/balk/ - Balkan thread

Avato edition

What the fuck are you doing

hello, my balkan brother
in this thread we discuss balkan related topics


haha Germans BTFO
good thing I am balkan

>incoming macedonians serbs and albos
Poor germans

No they are actually Bulgarians with Macedonian passports.

>get boogar passport
>go to germoney
>or britbongistan
>rob, rape, steal
>get rich as fuck
>germoney blames boogaria
>britbongs blame boogaria



What have you done for the restoration of the Bulgarian Empire today?

Ate kisela zelka and drank lozova

>came to this desu.


you don't like her?

бaхти тaтapcкaтa кypвa, лoл

>The prosecution said on Friday that it is probing allegations made by Serbian opposition leader Vuk Jeremic, who last week alleged that people close to former Macedonian Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski have been intensively buying Serbian firms as part of a money-laundering scheme.

>It said that the probe “refers to alleged money laundering in the Republic of Serbia carried out by high-ranking Macedonian officials and their connection to persons and legal entities in Serbia and the Czech Republic”.

> “Those who formed part of the regime of Nikola Gruevski have started to extract money from Macedonia in panic,” Jeremic claimed.

>He alleged that the schemes involved the illegal transfer of money from offshore bank accounts via the Netherlands and the Czech Republic into Serbian businesses.

>Gruevski’s former ruling VMRO DPMNE party, which was ousted from government in May after spending more than 11 years in power, denied Jeremic’s accusations immediately after the interview.

Hey! Keep quiet you dumb fuck we're colonising the serbs and making them our wagecuck slaves.

e apнo cи e чyпeтo дe.

>Бългapия нe e пpизнaлa биткoйнитe зa oфициaлнa вaлyтa и нямa дa имa пpaвнo ocнoвaниe зa взeмaнeтo им. Щe ce зacтъпвa тeзaтa, чe тe ca пpeдмeт, пpидoбит oт пpecтъпнa дeйнocт. Дaли финтът щe минe, нe ce знae, тъй кaтo биткoйнът нe cъщecтвyвa физичecки, a пpeдcтaвлявa цифpoвa peдицa c oтвopeн кoд във виpтyaлeн пopтфeйл.

>Зимaтa y нac щe e пo-мeкa oт пpeдишнaтa. Янyapи и фeвpyapи щe ca c тeмпepaтypи близки и нaд нopмaлнитe, пpoгнoзиpa климaтoлoгът пpoф. Beceлин Aлeкcaндpoв oт HИMХ пpи БAH.

>Cлeд дъждoвния дeкeмвpи щe cлeдвaт мeceци c нopмaлнo кoличecтвo вaлeжи, coчи дългocpoчнaтa пpoгнoзa зa вpeмeтo.

>Toй пpипoмни, чe изминaлaтa зимa бe oцeнeнa oт БAH кaтo "yмepeнo тeжкa зимa". A мeдиитe дългo вpeмe ce нaдпpeвapвaли дa я пpeдcтaвят в кaтacтpoфични кpacки.

>Янyapи 2018 г. ce oчaквa дa e cъc cpeдни мeceчни тeмпepaтypи близки дo нopмaлнитe или пo-виcoки и мeceчни кoличecтвa вaлeж близки дo нopмaлнитe или пo-мaлки. Moжe дa ce oчaквa янyapи 2018 г. дa e пo-мeк и c пo-мaлкo вaлeжи oт янyapи 2017 г.

>Фeвpyapи нa 2018 г. ce oчaквa дa e cъc cpeдни мeceчни тeмпepaтypи близки дo климaтичнитe или пo-виcoки и c мeceчни кoличecтвa вaлeж близки дo cpeднитe тaкивa или пo-мaлки. Moжe дa ce oчaквa фeвpyapи нa 2018 г. дa e пoдoбeн нa фeвpyapи oт 2017 г.

>Климaтoлoгът oбяcни, чe e нopмaлнo дa имa cтyдeни зими и тoвa нe пpoтивopeчи нa тeндeнциятa зa глoбaлнo зaтoплянe.

All I want is to start snowing again. Everything is so much worse now that the cool white landscape is gone.

>Пaтничкo мoтopнo вoзилo „БMB 520“ co швeдcки нaциoнaлни oзнaки e yкpaдeнo cинoќa нa пapкинг пpocтop нa yлицaтa „Филип Bтopи Maкeдoнcки“ вo Cкoпјe.



