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International #828
1. Your cunt tree
Men and women in the box thread
They killed millions
Could your countrymen handle this much ass?
Ywn punch a nationalistic right-wing anime girl as Japanese antifa
Tell me about balkan people
What is the best Asian country to go to for a black man? Asking for a friend
How do you say "You're fucked" in your language?
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
Northerners please tell me about the Sami people and their wonderful culture
/lat/ hilo latino
I only speak 2 languages
Hi my name is Juan Carlos Rogelio Gutierrez Sanchez Dominguez Fernandez de la Calzada dos Santos
Is Sup Forums the most influential board?
Sverigetråden - Nationalsocialistiska upplagan
Name one country that isn't going to shit
Current state of America
Kurva anyátok
/brit/ the british culture general
If you could choose one leader to be the leader of your country, who would that be?
Have you ever had sex without condom,it's called "Nama Ecchi"?
Tfw can't grow out beard
Historically speaking, what would you say are the top 3 worst enemies of your nation...
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/midwest/ - Midwestern US & Friends
/Southern Europe/
Ancient Egyptians?
Who will go to the world Cup 2018 in Russia?
Okinawa is now suffering from communists
/brit/ the british culture general
Russians will murder this, including the children
Why do Slavic languages look like someone just smashed their hands on a keyboard and called it a language?
I only spek english
/deutsch/ Winter-Ausgabe
/designierter Raucherbereich/, vorher /deutsch/
When black peoples saw white people first time, they thought whites are the gods or something like that?
/fr/ - le fil français et francophone
Why are you guys so mean to us for no reason
Have to face ANOTHER day of the US being bantered by the international community
1: your country
/balk/ - Balkan Thread
Wake up
How gays are viewed in your country?
Am I a white man?
What do you think you would be doing when you are 65?
Sverigetråden - Revolutionära upplagan
Sverigetråden - (Skånetråden)
EU-funded 92,600 tonne food aid package to starving Poland under way
Can we agree that ISIS is pretty much done and we should focus on ending the war in Jemen instead?
Could I pass as a Southern European/Lebanese?
Why has there never been a serious pan-Anglo movement? Or at least nostalgia for the British Empire...
Public Transport
Snow cover in Germany
Import 500k serbs
Be american
/Buntland/ ehemals /deutsch/
How do Southern Europeans react when they see a white person?
Rebels against British Monarchy cause "muh tyranny"
Which state is the most irrelevant in Muroka?
Did your country get LIDL'D yet?
Italian women are the worst. Czechs are the best. Prove me wrong
What did belgium mean by this?
Foreigner speaks English with a strong accent from their cunt or makes grammar mistakes
What the fuck is wrong with Russians?
What makes estonians so cute?
Hey whiteboi
Should Russia join the EU?
Your country has to unite with another one. Which country do you choose?
I never ever in my life was poor, can someone tell me how it is to be poor in his country?
This is the Dutch leader in Civ 6
A couple of inches of snow
Japanese insane twitter account was discovered
Portugal is the brazil's most successful colony
Le 000.1% face
What's his endgame?
/deutsch/ - argentinische freundschaftsausgabe
Why are swedes so gay?
/mena/ x Khaoula Kherroubi
Russian girls still wear fur because it’s symbol of wealth. Fucking roasties
Most grils in my class are ugly and unattractive and the few slightly attractive ones are out of my league
Why do chinks eat their own children?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
This thing of ourrss
Drinking a beer
Was your country better under communism?
If your country is colored, then it is a shithole
Police aim their gun at me
Japan is 1000X better than China and will always be
The true history of Moden Japan
Why are americans so supportive of a war against iran
ITT: We discuss American culture
How can people call Russia a depressing hellhole when Japan looks like this?
Would tinder help me get a japanese gf in Japan?
There are other girls posting on Sup Forums right now
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
I have depression/social anxiety/panic attacks
/cp/ - Culture Pals
What's the "one weird quirk" about your country??
Am I stay ok in your country as people?
What are Syrian immigrants in your country like?
Talking to US user
As a chicano, which dialect or variant of Spanish should I learn?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
/cum/ – Canada, USA, Mexico
Mare Nostrum /Balt/icum
Kurva anyátok
I'll never learn Japanese
/brit/ the british culture general
Why was Russia the only post-Soviet state to adopt federalism...
Looks dont matter bro
/balk/ - Balkan Thread
Speak irrelevant language of some foreigner fluently
China v. India
Is there any doubt shitzil is the worst country in the world?
What did the chicanos mean by this
/lat/ - hilo latino
Next year is the year of the gf i can feel it
/basel/ ehemals /deutsch/ ehemals /nachtschicht/
I've never had a job because I'm too shy
Where were you when Pearl Harbor was attacked
1. Your cunt
Any /friends/ online right now ?
What the fuck am I supposed to do with my life?
