Anyone else in Latin America actually hates the concept of Latin America and being grouped with the rest of the...

Anyone else in Latin America actually hates the concept of Latin America and being grouped with the rest of the countries in it?

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Damn, I didn't know Mexico is so superior

Why it bothers you so much? only amEric*ns think that we are all the same

Why wouldn't you be? You're all incredibly similar racially, historically, culturally. and linguistically. Why wouldn't all the poor, mixed race, Hispanic former colonies in the Americas be put into the same group?

I wish we could all get along, stopped being corrupt and cooperated, to be desu.
We would probably be able to develop this cesspool of a region if we did.

that's true up to a certain point, some south american nations still hold their heritage (as in, indigenous heritage) up to high regard and are proud of it, some others desperately try to hide it

Of course yes. Everyone hates everyone here.

Only communists praise "latin american" identidy bullshit

>some south american nations still hold their heritage (as in, indigenous heritage) up to high regard and are proud of it, some others desperately try to hide it
Which countries and why?

>You're all incredibly similar racially, historically, culturally

No, just no.

Spanish America = Spaniards, native americans and different castas between these two. You also can put Italiand in Argentina and Uruguay.

Brazil = Portuguese, slaves and shit tons of different europeans, arabs and asians. Native americans are very irrelevant.

Big difference.

France created the concept of Latin America

say, bolivia, paraguay, peru are closer to it than chile or argentina
who knows why, probably europhilia on our part

we are all the same shit mate. there are more diference between a poor neighborhood and a rich one inside the same latin american country than diferences between two rich/poor neighborhood in diferents south american countries.

it's not that hard to see.

Mexico, Peru and Bolivia mostly
you hear them calling themselves aztecs or incas

Your descriptions make them sound even more similar. Sure there's less natives in Brazil, and more blacks, but the general demographics and cultural/genetic mixture is the same across Latin America. Even if somewhere like Chile doesn't have many pure blacks, half of the population has African ancestry. Never mind the fact that Spanish and Portuguese are very similar languages, and their colonial varieties are even more similar thanks to the native input across the dialects.

I don't give a fuck desu

>but the general demographics and cultural/genetic mixture is the same across Latin America

We literally can spot Native American looking people like Bolivians or Peruvians from miles away just like Americans with Central Americans. You are wrong.

You kidding,rignt?
Spanish and Portuguese culture are almost the fucking same. Not only in the peninsula, but here

you even can compare spaniards and italians. it's very alike everything.

call him latin american see what happens

The countries are very, very different. They are classified together because they are all poor, corrupt and mediocre.

But if theu were rich, I'm pretty sure they would be classified different.

How much do they pay you for spreading bullshit each and everyday?

Communists realy don't see any difference for convenience. They dream to merge all of them into a single communist country. Foro de Sao Paulo

jokes on you everyone not from their own region is thought of as the same as everyone else in their general area

how many times have you written commie and communists here this year?

How many times you will spam threads about Brazil with a Kuruminha avatar?

what the hell are you talking about

Since when this is wrong? Are you implying we have the same racial background? Brazil is creatly very different, not only the language, at least physically.

But I agree the culture is very similar. All countries are corrupt and unorganized

m8, race means shit here to the point we racemix. People here get together through the catholic background that was spread here since the beginning of our colonization, and that is common to all Latin America

Why? We are culturally the same, ethnically/racially the same, linguistically the same sauf Brazil....and there's not a single country that's light years ahead of the rest, except for Québec but it's not even a country and most times not even considered Latin America.

I don't understand why some Latinos on this board get butthurt at the idea of being lumped together with the rest of LatAM.

because he is a known CIA shill that spends literally everyday spreading bullshit here

because of these

we are native not latin fucking shits. we enjoy flutes and drums and the chants of our ancestors not regg*eton

>le cunspeeracie

Agreed. But I still see Brazil as an alien in this continent physically speaking. The chicano appearance look foreign to me.

But the culture is very similar.

You have never been to Northern Brazil have you?

Why do you lie? I've seen several mixed indios in Brazil but they call themselves pardos or whatever.

Brazil is literally full of Zambos

No not at all. In fact I wish we could form a latam or iberoamerican (minus portugal) federation so we can finally counter the jewnited states

>thinking anything that happens inside our countries is our fault
you must be a CIA nigger

Basically this but unironically.

What the fuck is a zambo? And why are you posting a Venezuelan?

stop baiting my friend

Isn't that the standard opinion about country relations within our continent?

Lie? Just pic any Brazilian crowd and you will not see a single native american.

It's way more common Uruguayans with native looking.

Reverse search.

>samefagging again
literally pathetic

so be it, she could pass as brazilian easily

Where is the lie? Pick any Brazilian crowd in google.

If you say you can't spot Peruvians or Argentinians from Misiones in a crowd you are lying.

>you must be a CIA nigger

Yeah and a guy from Acre or Pará would in South Brazil too.

Being completely honest I love Latin America as a concept and I hope that our countries continue to grow in strength, friendship, and power in the coming centuries.

Yes, even you brazil.

Do Brazilians unironically think that they aren't spics?


Just one deluded guy here. If we didn't we wouldn't have in our constitution the obligation to lead a Latin American union and integrate all Latin American people

Man, I live in Belo Horizonte and it's easy as fuck to notice Bolivians. Please stop.

m8 have you been to Acre or Pará?

Only the ones who larp as whites

yeah just mind the saying:
"juntos pero no revueltos"
as long as we respect each other and pay each other's cash all will be good

Yes, the only real thing we share in common is being former Romance countries colonies.

