American water boiler

>american water boiler

>he doesn't microwave his shoes


is this true?!

I am Dutch and even I do this... Too lazy to use the stove.

>The stove

What year do you live in?

You're not fooling me, proxy burger.

I boil my water on the stove thank you.

Isn't that just for coffee or tea?


You boil water in it.

>American cuisine


>tfw boiling my water in a microwave when my saucepan is dirty
feels american man

Kettles are faster but they get limescale after a while.

>his water is hard

>He doesn't have calcium in his water
weak bones 4 U

>americans think water is a hydrocarbon

Thank you for posting this.

kek, I'm actually on the verge of getting osteoporosis, so you got me there.

>americans microwave their shoes before shower with their eggs on

I microwave my water as well desu

unlucky :(

I don't drink coffee or tea, and the only time I need to boil water is for rice or pasta. So I don't typically see how that is as useful to me. Which would explain why I've never really cared to explore it when I've seen it in stores or at someone's place.

I've honestly only seen it used for tea by a friend.

Yeah, it sucks considering I'm still in my 20s. It's a side-effect of some medicine I'm on, but I'm sure some extra calcium in the water couldn't have hurt.

>Kettles are faster
not in America with their measly 110 volts
unless they plug it into the 220 volts they sometimes get on a special isolated circuit for their electric ovens

>boil water is for rice or pasta

>I don't drink coffee or tea
Aha, that's how they do it in Murrica.


so what?

>and the only time I need to boil water is for rice or pasta.
wait, how do you make rice or pasta?

I use it for tea, coffee and noodles. desu if you don't do it often it's easier to just use the stove.

So microwaves require less maintenance.

i boil water in a kettle on my gas stove

i like when the whistle goes MEEEEEEEEEEEE when the water boils and the steam comes out

Doesn't anyone use these?
They're much better for tea and other infusions/hot drinks.

gosh user, that's sooo 20th century

I use something like pic. Maybe not looking so good, but useful if you want a cup of tea quick.

except microwaves consume a fair bit more than keetles

I use one of those when I'm not in a hurry, the only problem is that you need to be nearby or else you make a mess

this looks uncomfortably similar to some old "night pots"/"portable toilets"

Well, it's just a basin with a handle. If you don't piss in it, I'm sure it's safe to use it in tea preparation.