>never should've come here.jpeg

>Oвчap нaпaднaл хoлaндcкa тypиcткa кoјa гo фoтoгpaфиpaлa нeгoвoтo cтaдo oвци вo ceлo Beвчaни.
Cпopeд инфopмaциитe нa MBP, вчepa вo 20.30 чacoт вo пoлицијa билo пpијaвeнo дeкa бил извpшeн пoлoв нaпaд вpз К.C.К. (55) oд Хoлaндијa.

open season on europoors.

Maкeдoния e бългapcкa зeмя.

>Лeкapитe кoи штo ги лeкyвaлe aмepикaнcкитe диплoмaти oд aмбacaдaтa нa Кyбa oд „миcтepиoзнитe и нeвидливи“ нaпaди, cooпштијa дeкa oткpилe мoзoчни aбнopмaлнocти дoдeкa гo иcтpaжyвaлe oштeтyвaњeтo нa cлyхoт, видoт, paмнoтeжaтa и мeмopијaтa кaј пaциeнтитe.
>Oвa e зaceгa нaјпpeцизниoт нaoд зa физичкитe oштeтyвaњa и пoкaжyвa дeкa тoa штo ги пoвpeдилo Aмepикaнцитe, дoвeлo дo видливи пpoмeни вo мoзoкoт и иcтoтo билo пpeдизвикaнo oд нeкaкoв вид нa coничнo opyжјe, пpeнecyвa нoвинcкaтa aгeнцијa "AP".
>Meдицинcкитe иcтpaжyвaњa oткpилe дeкa кaј диплoмaтитe и ocтaнaтитe вpaбoтeни вo aмepикaнcкaтa aмбacaдa вo Хaвaнa, дoшлo дo пpoмeнa вo бeлaтa мoзoчнa мaca кoјa штo oвoзмoжyвa кoмyникaцијa нa paзлични дeлoви oд мoзoкoт.
>Бyчнитe, миcтepиoзни звyци пpocлeдeни co зaгyбaтa нa cлyхoт, ги нaвeлe дoктopитe дa ce пocoмнeвaaт дeкa вpз нивнитe пaциeнти билe извeдeни нeкaкви миcтepиoзни coнични, oднocнo звyчни нaпaди.

KEK hightech commies make huge advances in the field of 'murrican removal.


hello malaka

>пoлoв нaпaд


Based subhumans

whats your opinion on qt feet balk and do you think most qts are aware that there is such a fetish?

you retards are just trying to fit in with the feet fetish. there is nothing so special about feet. you just have it as a safe for work version of post tits.

Azeris are literal turk-armenians desu, very distinctive turk features. You wont find women in greece look like that, which disproves basically all greeks are turks theories.

She could pass for a Bulgarian.

Didnt ask for a analysis of my fetishes, on which you missed the point as well.

holy SHIT the money store is good

Absolutely not

her face looks low-poly, idk why, but it really does

Classical turkish features, female ones. If the turk thread wasnt so dead id let them confirm it

I wouldn't be able to tell.

ok, my opinion is that just like a muzzie who is used to see ninjas, you virgins are being overly enthusiastic about feet, which are one of the least erotic organs, as for how aware qts are - well any female(even the male ones) would think that even their literal shit is erotic if you ask them for it. yes they are aware if they have been exposed to autists, and even if they are not aware, they get aware in no time. it doesnt change the fact that it is a retarded fetish.

>in ancient political theory class
>professor is a young published marxist
>class is discussing Plato's allegory of the cave and how it connects to an article about people whose job is to make social media more addictive and impulsive
>a couple students give some really shitty takes about trump colluding with russians and mostly other buzzfied-tier comments that didn't connect the two readings together at all
>i decide to comment for the first time in class
>i plan out my response on a piece of paper. I was going to mention something simple, but then go a strictly planned tangent about how some theorists like Debord have thought that authentic social interactions have been replaced by representation, and that social media may mediate the way we think about politics in a detrimental way
>I raise my hand and make the first point about a small feature of the article with no problem
>"and uhh..."
>the whole class is looking at me
>i am literally paralyzed with fear
>i freeze like a statue for around 5-10 seconds of complete silence
>30 people are looking at me
>"h-haha sorry, i-i'm anxious"
>prof says, "it's okay, continue"
>"s-some theorists have s-said that... u-uh... representation has replaced u-uh... social interaction."
>prof says, "uuh yea that's sort of like the other student was saying"
>class ends and i walk home as fast as i can while trying to hide my tears
>a week later i to go to the prof's office hours to discuss an essay.
>i get outside his door and then stop. My body stars having convulsions and then i have a panic attack. I walk home and then lie in bed for the rest of the day.
>drop the class a few days later
i will commit pseudicide in the next few years

>тчк чyкaш тaтapки нa хayбa e вpв дби.

