Are Finns the weirdest looking Scandinavians in comparison with the rest of Scandinavia?

Are Finns the weirdest looking Scandinavians in comparison with the rest of Scandinavia?

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russian education system...

Finland isn't in Scandinavia friendo

that dude is russian

Sminem is honorary scandi

Why are niggers trying to push sminem as finnish now?

None of those are typically Scandinavian looking. Their lips are too big. It is because they are models, obviously, but the average person has much smaller lips.

Scandis have a certain look to them...

they're finns

finns are balto uralic

But you know what?

Of those guys, you know that Finland will be your loyal friend and the rest will try to fuck your gf.

Hmm... where do these features come from?

that's not a finn, that's an asiatic russian

Could it be... !?

Doesn't Finland have really have infidelity rates?

Jag vet inte vad

an asiatic russian is a leftover of the mongol runover

Not in the region:

But he is russian.

This guy is finnish.


Failed troll is fail. He is russian, so go look in the mirror, mutated Sergey.


sweden :3


me on the right btw

I don't like making fun of this guy, he looks like an oblivion character, his life is hard enough as it is without us laughing at him.

whiter than u muhamad

Don't take this the wrong way but I'm starting to see a pattern in their noseIt efinetly has a signature Scandinavian look or feature.

And to be honest it looks pig-ish

fuck now that you point it out... they kinda have pig noses

they're all finnish

>I'm starting to see a pattern in their nose
>fuck now that you point it out... they kinda have pig noses
wow... you just now realized this? are you newfags

This. You guys are bullying some random guy for no reason. Come one.

This is the kind of things chimps do.

{squeals in swedish}

Stereotypical Finn, Russia is also filled with guys like this except they use buzzcut instead of the faggy undercut.

Why do I get homosexual vibes from these white lovers? They're always drooling over man beauty.
>look how aesthetic. oh so handsome
>*starts fingering anus*

*male beauty

There's nothing gay about appreciating male beauty

It's funny when someone who has no idea what he is talking about opens his mouth. Yeah, he might be Finnish, I'm not denying that, but he looks nowhere near the average finn, his face is pretty weird and out of the 5.5 million Finns in Finland maybe 0.01 have that haircut.

is this the average finn?

That's norwegian noses, and they are indeed very distinct. Not ugly tho' - you just picked some teens from a degenerate tv show. In general norwegians are VERY beautiful.

With all that said, you are the last person who should comment on peoples noses. After the kikes, philippines have THE absolute ugliest noses (and faces) in the world. Fucking inuits and niggers are prettier than you

Jesus, are all swedes this ugly?

no,this is a beautiful one

STEREOTYPICAL Finn, learn to read. Average Swedes have very boyish looks and a stereotypical Swede would be someone like Dolph Lundgren, Johan Mjallby, Max Von Sydow or Petter Hansson with their extremely Nordic features. Skeleton faced platinum haired people are Finn and Russian look.

average finnish woman

That nose made me think

they practically are boys

t. Ahmad

Are Russians the mongolians of Europe?

It's just this one butthurt Ruskie.

Let him do his thing.

Yes, they are.

i want a sweden bf

The Russian women who get posted here in Sup Forums clearly have Asiatic admixture and yet Sup Forums insists in calling them white because they're white nationalists.

The bias here is unbelievable.
Sup Forums = All Russians are white and all Brazilians are mixed. When in reality we're about the same in terms of mixing.

The danish sterotype is round head and fat people lol. You are butchers who eat red sausages and drink beer.

danes dont fucking look like that
where is the pignose

Are Northwest Russians white ?

I mean, Brazilians most definitely aren't.

show me the american national team

people discussing our phenotypes are the cringiest ones i know of

Hmm sweeden if I was guy

But if I was girl I'd be in love with Denmark

Your map was made during the Russian empire era circa 1903 and the American anthropologist assumed that ethnic Russians would only live in the Western European part of Russia, that's why blonde hair only appears there in your map.

Sminem is fucking alpha asf

I know people posting on Sup Forums are predominantly virgins but come on now

inferiority complex


God most of them are so hot.


women's, the girls in the top row are not bad at all this is the power of the fabled le 100% face

Are you brave enough to show your own picture, I mean one picture of yourselves before you criticize to anyone else ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

only spics care about soccer here

2 and 4 from the left look like the golden one.


Haha, so why are russians such buthurt toward Finns? Wanna join us?


Laughing at the fact that the series called "vikings" has more finnish actors than actual scandies.

Must be cold

We look weird but we are the smartest in the Nordic region

what do you call the hair color that the norwegian has?

ash blonde

You are so insecure

>attributing swedish rape babies to Finland
>being proud of it

I heard somewhere its because the accent is stronger and more rough than your typical scandi who speaks without any noticeable accent.

he has Asian eyes.

Well you should know why.
1) Scandis are generally "arrogant" and didn't want to be part of a "petty" show at the start-
2) Scandis usually demand more in money and shit while doing work, so wouldn't work.
3) There are tons of other people with similar traits like Scandis, forexample anglo-saxon rape babies, finns, balts and a few frisians.

Also, don't care if it's finns playing the viking roles, they do good job and it's fun to watch in sparetime, kudos.


He needs to visit south korea and get his shit fixed.

No one cares why when the fool starts laughing. It's just in his nature.

Not even the combined efforts of all Gangnam can save this poor boy

>Not even the combined efforts of all Gangnam can save this poor boy

Wtf I thought south korea was best in this field, so he is doomed to be the meme.

You aren't white.
You aren't European.
Fuck off monkey.

Laughed my ass off dude.

Finland is part of Russia......

He seems like a chill guy

too bad he's sminem

>all finns look like smin-

I swear to God if this kids ends up an heroing because of internet bullying from r*ssian bydlos I'm going to bomb the Kremlin.
Good thing he looks like someone that doesn't take this sort of thing seriously and will brush off all these pathetic virgins off without second thought,

We need to start bullying russians to ensure they remember who they are.

10 rubles have been moved to your account.

So, I'm gonna say something probably unpopular-scandinavians are not good looking(generally, of course).

Seriously, have you ever actually looked at scandis? they have small eyes, bullish faces, yeah they're sort of tall(not as tall as the slav master race), and they're kind of corpulent, which can translate okay to men but not to women.

Helgas are actually more like the fugly girl you avoid than like the "Swedish Bikini Model that got gang raped 8 times".

Just saying

They are too dark to look like "average Nordics". Dark brows like that are not the norm, most have lighter, sometimes even invisible brows.

Guys like that do exist though, so Its not as if they Cant be Nordic.

>tfw no qt swedish bf

Scandinavia is a Geographic region m8...

Girl with red hair and sunglasses looks very finnish imo. Must be from Northern Norway with mongol/sami blood mixed into her family. The nose looks finnish imo.

Fatty on the left doesnt look Norwegian, too dark.