Are conservatives in your country taken seriously?

Are conservatives in your country taken seriously?

Thankfully not, or at least not anymore post-Trump and post-Harper.

Yes, we have a full retard government at the moment.

>hoping to go to grad school and be a mathematics and physics researcher
>not very wealthy
>le meme pass tax bill at midnight strategy
so europe let's check out thos graduate degree programs huh? :^)
I'm actually not that mad at Sup Forums, but i wish americans werent so stupid that they fell for their shit.

We unironically need to bar dumb people from voting.

Speak for yourself

>We unironically need to bar dumb people from voting.
yes this needs to happen
there needs to be a short test before any vote to show people have at least a grasp of the issues, not a certain opinion

I'm speaking on behalf of the general consensus.

No, we don't. No form of big government is okay you dolt. It's only a few steps later that someone is taking away your voting rights for some equally stupid reason.

Echo chamber

anyone with conservative pointviews is not taken seriously in any developed country

Where I live the general consensus is that Trudeau is one of the worst PMs in all history. Most people I know would welcome Harper back

>Conservative "ideology"
>Maintenance of some arbitrary country-specific status quo

It would be nice if you used a word that actually meant someone real on a board full of users from across the world.

>would welcome harper back
Now I know you are a lying ideologue.

>Where I live the general consensus is that Trudeau is one of the worst PMs in all history


>tfw Mad Max was your last hope

If a blatantly corrupt politician from quebec, that is at risk of losing his own riding was the last hope. Then the CPC should in all honesty die.

I will admit gun policy tips my vote towards the conservatives. Im not trying to shill for the cons, for example I still think c-51, was a really scummy thing to do. I also agree that Sheer isn't the most charasmatic person, but I think you seriously underestimate how many people are tired of Trudeau's SJW shitfest.

Marc Lepine did nothing wrong tbqh. I wish we didnt have so much firearm regulation so he couldve got a full auto gun.

>Yeah, let's vote for the Kardashians next!
You're dumb and voters are dumb. They know nothing of candidates' actual policies; they just like their divisive empty rhetoric. These people cannot vote if we want a semi-decent country.

yes, since around 15% of the country is liberal the rest is conservative, apolitical or far right

I'm glad that in a few years you won't have a place inside your own country, being outbred by immigrants and owned by the chinks.

Feels good desu, at least the americans have some semblance of a spine left.

Meme Bernier was and always will be a shit candidate.

Erin O'Toole was far and away the CPC's best candidate, but I didn't see any of you shilling for him.

>this one monkey whose life mission is shit talking canadians on Sup Forums