The more time this meme lasts, the more our cultures and realities differ and we need to understand this before some Bolivarian schizo movement ends to fuck up our countries.

You are talking about natives in reserves in the middle of nowhere?

>We are culturally the same
We don't have gauchos, tango and your stuff.

Latin American countries might be similar with some neighbors but overall, there is no real similarities outside some regions like north of South America and the South or Central South America.

Since independence this only got deeper.

I seeing crowds in Belém, Pará and I'm not seeing natives either. And it's the North.

This look a werid mix of Europeans, Saudis and Omanis.

I don't think the world can notice the difference of brown people.

But I can see lot of difference between Brazil and neighbour countries physically. They are very native american, we are more euro-afro.

If I say that, they will attack me and imply I want to be a special snowflake for speak the truth.

>We don't have gauchos, tango and your stuff.
that shit doesn't even reprsent 5% of our country.
Cherrypicked info you see in TV shows and touristic guides for retards =/= real culture

no, I'm not assburgers.

it's jus a tag, as there are many other tags and forms of grouping countries.

Latin America undoubtedly is something real, related to language and history.

So you want to talk about mate or your accent?

Your individualism is not share by the rest of the region, like the level of westernization.

This. Culturally we are very similar. But racially I see many differences.

idk man, i think brazilians are very similar to venezuelans and colombians

Syrian Lebanese people arrived all over Latin America.

Asians are significative in numbers in several countries like Panama, Peru or even Argentina.

I do... but I mostly hate the term "latino" makes me wanna throw up

Really? I disagree a lot. They are very native looking. But I see many similarities with brown and white Cubans.

Latin America was invented by Napoleon III when France was in their imperialist second try, to have legitimacy over Spanish America countries.

I hate the concept of being associated with gun-toting, sister fucking, cousin-marrying arizona white trash but we're the same country. So relax latin America. Everyone gets fucking grouped one way or the other.

Basically Amerindian tea, it's a common drink in Uruguay, Argentina, Paraguay, Brazil, Chile and even Bolivia (with coca leaves) and some regions in the southern part of Peru...basically half of south America.

Isn't that different, typical South American accent, it'd stick to you if you lived here for a few months nothing special.

>racially I see many differences.
Not really. Maybe Brazil and the rest of Latin America because of blacks.
But take a random dude or woman from Argentina and any other country in Latin America, put them together and you will see zero differences. Racially the same. ?

Dominican Republic and Peru are very different countries.

Perú, Ecuador, Colombia and Central America and Caribbean have lots of blacks, not only Brazil
basically anywhere in the colonies where there was more demand for workforce because they were rich and we were a backwater mudhole without gold
but there's a specific racial difference albeit somewhat tiny that you forgot to mention:
the natives weren't the same. and neither was the percentage of... hmm "immigrants" (include black slaves there) on each region

Idk man, the only thing I know that you can grab a random average guy from Argentina, one from Peru and another one from I don't know, Colombia or Paraguay and you will not know whom is whom.

>typical South American accent
Mate, you and everybody around the world knows you speak very very VERY different from the rest of us.

And mate is only a Southern South America thing, in Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia we have coca one, not the Argie.

The plant is endemic from Paraguay and some parts of Argentina.

Please don't lie.

>Perú, Ecuador, Colombia and Central America and Caribbean have lots of blacks, not only Brazil
You're lying or you don't know what you're talking.

Asians and blacks, and anything not Amerindian or White is less than 3% of Peru.

You can walk through Lima a whole day and not see any black.

We didn't have shortage of labor, blacks were only imported by rich landowners in order to do their basic or house chores.

The only Hispanic countries I see something similar are the island caribbean ones and parts of Uruguay.

Yeah, Peruvians also speak different from Bolivians and they speak different from people from Ecuador and they speak different from Chileans and they speak different from Paraguayans. So what?
What we speak is the average latino accent with regional differences, that's all.

This is inaccurate. We're not even close (culturally or racially) to people from the southern cone, Lower Andes or Mexico. Only Venezuelans, Puerto Ricans, Panamanians and Costa Ricans are similar to us.


And northern Brazilians

All Ibero America is one nation undet Gods for liberty and justice for all.

Northern you mean Amazonas?

Brazil has much more, Caribbean countries too. Colombia, more or less, only in the coasts. Peru and Equator not much.

Why everyone get some mad here? most of us are mixed with euro-african-native-arabs and who knows more. It's no point to make racial differents, besides, the term "latino" grouped us for similar cultures and no racial things; we are the same mixed people historically exploted, poor, but with a great heart.

Yes, Amazonas/Roraima excluding native americans, only the general population



What's the problem if there are differences in the countries physically? Why are you so sensitive?

Are you implying Dominican Republic and Peru look the same?

>What we speak is the average latino accent with regional differences, that's all
So we are not the same. Uhmmm

The biggest problem are the european wannabes, but im fact, there are differences.

There are no differences, only difference is African is dominant in Brazil but Im fine to ignoring them for homogenity.

Brazil joined Ibero states.

of course are differences, but who cares? at the end of the day almost everyone here are mixed. The big problem of the latin world is an education thing and this shitty law of minimum effort (thanks for that Spain)

I agree there are many similarities between the Spanish/Amerindian mix from Mexico to Argentina.

But there are also differences. Dominican Republic, Cuba and Brazil.

In Ecuador and Colombia they keep the black people concentrated in a whole different city. Look up esmeraldas, ecuador

Yes, carribbean and Brazil should be banned from Ibero State, Angola and Mozambique is also banned.

But there is nothing wrong about identidy. Just because I'm posting facts it doesn't mean I want to be superior or anything.

The true le 56%ers