I feel like 95% of japanese posters on this board are mentally ill, their posts hardly make sense...

I feel like 95% of japanese posters on this board are mentally ill, their posts hardly make sense. What is wrong with this country?

>japanese posters
You mean english teachers?

Everyone is mentally ill some people tend to break more easily

Combination of terrible English, weird mentality and autism. But the blame lies with the filthy weebs who worship them.

>japanese posters
95% of Sup Forums posters are mentally ill desu

Neet Weebs just shitposting


>implying they are actually Japanese
A true Japanese will NEVER speak English

The problem is that Japanese people can't form coherent sentences in English. It's like they know some words and some grammar rules, but they can't express themselves properly.

Shut the fuck up dumb weeb.

You'd have to be mentally ill to be Japanese and come on Sup Forums when they have much better chans available. And then there are the English teachers, which are all frustrated weebs

There there. You are ok no problem now. I will pretend you weren't an asshole.


Because 95% of posters with Japan flag are not a real Japanese


Because they're not Japanese

The real ones use google translate.


off the scales autism

OP meant of you.
Aren't you japanese?


95% of the Japanese population are mentally ill, the other 5% are Koreans

Watch Japs get triggered by this.

I feel like 100% of Belgium posters on this board are french, their flag hardly make sense. What is wrong with this "country"?

Nip posters are the worst of the worst. I've been called korean at least 20 times by now. I just can't deal with this level of stupidity anymore.

Fuck japan, man. Cancer of humanity.

t. Kim

t. Kim

made a joke about gay marriage in some rando thread and it triggered some jap(s) so badly they pushed it to bump limit

If a Japanese poster writes coherent English everyone thinks he's a foreigner. Sad. Many such cases!

> mentally ill
I think so too.
I am not proxy or gaijin in Nippon.
I can say Japanese here is not average normal Japanese.
They are otakus ,geeks or 2chaners.
I am not those groups. I like to talk with foreigners. so I am normal guy.
but other Japanese guys here are big weird people.

This above is a list of those who never blame like on here when Jap flag mention chinese things. they only blame when Jap flag saying something inconvenient to South Korea.

You can confirm this, for example, on this thread.

oh boy here you go

It's just their English, when they post in Japanese they come off as way more intelligent

not really. every time I go to japanese general they do nothing but talk shit of korea in japanese like they do in broken english on other threads, which is totally incoherent and deluded.

Japanese general is literally a hellhole

Residual radiation from Hiroshima and Nagasaki fried their brains.

This zaichi guy obvious

seek help

There are some really obsessive Japanese flags on Sup Forums. I think it might just be a few, but they're practically on Sup Forums 24/7 so they stand out a lot. Their general is a mess of said people, tripfags circlejerking, some dude spamming it with a bot, and the occasional actually nice person. And like mentioned, the posts in Japanese aren't better, so it's not the language barrier.

Japs are autistic and butthurt 24/7

What's the deal with Japan?


Me too. Especially they don't butthurt for us

They're cute (。>