Why did the british and anglo colonialists kill the native population instead of assimilating and breeding them...
Sverigetråden - Döda Nattupplagan
Pls invest here, we need money
Do you like big nose/tits european girls?
/v4/ + comrades
You go to America for the Holidays
Let's draw things together Sup Forums
Why the FUCK are these two countries latin american???
Lmao it sure is hard being popular
South Korea and North Korea need a reunification
Why haven't you visited Portugal?
Tell me about Tasmania
Is China autistic?
Why is Sup Forums so obsessed with banter?
Is he white?
/cum/ canada usa mexica
How hard is it to find a job in Argentina?
Anything worse than being a Pajeet?
Why are americans barbarian?
Bong hate thread
Do you want to find love in Japan?
Who's your favorite Chinese girl?
/fr/ - le fil français, le fil de la francophonie
How many entire countries have been banned from posting on Sup Forums...
How well-known is this guy in your country...
Can we stop fighting each other?
When did you graduate from liking snow?
Step in your room
/brit/ the fuccboi general
1. Your cunt
Losses every war they get involved in after ww2
Which city is the most beautiful?
Italians mass immigrating to your country
What is the most beautiful country?
"european" tries to banter me
Tfw no gf
/nachtschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
/brit/ the celtic culture general
Sverigetråden - Knulla 2d Upplagan
1. Youre nationality
/ita/ - il filo
Lesbian here
WTF is wrong with murican police and justice? why is he not in jail?
How is it possible to not be racist?
I take pride in my ancestors doings
Why haven't you racemixed with a colombian girl?
EU-funded 92,600 tonne food aid package to starving Poland under way
/deutsch/ Hass-Ausgabe
Why do all Americans do this?
Mi novia sawako
How the FUCK an I supposed to memorize all this shit?
I have a question about american culture
Why do women make such a big deal out of being raped? It's just sex
There is a girl I like at university...
Just go to the gym bro
Go to wikipedia
Handsome Sup Forumsernational men
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
South americans and central americans posting the mutt meme
Red pill me on the Sup Forums addiction and why you can never leave it
What happens here?
Ask an American negro anything
If your haplogroup isn't I or R1, you're not European
Why am I so obsessed with English-speaking people?
Sea rise 3 inches
/midwest/ - Midwestern US & Friends
>>>Sup Forums152764353
How does this animal sound like in your language ?
/cum/ canada usa mexica
Be American school kid
Sverigetråden - 2dupplagan
Why are k*rds like this?
Finland achieved more in 100 years than your country did in 1000
Filum Mare /Balt/icum
One chance at life
Are black angels the future?
Why are British people so ugly?
You wake up in Chita, Russia
/deutsch/ und /antihelvetia/
There is no valid reason to hate Jews
Would this still be a good idea?
18% VAT on everything, 100% tax on cars and gasoline, 25% tax on capital gains and 35% tax on electronics
Which level are you?
/non wh*ite/
Mfw Christmas was banned in Britain until 1660
He doesn't have the brown eyes/brown hair superior Med aesthetic
Meanwhile on bizarro Sup Forums
Brazil is garbage
/brit/ the british culture general
One chance at life
90% of tastiest Turkish food comes from red areas
This will never happen in your lifetime
What's the best alcoholic beverage in your country?
Is the federal police well trained in your country?
Pagan thread
Sino/ - 中文
Sverigetråden - Din mammas fitta
Kurva anyátok
Why is homeschooling illegal in Germany?
I want to learn French. What's the best way to do so without schooling?
One chance at life
Confess my son
Tacoanon is back /December edition
Come home, arab man
/brit/ the wog general
ITT confess one treasonous thing towards your country
Would a federalisation of the EU be a good thing?
Write >tfw no gf in your native tongue
Why don't Greeks and Indians do math anymore?
Should white men just stop pursuing white girls?
/MeNa/ + /isr/
/v4/ & foreign participants
ITT Sup Forums posters you know/recognise
Post the most russian picture you have
Where can i find a good looking japanese girl?
Why are the French so arrogant lads?
/brit/ the aussie general
I wish I was Italian diaspora so I had some culture to be proud of
Sverigetråden - 1,8%-upplagan
History of latin America in one picture
How many sodas does your Cunt's leader drink a day? How many hours of TV does he watch?
Can I pass as local in YOUR motherfucking cunt?
It's finally snowing
What do kids look like in your country?
Are Finns the most powerful race in the world?
*shot you for trying to pull your pants up*
Post cartoons of your country that animated your childhood
Rekt by Pajeet,can't make this up
Are spanish women best in the europe?
Why is every country without gay marriage shit?
Filum Mare /Balt/icum
/fr/ - le fil français, le fil de la francophonie
Where did this "Swedes are fags" meme came from...
IQ by country
Are Native American men the perfect example of cuckhold porn in real life...
