What the bloody hell?

What the bloody hell?

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There is probably more poop floating around than people realise tbqh.

>brown tide
sounds about right


Get me off this planet, right now.


>poop cafe


yeah the article just talks about bidets and shills for them the entire time

Dude what the fuck

Anyone that doesn't use a badet is disgusting

i really regret reading this

It's bidet fucking twat

Yeah, but is a losing battle to make the argument openly in many countries (including mine) as people take it personal and really, it's just gross to be discussing that constantly, you don't want to be known as the bidet guy, just install one discreetly and move on with your life.

Not clicking on that shit

what the fuck

bidets are for poor and brown people

Is this the reason american tourists smell like a poo?

This statement doesn't make any sense neither from a historical nor a statistical point of view

Good post


I traded my bidet for a high-pressure water hose next to my toilet.

Look at it from this point of view

you are poor and brown

I'm white

>Poop cafe
So the rumors were true.
>not using hot shower water to blast your asshole

Too much information.

alri reddit

Smelly runt


You wipe after using the bidet though

>be me
>wake up 5 am
>take a shit
>go to gym
>finish workout, everything between my belt and upper thigh is one big steamy hairy swamp
>that powerful shit-and-balls stench
>go back home, women in their houses get pregnant from the whiff alone as I walk by
>not keeping strategic shit-nibbles in between your cheeks for crate-dropping pheromones
>not literaly becoming Mr Poopybutthole
>never going to make it

get on my level cucks

>he has a clean anus

Nothing wrong with being a gay lord


Mutts and Indians are holding hands?

*holding left hand, to be precise.

why the fuck do they say americans when the article is about c*nadians

Honestly considering purchasing one of those ELITE Japanese toilets.

because OBSESSED... ?

Saw stuff about this Poop Cafe on tv a while back, looks fucking delicious. Might check it out if I ever go to Toronto, it's only 45 minutes away but I'm rarely there.
