
nostalgia edition

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bowling shirts


Any Nissan Skyline man in?



I'm in love for the first time

Article II of the Convention defines genocide as:

...any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily harm, or harm to mental health, to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

I take my conceding back.

so when alarm bells ring
we don't do a thing but sing
it's sink or swim and the tide is in

> choosing to group individuals by their religion is something brainlets do when they can’t comprehend the notion that every mind is unique just because some people from a culture or ethnic group think or behave a certain way doesn’t mean that you have the right to assume that they aren’t able to think for themselves and must all be doing the same thing

f*ck chr*stcucks tho amiright guys we must enter into our new age of enlightenment

stop white genocide

Don't you know it's going to last?

snowing in sheffield

what if mohamed was right???

It's the love that lasts forever

some lefty in the last thread tried to get his viewpoint across but I totally BTFO him with my logic

praise kek xD

Have thought about killing myself every day for at least the past 5 years, really looking forward to that beautiful day when I actually end it

Get iiiiin lads

>(a) Killing members of the group;
> (b) Causing serious bodily harm, or harm to mental health, to members of the group;
> (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
> (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
> (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

None of these things are happening to white people

>religion doesn't affect behaviour on the individual level, it's just a coincidence that muslims tend to behave the way their holy book tells people to behave

it's the love that has no past


been gooning for a couple of hours now

NEED to get on whatever Kojima is snorting

White genocide isn't real, lad. It's just a meme.

not really what I was getting at there pal xxx

>Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
>> (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
both of these are happening

went to the hairdresser. he asks how short I want it. I said short. He said no how many inches do I want off

Love nights out but also love nights cuddled with a DVD and a takeaway x

Love to travel. Going to Benidorm with the girls next year x

No I'm not a stick insect so need a guy who knows how to handle a real woman!

Books: Harry Potter, Game of Thrones etc
Movies: Harry Potter, Game of Thrones etc
Music: Music is my life! I have a very weird taste tho, everything from Maroon 5 to Coldplay!

P.S My children are my world, we come as a package !!!

if you can't see any of that happening to white people then you're a shill or a nigger

need alcohol but can't drive to the shop due to snow and don't feel like walking
quite the dilemna

gott strafe england

>> (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;

This is the one that is in contention. One could say that mass immigration has brought down the living standards of communities and indirectly forced people out

Jealous. I only have 1 (one) can of Crabbies alcoholic ginger beer left and that's it for my booze.

why dont we just teach religious people about evolution and natural selection lol? *prioritises career over having children*

how much did they set you back?

do you not consider the boers white?

When a group of people all believe one book written by a bunch of desert savages thousands of years ago is the final word of god. when they model their entire life around the contents of this book, and when the contents of the book is mostly detailed instructions on who to kill, as well as how to kill them, and why they should be killed. I would say, yes, a certain level of generalization is not only acceptable, but reasonable as well as sensible.

no they aren't

Fascinating story

might have accidentally gotten myself a gf lads, not pleased in the slightest because i imagine this will take up all my free time and will be mostly annoying.

hey good luck down there

if i killed this man would it be ginocide?

you know it's a bad day when someone posts the definition of a genocide

need a basic gf xxx

old fag here (born in the 80s)

these are the things i don't get from you young people

>dressing like Drake with those atrocious looking narrow bottom pants
>anime, 2dpd? i mean wtf
>being NEET. yeah, people from my generation did it as well, but it just seems more accepted in yours tbqh
>drugs, again more prevalent in your generation than mine
>nu-male, feminization etc this one is most troubling tbqh

there are several others, but these are things that i find most pressing. explain yourselves!

>Going to Benidorm with the girls next year x

this doesn't happen. More likely she'd be going kavos or maga

jews are forcing non-whites into white countries and producing effective propaganda to make white women have little to no children

these are textbook definitions of genocide

Favourite books: Harry Potter, the game of thrones series, the hunger games trilogy, company of liars. I always have a book on the go.

Movies: Lord of the Rings trilogy, Hunger Games, Juno, American Pie. Love a good film and like most genres, except action movies without a good story.

Music: everything really! From Katy Perry to Muse, Mumford and Sons to Foo Fighters. Went to Glastonbury for the first time in 2013, it was amazing! Enjoying Sia at the moment

it's ok to have a low IQ, just don't wave it about

any sissi wh*Te boi man in?

I hate beer desu but too lazy to walk down the massive hill I'm on
7 beers for 91 Ethiopian Birr google that conversion for me.

Probably for the best

not a fan of 3DPD


prefer the term ethnic replacement over white genocide

Really fucks up the "white ppl are the source of all evil" narrative.

*smugly refuses to move from your reserved seat*

"mans not hot" is the single worst song of all time, prove me wrong (you can't)

Kavos is literally Rhyl with thirty degree heat

1. The Vulgate was written by people in constantinople and not the desert
2. Virtually nobody beleives God wrote the book himself
3. The New Testament exists for a reason, and corrects many issues with the Old Testament.

Why are athiests so retarded?

Thanks, lad.




LOVE ska music, simple as

kikes and lefties both encourage ethnic replacement though
white skin is inherently evil to them


went to shit after gkmc

kikes control the lefties

>parody song is bad


A liter of gin is cheaper.

I call dibs

*blocks your path*

some cats are fearless

i call DUBS

made a decision to drink more water

*puts my foot down*

wish I was the son of rich twats who take me to international schools and make good money abroad

Israeli kikes supported Apartheid South Africa and white Rhodesia where the UK and USA wouldn't.
It's not fair to say all Jews hate whites.

(you did not)

Man hot cock?

>You ever notice that darts players are pretty much all fat alcoholics
>Mate you bigoted cunt thats fucking racist how can you generalise an entire group like that. they are all individuals with unique minds
>But darts is a pub game, they clearly got into it through frequenting pubs. And as a result, consume a lot of alcohol and unhealthy food
>Fucking racist dartsphobic cunt

hes so fucking small

don't remember what it's like to look forward to a new day
have to end my existence sooner or later


If you don't listen to ska music, what DO you listen to?

isn't it odd though that in a relatively small amount of time in the future, compared to the length of history, pure whites will cease to exist? we are some of the last. We are like the elves in lord of the rings. the brownies are like the men

hahahaha if only rorkes could hear how ridiculous they sound with their conspiracies and baseless prejudices

You have no evidence. You have no arguments. Just stop.

creasing at this


this is actually good

they just like causing division by supporting the minorities

>this is currently the most popular song in the United States



There has been no effort to change the demographics of the West on a large scale? Utterly delusional, I don't know how they get you to believe that

>Hey user, I'm going on a girls holiday to magaluf with the girls, hope you don't mind xxx

every boyfriend's worst nightmare

you're a legit retard kid

Merry Christmas mother

>You have no evidence. You have no arguments. Just stop.
imagine being this low IQ lads
the absolute state
imagine the fragile thin wrist of the cretin that typed this

I was talking about Islam tand the Quran you complete and total mongoloid. That being said, the old testament and Judaism is very questionable, and also deserves a level of generalization. As does Christianity. The generalizations you make with Christianity are vastly different, though. Along the lines of unconditional forgiveness and overtly polite.

sod off


You're done lad