What do you call this?
How come nobody bullies them?
Laffing at the e""""u""""
/luso/ - fio lusófono
Post the most american pictures you have
Will sweden ever pay reparation for sami genocide?
Are conservative Americans really attacked or is it just whining?
A,Are we racist? ;_;
/brit/ the british culture general
Do you like halal snackpacks?
Sverigetråden - låliupplagan
What happens here?
I hate myself
Why japan make only shitty anime nowadays?
Your cunt
Why don’t Swedish and Finn people care about Norwegian people?
Be american doge
I love noodles. Post noodle/pasta from your country
What's your cunts temperature record (high and low)
Rate my hairstyle out of 10
Wasn't Africa better off during colonialism?
/urban/ + /architecture/
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
I wish negroids, bugs, germ*ns and mudslims didn't exist
/Frauen/ ehemals /deutsch/
At this rate i'm going to freeze to death in a few days, also post your cunts temperature i guess
Do women resist the time of time in your country?
/kor/ 한국어
Since 1900 we had a white christmas in 1915, 1923, 1938, 1956, 1969, 1981, 1995, 2009 and 2010
Filum Mare /Balt/icum
The year is almost finished
/brit/ the fuccboi general
/ex-ussr/ general
It's your country rich?
1. your country
Good morning fellow Europeans. Are you going to church today?
How long will Russia last in war of two fronts?
/brit/ the australian general
Why don't you like italy?
How much do you earn per hour? For instance, I earn 2.00 euro. I want to fucking kill myself
The Emperor of Japan, Akihito, has announced his abdication in 2019...
Why did Arabs stop being cool?
Why are the countries in yellow in the EU again?
/MeNa/ as-salam alayka ya rasul'Allah edishaan
Daily Reminder
/brit/ the MGTOW general
A Visual Historical Record of American High School Yearbooks
What are some international jobs anyone can do besides teaching English?
Has your country fallen for the crypto currency meme?
I want to have a sexual relief with a Swedish boy
How do you think of police in your coutry?
/ita/ - il filo
Is it possible for a person to change their ethnicity?
Please love Japan
Do you want to find love in Japan?
I think jews are hot
Chem professor is a agnostic Shia feminist who hates men
/balk/ - Balkan Thread
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
A filthy PiSSskin (as*An) replies to my thread
Just what the fuck is wrong with Amerimutts?
Why is it nearly impossible to understand a thing they say...
What is your country's version of 'get shot' or 'get acid attacked'?
Why are russians so depressed?
Say something nice about nordic countries
What is the most innovative country?
Why are people from Rwanda so tall?
Who is the most relevant of all these countries
Why does New Jerseyans have the reputation of being bad drivers?
/ex-yu/ - Metalcore Edition
/cum/ canada usa mexica
Guys, I just fixed the Middle-East
How long before you're a wizard?
4/10 inbred manlet friend
Why doesn't a spanish commonwealth exist?
20yo in 8 months
Find a flaw
Who was in the wrong here?
Israel would absolutely obliterate Iran in a serious war, who the fuck do you think you are, Arab cuck...
Fucking confess
What do you think of the Russian language?
Why is the USA flag so fucking ugly?
What say you Sup Forums?
Kurva anyátok
Why do spics hate Donald Trump?
What is the Appalachia of Europe?
DNA test muh heritage
Does this seem accurate to Europeans?
How often do Canadians use this flag? Is it seen as patriotic or disrespectful now?
What is "reddit spacing"?
Am I only one who thinks social medias are in decline? People aren't really interested about them anymore...
Why does /r9k/ hate women?
Did native men ever have relations with spanish women? Or are they really all a product of Spanish men and native women?
How mad are Brexiters and normal British people right now with how deal is shaping up and Theresa May?
Crimes commited by muslims in the past 25 years:
User! You just won an underwater tour in an argentine submarine!
What kind of music do lowlifes in your country listen to?
First species to reach spaceflight without the Prothean cheat code
/brit/: British Culture General
Sverigetråden - Snälla upplagan
How do you use this shitty fruit in your cunt?
Are Finns the weirdest looking Scandinavians in comparison with the rest of Scandinavia?
Hello ama and talk to me, a real alcoholist finn
Where is hunting culture strongest in Europe?
I'm not here to be tactical and diplomatic with you. You listen. You obey
What have you learned today on Sup Forums?
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
Christmas is close
I likes dem French-fried potaters
/cum/ canada usa mexica
Animated Films
Karen + /ausnz/
/fr/ - Le Fil Français
What is "the room" of countries?
As an American, I’m very familiar with the British wearing red coats during the 1700s. That being said...
What do Poles smell like?
Why is China growing so much faster than India? I'm not shilling or anything...
Have europoors/ foreigners ever been to pic related?
Asian Chunnel mania literally when
Why do some Russians look like this?
