Russia mentioned

>Russia mentioned
>angry Finns and Poles infest the thread
why tho

Other urls found in this thread:

Poles on Sup Forums love Russia because they are Nu-Right and see Russians as their liberators

>call russia a shithole
>dozen german flags pop up to defend it

it's just that one migrant

The guy whose parents own a restaurant?

t. diaspora ryssä

>say something positive about russia
>dozens of russian flags start calling me "kremlin bot"

Why shouldn't the foremost experts on the beast that is russia join the discussion?

>b-based russia will s-save the west not russian diaspora btw just a regular danish

What are you saying to them?

Some kind of obsession, although I don't understand it since we aren't as important as America

>say anything
>dozens of random flags start calling me "mountain jew"

I just assume all German flags are Russian immigrants desu
Same with Swiss flags

My ancestors :∆)


2bh they are quite chill lately except for that one finn (and i am not even sure he is actually a finn) who keeps wishing all russians death and always says that russia should be nuked

Shut the fuck up subhuman


see It mostly posts like that or some faggot shit

The genocide of all russians isn't that rare of a wish here, no one just dares saying it out loud.


tfw aisankannattaja

Because they're brainwashed left scums from 2ch mostly

>left scums from 2ch
2ch is literally putinshill central, most "leftist" are from several VK groups

Because other than being obsessed with Russia neither country has any national identity. Same goes for any Eastern European country, really.

>putinshill central
Are you serious? They love Navalny, think he is the savior of Russia or some shit, and if you try to oppose them in any way they'll call you "cremlinbot" or "putinshill" or something like that.

Shouldn't you be somewhere murdering journalists or injecting HIV?

I want to bully Finns but then I remember how fucking ugly and undesirable they are so I can't help but pity them.

Remember whenever a Finn calls you subhuman, this is what he looks like.
Finns are notorious for being quiet and shy irl but it seems like they all have a big mouth once they are safe behind anonymity.

>somebody insults Ivan the despicable expat
>it really gets under his skin and he starts sperging out against the country of the posters who did it to him

Thanks for replacing Ikibey, I kind of miss him.

Not only that but they are autistic and even though they're all ugly they still can't manage to fuck. Low test cowards. They are cucks only 2nd to Russians and Swedes because everyone raped them.

We need to rape the men and women so the next generation is stronger. Eventually they will be normal tier.

>Ivan kills his fascist grandpa's ass out of Viipurii
>it really gets under his skin and he starts sperging out against the country of the posters who did it to him

Keep seething.


because Russia is a cancerous, dystopian shithole and it's neighboring countries bare the brunt of the puss seeping from it's borders

Depends on what you say.
Пидopaш ты cocи и нe oтвлeкaйcя, хoзяeвaм нoвый двopeц нyжeн.


Yea it makes no sense for swiss to say anything positive about Russia let alone defend it.
Unless he works in bank and helps to launder dirty money i guess.
I always assume it either that one russian retard or serb diaspora.

Because they mad

Finally someone from the west understands

>t. Leftie Cuckboi

Maybe that was a bit harsh. Russia has good aspects (strong on engineering/science, reputation for being stoic and hardy etc.) but the current Russian government is REALLY creepy (even by perfidious Anglo standards) and there seem to be many nationalist extremists in Russia.

Shows how much you know with literal CNN-tier opinions m8
If anything Russias problem is its lack of nationalist extremists not their presence

Never seen CNN desu. So, where are you from originally?

Not that it pertains to the discussion really

I think it does.


>Are you serious?
Very much serious. Makaka sold kharkach to FSB.

Because you're a brainlet incapable of seperating the argument from the person making it. Who I am doesnt matter same way it doesnt matter which baltic shithole you hail from.

>say something that isn't exceedingly negative about Russia
>you are now a russkiebot in Finland

desu I wouldn't mind that much if these same people wouldn't be constantly kissing swedish ass

It's probably because Sweden is better in every way

>call russians retards
>they dont even understand

I respect Finns for defending their country from being defiled by the filthy soviets

Literally no one cares Burger

daily reminder to go back to your shithole ivan

There's absolutely nothing wrong about defending your grandpa's heritage

America greatest ally.




>neighboring countries bare the brunt of the puss seeping from it's borders

Russian girls are pretty

Russia isn't that bad for younger people in Poland thanks to that guy from pic rel

Stay strong ukrainebro
someday they'll get what they deserve

>someday they'll get what they deserve
The Ukraine?

Is there a way to turn ukr*nian and f*nn flag to Russian flag on Sup Forums x? I dont want to see their non-countries, it's the rightful propreties of Russia

Sorry not sorry.
We wouldn't migrate to your country if Russia keeps calm. Is there that much polaks and ukros in Canada that you complaining about it?

Russia should be nuked again

>posts a Putin picture
How can you take yourself serious now? It's like being Trump chill.

Never happened you absolute fucking retard, and r*ssia deserves a nuclear holocaust anyway, so who cares