
Mathilda edition

Other urls found in this thread:

eastpak.com/uk-en/backpacks-c120/padded-pak-r-black-pEK620008 00 999.html



losing my marbles

just found out one of my new mates was on university challenge haha


The white man is superior.

Not even debatable.


someone hat this man

I won 1st place in collegiate brain bowl (university challenge in the US)
I am quite good at trivia

you are now imagining jeremy corbyn and diane abbot having loud nasty sex

dont fuppin care


yanks are only capable of thinking in black and white
their brains cannot comprehend the big picture


*pulls up in my lifted pickup truck blasting Eric Church*


On a train and the nerds around me are reading books wtf lads its 2018


lend us a few million tarquin lad

Even non-whites know this

what's the age of the capitain

Having a minimalist dinner

May has let himself go haha


have you just discovered this film exists?
if you have then you're a shitty nonce

Lovely tune if a bit deanoish

fantastico edizione

Mufayu best girl

im op and thats not me

whats your iq

too many nonces in this thread
making me uncomfortable

you've overcooked your tortellini

you mean maika

why is alan posting here it is 3 in the morning in thailand

oh my days

Got any dating tips for me Alan?

fuck off underage

No age requirement as far as I know for captain. You just elect one for the team. Mine was a 22 yr old.

Is he being mugged

oh mah days ahahahaha

>-2 and expected to get lower tonight

Like 130+

wypipo culture in a nutshell lmaoo

is this some joke?

they're dabbing

he dabbin

not that kind of capitain
thought you were good at trivia

r u a toiler




Opposite day

saw two interracial relationships today (18-20 year olds)
country is going to the dogs

Why did King Edward abdicate?

it's 6am in non-bender time

he sure appreciates it

Get a load of this lads. This Eastpack bag is £40 in every store, some are £30 even.

Because of that Vetements patch in the corner, it is now £500. Madness haha

When will the Saxon begin to hate, lads?

You know I was once going to produce my gf. She was a fucking talented rapper youtube.com/watch?v=4RrCp5JajW0

>he watches a chainsmoking unemployed scotch bender


Wallis Simpson was a divorcee and a yank trollop

Still waiting on that pdf of your book la

you lads shouldn't be complaining. your blacks are awesome compared to ours

>non-bender time
very grim would not want to live there

nobody expects the spanish inquisition

Vetements mentioned

Don't get how anyone over the age of 18 can dedicate his free time to watching cartoons, if I'm to be completely honest with you, lad.

>This Eastpack bag is £40 in every store, some are £30 even.

>your blacks are awesome
quintessential yank post


what do you reckon the longest distance a stray bullet has travelled before killing someone? imagine getting shot in the head through your kitchen window while you eat breakfast from a stray bullet in a gunfight several streets away

But why did Edward have to abdicate

what is a knapsack

Bond has a back story that makes it almost impossible for him to be black. He's old school British upper class, and based on Naval Intelligence agents from WW2. His parents were Scottish and Swiss. Pic related is Ian Fleming's idea of what Bond looks like. I still think Clive Owen would've been perfect in his prime, and still could pull it off if it wasn't just a stunt-fest.

People who want Idris Elba to play Bond only want that for political reasons. They have no appreciation for the actual character or franchise. It would be like a white actor playing Shaft, completely out of character. Why not create a new spy franchise with a new character for Elba to play?

vetements means clothes in french

guess who passed his gcse french haha

eastpak.com/uk-en/backpacks-c120/padded-pak-r-black-pEK620008 00 999.html

Blacks are never awesome

>work tomorrow

killl mmeeeeeee

where the fuck do you live lol

hello yankee

because the wife of the head of the Anglican Church can't be a divorcee, especially one that was a Nazi-sympathising whore

dad just sent me this

none of this shit be new to me

>commit crime
>get deported to Japan

Fast and Furious has a weird legal system

guess who got fired from the apprentice

The yank disease is now using a British proxy VPN the state


Whoah it's like everything's connected

i live here. i was just asking a question. it must have happened somewhere in the world. i'm sure multiple instances

need to get bummed really badly

that is probably because you have not spent even a second considering it from a first person viewpoint, lad.

la majorite de la langue anglaise est francais en origine, a cause de Guillaume le Conquerant.

utter mong

some leaf is posing as ribena

the ê denotes something that used to be written est

Why is the British Navy consistently better than the French Navy throughout history?

satania's the worst

because they kidnapped random people and forced them into the navy.

She wasn't even a divorcee, as far as English law at the time was concerned she was still married to her first husband. It was only the Americans that granted divorce for reasons outside adultery.

>thread is 6 posts deep

woah what a scandal who cares mate

we've got more access to the sea

you gay?


you should be able to figure that one yourself
ps: the entire reason your country exists is because the french navy beat the english navy