Edition: Late night laughs with the lads.
absolutely despise foreners
think it's about time we had a sea shanty thread lads
Excellent post, fuck all forrins
any preston lads in?
Parents got me an old ford and BOY London jumper for my b-day, do they think I'm a nazi?
>some ugly-ass skank who gets railed on camera for money has 570k followers
what the fuck is wrong with people?
status update
what are you homos wearing?
alri lad
excellent idea
I'm wearing my giraffe leather givenchy loafers. You're worrying about poaching.
any Kanon man in?
>no Ireland
Truly America's greatest ally
they look like aliens
I think you just either like beer or you don't. Its genetic rreally
like marmite or coffee
Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Bitcoin Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha
post anime kino lads
is she eating bread with a fork?
>4th Dec 1971, the McGurks Bar massacre: A British death squad planted a no-warning bomb in pub in Belfast, Ireland. 15 Irish people were murdered.
based britain
beta males are horrid little creatures
it's utterly embarrassing how little respect most modern lecherous men have for themselves. go on omegle some time. hit next repeatedly. look at the specimens you encounter. that's the average male. most men aren't normies. most men aren't jaded NEET intellectuals on Sup Forums. most men are fucking creeps and perverts.
>old ford
HATE this style
t. Cucked by Irish culture
When did /spee/ get so slow?
shes a witch
nah. think you might be drawing attention away from your neck though.
need a hila gf to cuddle. it'd probably be awkward because shes so jewish and gangly and weird looking but cute nonetheless.
Running down to Cuba with a load of sugar,
Weigh, me boys, to Cuba!
Make her run you, lime juice squeezes,
Running down to Cuba.
Weigh, me boys, to Cuba!
Running down to Cuba!
You can't judge all muslims by the actions of a few extremists
*punches a nazi*
currently wearing some slippers (that's it)
Dumb pirate frogposter hAHAHHA
It's okay. You can admit it. Beer sucks. You, like so many other men at some point in your life decided to see what the big fuss was. You took your first sip of that watery, bitter, amber liquid and recoiled in disgust. "but I'm a man," you think, "and men are SUPPOSED to like beer. It's the natural order of things." So you kept drinking. You drank until your tastebuds became numb to its yeasty bite. "Aha!" you proclaimed in your secured masculinity. " Looks like I finally acquired a taste for beer!"
Yet still, upon every night out on the town, as your female company orders their grape juice and tequila infused slushies, you look upon them with wistful envy. "I'll take a beer." you say to the bartender, a sadness behind your eyes. Because men drink beer. It's the natural order of things. And you are a man, aren't you?
ah yes
A man who cooked pork without consulting his Muslim neighbours beforehand has been arrested.
West Midlands police captured Adrian Melton, 39, of Halford Crescent, Walsall, while he was preparing a bacon sandwich. His Muslim neighbours reported the incident to police. Speaking to the press, neighbour Abdul Mayyid said that the incident caused extreme stress to him and his family. "My wife started to sob and fainted. My children weeped uncontrollably. The smell made them feel delirious and deeply upset", he said.
In response to the incident, West Midlands police conducted a raid on the property where Mr. Melton resided. He was arrested and taken to Walsall station. The offending item, a half-eaten bacon sandwich, was destroyed in a controlled explosion.
Mr. Melton has been charged with failing to gain a pork permit as well as aggravated pork preparation. He will appear at Walsall Magistrates Court on Monday.
why did the Jews kill Hitler?
well duh but why would a witch eat bread with a fork?
Is she an aho
To dispel the myth that the famine in Ireland was not a genocide, the potato blight affected just 17% of Ireland's food-producing acreage. 83% was producing food at a high efficiency. Had Ireland not been under the control of the Brit Empire a million people would not have died.
Watching Django Unchained - A Ballymurphy Nigger!
Class divisions and system in this country is insane.
Grew up thinking it's normal and the same in every country
Ford, the car.
owned lol
what the fuck is this virgin shit
i made this image
lads i...
Imagining what the soyboy who wrote this copypasta looked like rn
BASED taiga
the most successful civilisations on Earth have all had strict class hierarchies
Can you spot Poleaboo?
Danke Labour!
I sent my bitch to the store cos I ran outta soda...
beer raises estrogen, dumb manboob soyboys
unironically didn't know finland was a country until i started browsing Sup Forums
thank you
why didn't you make the celtic toads though
youre walkin wavy beatrice
fuckign soybeans out reeeee!!!!
bitcoin is unstoppable baby
me behind them, baffled by it all
didn't feel like it lad
I love how the Muslim world is proven every critic right regarding the recognising Jerusalem as Israel's capital.
my profession you ask?
why, I sit around in the skips factory, whilst the workers collect my bollock grease to put on skips
NEED a soy gf
simple as
me in the park earlier
Don't quite see why they think they stand a chance
OMG there are four leaf posters hahahaha
Phytoestrogen doesn't actually aromatise in human beings, gay boy.
double check and mate, sucker
my israeli mate killed himself a few weeks ago. he would have bee happy to see that Trump's done this. miss that zionist lad
that's why trump did it
alri mate whatever you say
*jiggles your mantits*
soy coin
4000 holes in blackburn lancashire
someone hat this clown
fuck sake
how about a british raj toad
Britain cries out for jewish immigration
>someone hat this clown
Doing a purchase lads haha hoho waheyyyy
>Literally not a single impact assessment of brexit in any industry
>London being held by the balls by the DUP
Brexit is going better than expected desu
hope NK at least nukes california before they go down
how do you make a move on an innocent girl without looking like a creep
inb4 be attractive/yourself
Have a feeling Soros is driving Bitcoin up and then will short it
quit shilling haha
fuck off
just be yourself