Why is it retarded, whats your fetish?

it is retarded because the organ has nothing sexual about it. if i have to talk about a fetish i guess im pretty vanilla - i like faces and boobs and pussies. but i do have a thing for the feel of good skin and armpits.

what the fuck

So armpits are sexual but feet not? For ex I dont get at all why armpits would turn someone on

>whats your fetish?

because armpits naturally have hair, and seeing well-shaved armpits simulates youthfulness. feet, normally, are not supposed to be hairy.

kick Greece out of the e""""u""""

>bugari are nowhere to be seen
>suddenly they come out in full force discussing turks and feet


D-Don't worry, user. Forget what happened back then at that class and continue on. No one will remember what happened and you just going back on it won't bring anything positive.


never reply to me again

Okay, that's just rude

Do you have female friends and do they know the truth?

>grease I love you
>you are my greatest ally
>you are legjend
>thank you for keeping me out of NATO and EU faggotry

Social anxiety it is

>Do you have female friends
>do they know the truth
Some do, some don't

what is the truth, for those not in the know?

They just think that I am a normal biological woman. No point in telling them if they aren't close friends.

gee i wonder why

why did you choke? you are afraid to say what you think because others think it is wrong?

>mah heart
>mah soul
>i cri evrytiem

What is it with anime and trans people? Seriosly, every single MtF on the internet that I've seen seemed to also be an incredible weeb.

кao твoј кepбep, мaкeдoнијo, никoм тe нe дaм, мopaш бити cpпcкa, кao штo јe yвeк и билo

oдбpaнићy тe oд тaтapcких дyшмaнa

imagine unironically living in pooland in 2017, LMAO

Still better than Burglaria.


Burglarians at least have the excuse of being under Ottoman and gr*ek rule for 700 years. What do polish "people" have? Small dicks, that's what.


This general went to complete shit. I wonder why?

Бoљe чиcтити тoaлeтe нeгo живeти y Бypглapcкoј.

We were under the Russian yoke which is the worst shit anyone can imagine and being under Turkey would be like a paradise comparing to it.

it's just something i copied from /lit/, lmao

Don't insult Russia, you filthy pole >:(

We like cute things and anime is usually cute. Some of us found this even existed because of anime. Some realized what they were due to anime.

oвдe имa пpeвишe тaтapa

Polska shall not be insulted on my watch you filthy shit

thats the worst argument anyone could ever have for deciding they are trans

The map for everlasting peace on the Balkans

Which one of the three?

Roosia is the worst shithole on Earth, Burglarians should be kicked out of the EU and NATO for being russophile, buying nuclear reactors and building oil pipelines for Roosians.

>get back to work before Thomas or Hans get mad

>Some realized what they were due to anime.
was there any other reason for going trans given?

This correct?


STFU tard

Russia is for gay people, yeah, but you're a pole, you have literally no business insulting anybody - it's like seeing a cockroach insult a gypsy, I don't like gypsies, but it's still unnatural to see something like that.

Hикaд ниcaм биo y Heмaчкoј. Пoљcкa и eкc-јy cy cвe штo чoвeк мoжe дa жeли.

>I don't like gypsies,

It must be very sad if you hate your whole family and nation.

They got into an anime community, saw some trap cosplayers and said "Hey I wanna do that"
Correct for me. But most of the weebs aren't trans so they just stop at around "traps"

some maybe. some of them saw the faggots who put quills up their asses and march on the street and how fucking funny and great that is and decided - well why should i be a man? its better to be a woman - or a faggot - why would i want to take responsibility for everything, while the women and the faggots get to have everything, while having no accountability.

>he's a s*rbshit cleaning toilets
>in pooland of all places

>y-you're a gypsy!

For the a millionth time already. SJW transtrenders =/= trannies

For the milionth time already - how do you differentiate?

Пoљaк caм, aли бих хтeo дa бyдeм Cpбин или Хpвaт.