用日本。 約翰尼的小輩最喜歡的HAG也是他媽的。 >我實在忍不住了,說是有變態 所以我,因為即使約翰尼會說恨。 誤用日本的。 約翰尼的少年喜歡的HAG還他媽的。
Anthony Lewis
もう札幌は雪積もってるみたいだぞ。 ところでオヤツは何?
Sebastian Robinson
Wanted to say thanks to the Jap user who did the translations~ Thank you so very much!! I wasn't able to say thanks yesterday because I got a 1 day ban for posting anime on Sup Forums.
Alexander Morgan
Zachary Fisher
仕事サボりですか よかないよー
Matthew Clark
Dude thank you so much.
Like, you broke it down step by step to the smallest building blocks. And y ou gave me resources too. I don't know how else to explain my gratitude, but I really am grateful. I hope you have a really good rest of your day.
Brody White
Writing this kanji induces depression.
Kayden Cruz
Lucas Fisher
Are u boy or girl
Bentley Smith
How come it's brimmed with such pedo lewd posts? Is it allowed to share some pedo pics in the internet in ur cunts?