How do you think of police in your coutry?
How do you think of police in your coutry?
Pigs. Just trying to make money
even the dog looks asian
They do their job well. It's the politicians and the legal system that fuck everything up.
american police would shoot and kill that dog
Same here
Explain this meme
Just look up "Daniel Shaver death", and you'll see the short video. It honestly scared me a bit because i'm a huge fucking beta
the best in quiet towns like mine
but increasingly ill-equipped to deal with diversity and real crime
they never use real guns, only some shit that is shooting some rubber ammo that hurts as fuck
sometimes they accidentally kill some agressive football hooligan with stun gun or aforementioned fake gun shot in the eye/neck and it causes outrage among the hooligans and other subhumans saying HE WAS GOOD BOY GOING TO CHURCH EVERY WEEK DINDU NUFIN AND YOU KILLED HIM MURDERERS
literally nigger tier
he reached for his waistband
don't get drunk and play with guns
this post smells very strongly of bacon
I'll admit the guy was a fucking retard trying to pull that shit, but the cop went a bit overboard in my opinion
They are good guys.
fuck that, don't get drunk and play with guns
the guy was stupid as shit and didn't listen
what would it take for you to admit a cop went too far
if the cop killed someone who followed all his orders
They study for at least 3 years to become an officer. They practically do a bachelors degree in law and administration. They screen the applicants and you have to have a highschool diploma with good grades to get in. It's pretty much mandatory to have your military service of 6 or 12 months over before you can apply. And you need to be in good physical condition. That said, the most stupid and violent idiots can not even get into training, let alone finish the studies. They do their job well, they don't need to get bribes and are generally pretty nice.
I felt my brain give up and die as I read this.
excellent refutation my friend
There is no refuting someone with absolute-cognitive-dissonance. You're like an insane person who is convince he is not insane. You're too far gone to ever come back.
better than american
ad hom
someone reaches for a waistband, cop assumes you're reaching for a weapon, cop defends himself (usually after numerous warnings). not sure what the issue is, especially in this case when the cop already knows the guy is armed
fuck off bootlicker
Basically be a fuckup that even the military won't take. But be courageous enough to be in constant danger or whatever the fuck they think
I like our police, and we probably have the comfiest police twitter/facebook.
Why are Americans such bootlickers.
They are stupid.
contrary to belief, its not "cool" to rebel against authority when the commands are completely reasonable
can't a dogg just be a dogg?
Heavy I since childhood
They are great. As the guy earlier said, the standard to even get to police training is ridicolously high.
No america tier sociopaths here.
God damn phone
they're ok
>Not liking the police
this. Here it is safe to assume that if a person complains about police officers in some way, it's almost certainly because they are retarded white trash or leftist activists. Normal police officers are great but the higher ranking police officers in helsinki are politicized scum.
it's hard to move a shiba if once he starts that, they are stubborn
>They do their job well. It's the politicians and the legal system that fuck everything up.
Our laws protect bandits.
Pathetic morons.
I bet they are beating up leftard soyboys, isn't that right?
people drive like shit and never have their papers in order so they get bribes all the time. They have been cool with me, I guess they are not used to being threated nice, also when I was younger I was caught with weedlmao and they just give me some advice and let me go.
on them leaves the huge part of the state budget .
Arrogant, murder squads that literally get away with killing you. Uneducated Men that let the "badge" go to their heads. Also, like the phrase, 'there's nothing worse than a pussy with a gun and authority'.
There are 3 tiers of police here.
1. Constables. They are the most stupid. They go to the police academy and graduate...boom a policeman.
2. Sheriffs. They only need 2 years of community college to get certified via an internship....boom a policeman
3. State troopers. These guys are professionals that truly know the law and don't step on your rights. (The guys you want to deal with).
For every good cop, there are 10 filthy and trigger happy ones. When you see a patrol car, always have in your mind that your life is in danger. I always tell fellow conservatives that you may support the "thin blue line", but they'll be the first one to take your guns in a shtf scenario.
Minsk police still use soviet cars?
It depends a bit of the state you're in, since some of them lowered their standards when it comes to recruiting, but most officers are still pretty good/10.
State police is fine for the most part (highway patrols excluded)
City policemen are illiterate apes
Why are fatties allowed to be on the police force in the US?
Are there no physical requirements to becoming a police officer?
yanks aren't human
Desk monkeys
Also donuts
>Desk monkeys
>Patrol officers on the street
>Not understanding the difference
>Not realizing that there are fat fucks in squad cars and patrolling on foot
>Probably live in a small redneck town
>Live in an alternate reality
>When you see a patrol car, always have in your mind that your life is in danger
I already know this poster is a nigger.
Yeah, a nigger, not a black guy.
Soviet? You don't understand the difference between an alphabet and a government is?
This is an old photo
now they use Skoda or Opel
Hey anons, I'm doing a cop hater starter pack.
The Asian is missing. What kind of Asian hates the cops?
They are cucks
>Soviet? You don't understand the difference between an alphabet and a government is?
