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Alright hand over the Jewish gfs and no one gets hurt

lech le5ssarra ?

chkounek? jdid hna? Wtet9al: '3alech el 5asara'

ndour fel Sup Forums dima.
layen el 5assara, my mistake

enti el 3melt ama thread ames? mnin enti?

men kairouan 3lech mamnou3 3leya ?

kek. la mech mamnou3. toskon fel 9erwan wala nouzouh?

mel 9orwen we tawa fe nabeul.
we7ed ta3 "nouzou7" bech ya3ref Sup Forums ?
wenti aslek min wiin ya ta3 nouzou7 mela mawloud fe usa ?

Ayh mawloud fi amerika ama 3echt mo3dhem 7yeti fi sfe9as et tawa rja3t na9ra fel us.
Etudiant fi nabeul?

ey na9ra fe prepa nabeul
5aleha 3ed sfaxi kont net9o7eb 3lik 5ater mana3rach chkoun tounssi fe Sup Forums

la mech bel3ani tna7atli 5aterni postit fi thread o5ra.
>prepa nabeul
1ere wala 2eme
Ena twjeht lel insat ama 9olt fek 3liya 9rayet el ingéniorat if tounes s3iba et fel lo5or matal9ach 5dem behin
>mana3rach chkoun tounssi fe Sup Forums
fama yecer ama m3ach nchoufhom dima

1ere we ghodwa nabdew n3adiw exams hehe

heya el prepa plus ou moins tnajem t9ol 5iir mel insat, ta nabeul mathalan 94%mp yanj7o,90% tp we 84% pc.

ye5i le9raya tawa fe usa kifeh ? ashel menek ta9ra fe touness wela 5ater asetdha 5iir ?
3andek identite americain mela ?
ta3rach chkoun 9ra fe allemagne we ken 9raytehoum 5iir ?
n7eb nhej men zabour omha touness

menich sur 5ater ena 3amart el orientation 3al jaw ama rahou el insat scorha akthar mel les prepas el kol sauf mt3 el ipest,
el 9raya fi america b7ar yda5lek fi 7it deja ana d5alt ma5ar et 7abit na9ra et nedfa3 comme un american ye5i d5alt el college s8ir(ysamiwhom community college) et tawa 9e3ad n3mel fi demand el transfer el jem3a rasmiya mt3 4 ans +master + phd ...
eli na9ra fih tawa sehel yecer 9e3ad n3awad fel math mt3 3amnewel basically ama ayh el facon mt3 el t3lim a7sen akther labos w y9asmou el note 3ala yecer 7ajet (examns, quizzes , labs, homework) et a9al se3at 9raya
>3andek identite americain mela ?
ayh ay we7ed mouloud fi america ye5ou el nationality
>ta3rach chkoun 9ra fe allemagne we ken 9raytehoum 5iir ?
tejem t9oul almanya 5ir 5aterha b malyoun marra ar5as wel jem3at 3andhom infrastructure presque kima fi america ama awka mochlek el langua . el anglais eshel b yecer et el 9raya fi almanya m3a9da chwaya.
>n7eb nhej men zabour omha touness
hej mech s3ib mechyen el almanya fama yecer agences yhezouk el ecole de langue fi almanya et b3d temchi tkamel ta9ra 8adi. Weld 5alti mcha mrigil fiha et 9abletou jem3a ranked 60 fel 3alem ye9ra fiha electrotechnique

9adeh men se3a belehi,chouf na7na ezebi

>tejem t9oul almanya 5ir 5aterha b malyoun marra ar5as wel jem3at 3andhom infrastructure presque kima fi america ama awka mochlek el langua . el anglais eshel b yecer et el 9raya fi almanya m3a9da chwaya.
9ari deja allemand, we najem njiib rou7i.
mochkla eno ena bac sciences jeyeb 14.31(9reya b3aththa tnayek wa9tha) we 5ayiff ba3ed ma nemchi manal9ach 7eja behya wela maye9blounich fe uni asslan 5ater science 7egriina

>mochkla eno ena bac sciences jeyeb 14.31(9reya b3aththa tnayek wa9tha) we 5ayiff ba3ed ma nemchi manal9ach 7eja behya wela maye9blounich fe uni asslan 5ater science 7egriina
lol ezzhar el kol fel visa b3d tejem tsalekha zid es2el enti 5ater weld 5alti bac math kifi ama 9ali fama jem3at tayrin et mayhemhoch fi moyennek aslan mouhem nja7t fel baca et fama jem3at wala i5tsaset yo8zrou el moyennek.
Ena na9ra 15 se3a khaw 5aterni da5eltha fi 7it et saretli machekel m3ahou fel placement mt3 el anglais et aslan nsit ma5tartch des cours mohemin( fi amrika ta5ter les classes el les profs eli mech ta9ra 3andhom)
Ama el simester el jeya wa9tha nebda na9ra bel resmi presuqe 19 heures.

ezab nik omhoum yniko fina we fe 7yetna
na9raw na7na jema 31 se3a we jem3a 37.
we ba3ed y9olek 3lech chabeb yakrah touness.

fama chkoun na3erfo jeyeb 11. we 12. we 13. we mchew le allemagne ama math ama na7na sciences maye9blounech fe 9raya.

thabet? yomkon maye9bloukom fi 7ajet kima electrotechnique wala informaqiue.
Benesba el systeme fi america y3mel 3al 5adema fel dar et mech el 93oud fel classe. Y3tiw yecer 5edma fel dar et tod5ol 25% mel note ama ayh 5ir mel prepa eli ysobb fi mokhem hem math et physque mech tenseh wa9ta tebda ta5dem comme ingenieur

ey bech nziid nas2l, we tawa 5an nemchi nor9ed ghodwa n3adi analyse hhhhh fuuu

What is this negro language that uses numbers in the middle of words?

barra nik omek a nigel

Google thought this was Haitian Creole, so I'm fairly sure that this is a nigger language

They do that with the numbers so google translate doesn't work.

Arabic letters with no simple equivalent in latin letters.