Hmmm... Notice anything?
Kurva anyátok
/lat/ hilo latino
His country has less than 3.7 million square miles of land
/anime/ ehemals /deutsch/
1. your country
ITT: Pic of Your Hometown
Americans are fat and stupid
Anyone else in Latin America actually hates the concept of Latin America and being grouped with the rest of the...
I turn 26 today
Why does modern America have such shitty architecture? It's like 90% garbage
Why Brazilians larp as arabs so much?
First World Hypocrisy
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
What is it ACTUALLY like to live in Spain...
Do you ever wish you were a 8’8 WHITE protestant male with an IQ of 150, huge ass WHITE COCK, chiseled jawline...
Your age
When did you realise the superiority of Japan?
Tfw m*stizo mongrel subhuman
/midwest/ - Midwestern US & Friends
European asks a question about america
How do we fix Japan fertility rate Sup Forums?
What happens here?
Are you for more or less EU?
Have we hit peak America?
Stop associating this subhuman sandniggers with Balkans
Genuinely curious, what are the stereotypes of Americans in your country if any?
There are people on right now that are atheists
Tfw wearing same jeans and jacket 3 years
Post man of any country you find attractive
Your cunt
Is beastiality common in your cunt?
Why is small-town America so undeniably comfy?
/ausnz/ + /anime/
/kiki/ <3 ehemals /deutsch/
Daily reminder that Brazil is the only country in the world where all races live peacefully to the point of coexisting...
Attractive in your cuntry?
Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Are Wildfires Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Pour Some Water On That Shit Like Nigga Blow It...
Best and worst posters by country on Sup Forums?
Friendly reminder: races, nationalities, etc are all man-made constructs. There is only one human, homo sapiens...
/brit/ the yank culture general
Filum Mare /Balt/icum
Are Europeans really that culturally different to make a federation unviable?
Is it gay to swallow other guy's ejaculation? Just asking for a friend haha
Tfw refugee
/fr/ - le fil de la fille aînée de l'Eglise, qui un jour se relévera
/brit/ the white people general
/luso/ - Fio lusófono
You wake up in the land of 56
There is no winning to life if you're paki/indian and look like this
Sverigetråden - 2dupplagan
Teachers In Your Country
"America has no culture!" The smug, culturally enriched European types across his American-brand keyboard...
Who are the most bullied countries on Sup Forums? America and Canada have to be near the top of the list
Favorite city
Pay $165
/cum/ Canada US Mexico Greenland St. Pierre et Miquelon
Is there anything more overrated than travelling?
How developed actually is North Korea?
/V4/ Punished edition
His cuntree has less than 1000 islands
What's the name of this country again?
Jerusalem belongs to the Egyptian people, who were the earliest settlers after the Canaanites...
This is Issei Sagawa. In 1981, he murdered and cannibalized a Dutch woman while living in Paris...
Are Americans even human?
What do you think of the fact that you can't speak English without using words of French origin despite English being a...
How did it all go so right?
Germany has never won a war
American water boiler
Be moldovan
Cuxhaven, Germany
ITT: we apologize countries that we've bullied
Be american
Go to italian embassy at 8am
Can Sup Forums count down to zero?
/ita/ + /ro/ - il filo - firul
ITT: We thank Russians for saving all Europe during WW2
Siberia belongs to China. It is also Asia, not Europe
Post your ideology
What is this called in your place of residence?
Fuck shit fuck why nobody understand korea
/carib/ :
Only beta cucks are attracted to asians
My childrens will born in usa so they don't have to live the same shit i did
These are the countries which I personally believe are the biggest obstacles to world peace:
I need to learn Italian within the next 3 years...
/deutsch/ Arbeitsamt Ausgabe
/cp/ - Culture Pals
What is this place called in your language?
Travel maps
I went to grocery store today and they put anti-theft devices on sausages. Is it common in your country?
I wish I was White man
Say something nice about Hong Kong
A daily reminder that amerimutts are inferior to everybody else
/fr/ - le fil de la France du Nord au Midi
Would MENA posters be kind enough and translate
Restore our former /balt/ide Glory
This is
How is Germany doing nowadays? We don't hear anything about it these days other than the election stuff...
Someone shit on wait, it's American cuisine
/deutsch/ uezs
Is this attractive in your cunt?
I know you are lurking Russian trap. Hand over the boipussy slowly with your legs crossed
You close your eyes when you kiss your girlfriend?
Do greeks unironically think they are white and european?
/balk/ - Balkan thread
Your cunt
Russian empire
Hates black people and mediterraneans
Do you want to find love in Japan?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Japanese don't have curse words
LITERALLY AND UNIRONICALLY what is the difference between Serbs and Croats and why do they hate each other?!!
/fr/ — Le Fil Français
Pagan Europe Thread /PET/
What are you listening to right now?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...