Why is small-town America so undeniably comfy?

Why is small-town America so undeniably comfy?

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>Why is small-town America so undeniably comfy?

I lived in a place like that for a few weeks while visiting my mom

it fucking sucks

there's nothing to do

everyone who lives in places like that is either drug addicted or broken in other ways

it's not a healthy place to be

the picturesque small town america locations are all just driveby tourist destinations


This and everyone is constantly up in everyone else's business. Imagine an entire town of nosey coworkers

>there's nothing to do

what can you do that you'd find interesting in a city that you couldn't do in a small town?

>everyone who lives in places like that is either drug addicted or broken in other ways

far more drug taking in cities

Some Satanic rituals going on in that Church, let me say...

Nah it'd be fucking nightmares. I've heard shit like neighbour asking what church you go to and if you don't go to church then the whole town hates you.


Small town America is a third world Heroin addicted shithole



do like the red tile and extensively canal work though. Wish we didn't have everything on a grid

what kind of brainlet megacuck doesn't go to church on sunday?

>oh noooo i'm gonna go see my family/cousins/grandparents/friends/neighbors on a sunday morning and have a nice brunch afterwards, the HORROR! DONT MAKE ME SOCIALIZE MOM NOOOOOO

t. CNN

shit sux
and it's flyover
european flyovers are better

>google small town drug problem
>link first article
>doesn't have a single statistic to corroborate drug abuse and small towns vs cities


>small town America
>big houses and on nature's doorstep

>big city America
>high violent crime rates
>everyone's a drug user
>live in cramped apartment

I know which one I'd prefer

>this is the mental gymnastics christcucks go through to defend sucking on magical sky daddy cock

>this is the mental gymnastics christcucks go through to defend sucking on magical sky daddy cock

just admit you're a shut-in neckbeard faggot dude, no one expected anything more of you anyway

>I've heard shit like neighbour asking what church you go to and if you don't go to church then the whole town hates you.

I forget about this, a big social gaff in the UK is to ask someone what denomination/church they are. Was visiting my aunt a couple years back and I did this a few times. Here most people are just asking for conversation or to figure out your background, not if you're religious

The traditional small town culture is largely dead but there's some places where it's still big. Small towns in Pennsylvania and New Jersey have largely stabilized after being in free fall and you can find nice places like that. But they're still only an hour or two from major cities

weirdo antisocial megacuck, enjoy life in the basement.

This, its a total fucking meme at least in the midwest. Small town living is apex comfy, people can be a little nosy but also super helpful also students take their tractors to school.

>t. Mt. Pulaski Illinoisan

>what are moral principles
I wouldn't except nothing less from a Christian, only behaving itself out of the fear of Dog.

>they have no social life outside Church and Sup Forums

You sound like potential lone wolves planning a massacre, informing authorities.

>Christfags will unironically defend their dogma by accusing their critics of being lonely losers

Small town America is unironically the only part of the original America left. God, Family, Community, all still reign supreme. Despite the meth meme, drug crimes are still infinitely higher in the big cities. It's the only healthy place to raise families. The community pulls together when people need them.

When my father got cancer (I was a teenager), our whole town pulled together to help my family.

t. drug trafficker fearing people find out of his gig

that may be true but how does that appeal to the neckbeard shut-in virgins on /r/socialism and Sup Forums?

>God, Family, Community, all still reign supreme

>how does that appeal to the neckbeard shut-in virgins on /r/socialism and Sup Forums?
like they matter lmao

Honestly, no one here can claim to be moral or religious.
If you browse Sup Forums you're scum in some way.
You might be a church goer, but you're the kind of guy that praises religion and family values until he gets caught being fucked by a tranny at a truck stop

For everyone who wants muh precious 1950s of going to church, beating your wife, knowing all the neighbors, working at the factory and being a drunk instead of a drug addict: you'll find it in working-class Hispanic and illegal immigrant communities

nice reddit spacing kiddo. small towns are comfy

God I fucking hate hispanic culture so much.

>Not living in a comfy town on a huge ship

i like small town but living in an apartment deep in a city was one of the coolest experiences of my life! I would do it again or maybe one day I will, tho i think some of the appeal was that i was young and felt like i was part of the social scene. Now that im three years old, i just dont ever see myself doung that again!


Heya reddit

Close knit communities make me anxious though. I've actually had people walking up to me asking me why I wasn't socializing / didn't want to be friends with them, like they were offended. Normies can be very autistic and I assume in such small communities it's even worse.

>close knit communities

I have lived in a couple of small towns of

>there's nothing to do
So sick of this meme. Yes nornalscum, not every area of the US has left clubbing and wholefoods

This. Fuck small towns. Anyone who can will leave for better places and only the worst remain.

>Now that im three years old, i just dont ever see myself doung that again!

>small-town America
University towns are the best. Those are one of very few places with small town feels with a good amount of jobs

>wanting half your town population to be rowdy know-it-all college kids

But another option of having good career opportunity + having small town feel is living in some rich suburb towns which are filled with equally snobby people and those suburbs are more expensive

and it's not like that neckbeard does any of those things anyway

Small towns in North America are almost always complete and utter garbage. They're the kinds of places where everybody unironically has a douchebag style seemingly taken from 20 fucking years ago, they're all drug addicts, houses are all disgusting with a typical horrid vinyl exterior, every household has 2-3 pickup trucks which they use to go EVERYWHERE, everybody gets excited when a new Walmart opens up in their town (it literally becomes the focal point of the entire fucking town), people dress and look like literal hobos, E V E R Y B O D Y is disgustingly overweight, and so on. And that's not without even talking about the fact that there are no fucking jobs in small towns.

Don't get me wrong, small towns can be very nice. My experience in rural France was god-tier, and occasionally you can find a small town in North America which is an exception to my description above. However, these gems are pretty much just the exceptions which prove the rule.

Rate my town

very nice desu

very few of these things are unique to small towns, in fact I'd hazard a guess they are more prevalent in cities. Then with cities you have the added bonus of niggers and rampant violent crime, needlessly high property prices, whereas small towns land is ridiculously cheap, you can own a house surrounded by acres of land and be on nature's doorstep. you honestly sound like a soyboy

you sound like a dumb teenager.
How are you going to find a job in a small town by the way?

thanks senpai

we actually get some british tourists

>small towns don't have jobs!

hmm interesting. care to corroborate this...unemployment must be awful high! I guess the trend of more and more people working from home and offices becoming redundant doesn't apply here either. kek dumb nigger monkey.

>you sound like a dumb teenager
you ARE a teenager

You know they're out of arguments when they use le fedora meme

then what else is there? i lived in tiny ass town with nothing to do. Theres no forest near it, theres no lake to swim in, theres no mountains to hike. You're clearly romanticizing small towns.

This. Property is so cheap I'll own a home outright after only a year or two of working

>you ARE a teenager
it's weird to hear someone state something clearly wrong with such a weird misdirected confidence.
I assume you're young enough for this to make sense to you. Judging by the rest of the post you're probably just a dumb teenager.