Just what the fuck is wrong with Amerimutts?

Just what the fuck is wrong with Amerimutts?


who's the brit


thats sad. glad i was never bullied. at least not to my face anyways.

Why do yuros spend every waking hour obsessing over the US

>tfw outgrew my bullies and fucked with them

Bullying is necessary desu.

Bullying never really happened at my schools.

There were weird kids but no one picked on them for no reason, they usually deserved it

Bullying is what separates men from soyboys like canadians.

i can't understand well what he's saying...

>kids make fun of his nose
>kids call him ugly
>kids poured milk on him during lunchtime

I just beat off my dick to ada wong porn

Are you sure you're in the right place?

>be American
>get bullied

take me home

why doesn't he just shoot them?

we used to fight each other at recess in primary school because we were just bored
not really bullying, everyone had a gud time


i fought my bullies, took a metal pole to the lot of them when they came at me in a group and sent them running.

they look for the weak, lucky for you, being weak or strong is within your control.


*teleports into your peripheral vision* 'ahh look what we have here' *spins and kicks you* 'stay down my friend'