>this fucking betafag thought that the fatty was reaching for a gun when he wanted to pull his pants up
>trying to hide betafag genetics with tatoos
im so mad
After having him laid face down and arms stretched, someone should have gone over and cuffed him. Little psychos made him jump through hoops only to get a chance to blast him. And if a policeman really was scared for his life in this situation, he shouldn't be allowed in the force.
Takes one to know one
cops in spain are mostly chill, some of them have an ego but even those are more friendly than most USA cops
doesnt brazil have soldiers instead of cops in the problematic areas? or was that mexico?
>What kind of Asian hates the cops?
The british kind.
Most cops are obnoxious assholes. However the average person has so little contact with them it doesn't matter.
SWAT/riot control is usually fascist junta-dick-sucking scum, but it's expected.
In 2008 a cop killed a 15 y.o. child here, and there were massive riots. It never happened again.
>cop defends himself
Yeah nah, eat shit. Police are public servants there to defend the general public. These aren't soldiers on battlefield.
I knew someone would post this. I actually think they handeled the situation pretty well. Minimun damage to the suspect and other people. Sure it would have been easier just to shoot the guy, but luckily we don't have american sociopats in, because thta would have also put innocent people in danger. They all carry guns, but did they pull them at any point? Did they detain the guy?
>the word facist and cop together
I need to add a soyboy to this pic
Our army and cops could destroy the drug routes in just one day. Our judiciary amd muh human rights are the real cancer
>only choices are getting 1) cucked and 2) shooting
They could have used some force to take him down instead of getting cucked
They detained him, didn't they? Was there any damage to other people?
Why the fuck is he shot? And why the fuck did it have to lethal? This is why Americans cannot have guns. Yes, even cops cannot have guns in America.
for a second I thought that was an 86
usually it's the cop sympathizers that are effeminate and pathetic excuses of """men""". Go suck some cop dick you Stockholm syndrome soyboy.
>get drunk in a private hotel room (God bless freedoms) you paid for (God bless capitalism), showing off you pest control guns (God bless the constitution) to a woman
>get shot by cops after being repeatedly told you're about to die unless you perfectly execute a series of contradicting orders no matter how humiliating it gets
>Americans start clapping and cheering
meant for
>Be American
>Get shot
Explain to me what the fuck is wrong in this video?
1 - The policeman gives the orders.
2 - The guy does not obey
3 - The guy makes a gesture with his right hand as if he will get a gun
4 - The cop shots
American cops are based.
He wouldn't have had to reach for it if he wasn't forced to crawl on his knees with his legs crossed you fucking idiot.
Ordinary cop-ok
Higher ups are scum that should be shot
Leftists want to castrate American cops, so America will finally become a central american shithole where criminals can do what they want.
City cops in Norway is turning into Americans. They're rude, aggressive and treat you as guilty until proven otherwise. Lots of fragile egoes and power needs.
T. Got arrested and thrown into solitary for 2 days when I was 15 and walking home from a party (didn't drink) at night because I was the only guy they found in the area. Didn't even say what they took me in for then ransacked my home without permission, breaking some glass stuff I inherited from my grandmother and leaving a horrible mess. Learned later they decided to not prosecute me due no evidence (letter made it clear they still suspected me) for apparently tagging walls with graffiti. I wore a suit, as all vandals clearly does when they paint walls.
Also the chief of police got nabbed for severe corruption last year. Norway sure is great!
For people interested, here's a cutout from one of my favorite posts:
Monday night at 02:00AM a Pokémon Go-player saw some previously unseen creatures in the Pokemon universe, while playing Pokémon Go in Espergærde (a town). It was immediately obvious that it wasn't Jigglypuff and Wigglytuff he had seen, but rather a group of men that had jumped the fence to the local supermarket's backyard.
Next paragraph just describes that the group of men is stealing bottles.
The sight understandably made our notifier a tad Krabby, and he, therefore, called us. It Ditto awoke some Poliwrath in us, which is why we Machopped our way to Espergærde. There was no time to be Slowpokes here since the men were probably not going to be there for Eevee (sounds like forever in Danish).
After some Seaking in the area, four men were found that matched the description. Three of them were charged with theft, while the fourth was sent home to his parents because of his low age. But perhaps the parents Exeggcute him in the way only parents can?
It was nicely spotted by the Pokémon Go-player, whom can now say that he's helped catch some creatures using Pokémon Go that nobody else has. Godt work and level up from us!"
Fuck the police
Why didn't he just handcuff him when he was on the floor? He's fucking stupid, like you, and a coward.
Why it's always niggers who hate cops? You are a fucking nigger in behavior
Some criminal elements
This. He is clearly a wigger.
You got me. Us wiggers love walking home sober in suits after attending formal parties. It's the thug life
See the video again. I tought he would catch a gun in the right pocket
Your story is very suspicious. Apparently the cops love your attention and you are an innocent little angel.
Of course not. I were a 15 year old drug kingpin owning the city underworld. Our cops can do no wrong, just like American cops. No wonder they're turning into burgers when you clap and cheer them on.
He would've never reached back there if he wasn't forced to crawl, or if they had handcuffed him first
And yet you are generalizing all the city police officers for one mistake.
No wonder they turn bad when you faggots do nothing but pick on them.
Why didn't he obey? Seriously, if you didn't do anything wrong you have no reasons to not obey that cop.