Be american doge

>be american doge
>defend owner
>get shot by police

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honestly shoot incidents in the US don't surprise me at all anymore.
I don't even bother clicking if I hear about another white kid gone mad causing a massacre t b h

>be nip
>boil and eat dead dog

I'm fed up with American police meme these days

That's K*rea and Ch*na.

not dog but whale,mate

are rook da same

meme country with brainwashed mutts, nothign from there surprises me anymore

I don't care. Why do you?

I used to have 2 rotties, best dogs, but so delicate

literally the same thing ching chong chang

Only Southern part of Japan eats dog.

good, dogs are filthy animals
everytime i see one in the streets i voluptuously snap its pathetic neck for the glory of Allah.

korea isnt part of japan anymore m8

Kyushu people eat dogs, they are not Korean though.

Can you get cuffed in the USA just for filming the cops?

Legally? No

Will they anyway? Yep, they'll claim you were somehow interfering with the arrest

Cops fucking HATE you filming them, because it neuters them from power tripping.

Dog Bless :(

This, but it's changing. Cameras are now too ubiquitous for them to react that way. Younger guys don't seem to have as much of a problem as the older guys who are used to acting like the Gestapo.

This one was justified desu.
Retards with dangerous dogs deserve to be shot themselves.

americans are the most pathetic, servile trash ever
in any other place in the world there would be riots if stuff like that happened

>any other place in the world there would be riots
Yeah, that'll make things better.

Not my state, not my cops.

this one is justified though, the dog attacked first

when police shot a teen there were riots for a month
after that there hasn't been any major incident
the more you condone that behavior, the worse it'll get

>dogs are entirely innocent and incapable of being violent on their own, unprompted by their owners
>guns are inherently dangerous and should be banned

Inherently violent breeds of dog should be banned.

>Inherently violent breeds of dog
No such thing, and no they shouldn't. No type of dog should be banned in the USA unless it poses an ecological risk as an invasive species.
Why do any of you care what happens here?

It was meant as a general statement, not particular to you person shithole. And some breeds of dog are more violent than others, they have been bred that way.

enjoy having your kids being mauled to death by your neighbor's """"trained"""" pitbull

*mauls toddler*

Not true. Some dogs are only violent because they are bread to be violent, such as Pit Bulls, because they are bread for dog fighting. You can have a Pit Bull that is a family friendly dog.

a FAMILY doggo

>there were riots for a month
That's not something to be proud of.
>after that there hasn't been any major incident
Good, but that would have been better accomplished without rioting. Riots would have the opposite effect here; people would support an authoritarian crackdown to restore order.
Most of us have jobs, and we won't tolerate having that interfered with.
>the more you condone that behavior, the worse it'll get
Nobody is really condoning it. Most people don't care because it's not in their state. States are in charge of their own cops. This kind of thing never happens in my state, but my state is entirely rural and has 1/60 the population of California.
Reminder: we are 50 states united, not one country divided 50 ways

>ctrl + f "Pit bull"
>607 results

My kids have great aim.

Typical American mindset.
It’s happening in your country, which means that, in theory, the same can happen to you.

>be whale
>get massacred by japanese

I don't understand asians why would you eat something that was born to love you...

Fuck pitbulls though

>mutt baby


*shoots self*


See Each state has its own police. Vermont cops are not California cops. This is one of the safest states, and we have the loosest gun laws.
Despite what you may have seen in Super Troopers, Vermont cops are pretty professional.

That's a meme. I've never been shot or shot anyone else, although I have used my guns to kill game animals.

truly the niggers of dogs

>why do other people feel compassion?
are americans even human?

>Ask about america, Canada answers



This isn't an issue of compassion, and you're being disingenuous when you imply it is so. This is a troll under the sheet of feigned outrage.
See the posts above yours.

>aw nuu aggressive dog is put down!!



*dismounts from floating meditation*
"Hmph, I suppose the government sent you. my airsoft collection is of no threat to you."


"but I am."


"3 seconds?" *smirks as demon and angle wings grow from my back* "all i need"
* unsheathes sword*
*warps behind american cop, eyes closed*
"sayonara(goodbye) pig"


*opens one eye, revealing eternal bakumon tsukuyomi sharingan, and slices bullets in half*
*unleashes limit break, Soul Destroying Amakakeru Ryu no Hirameki Bankai Tsubame Gaeshi Zan Ma Ken-Ni No Tachi Gear Second Eight Gates Unleashed-Space Destruction Beamu Blade*
* annihiliates cop and also kills my friend paul fuck you paul*
*dematerialises sword*
"Heh, I expected so much more from the man who killed my sensei, Daniel-san, I dedicate this revengeance to you, my dearly departed master"



Some breeds are proven to have issues. They are like wild animals, can attack at any moment. And they do. Animal-worshipping retards are fucking dumb. No wonder most people who have violent dogs are degenerates: drug-addicts, rappers and criminals.

>Inherently violent breeds of dog


also 30-ish single women who "love animals" and organic food, they are the worst.

they did right.
it couldve bit him

don't care
if americans want this sort of thing to go on, let them




Done breeds have the potential to do more harm when they go bad. IME as an HVAC residential service technician, the smaller and yappier the dog, the more likely the are to attack. That said, a Chihuahua can't bite with enough force to shatter a tibia.
I have 3 scars from literal ankle biters, but I've never had a big dog get aggressive with me.
Like the Russian poster, you're describing someone who isn't likely to be a responsible dog owner.

>Done breeds
*Some breeds

>dude all dogs are the same!!! stop beign breedist!!!1

such a crock of dumb hippy bullshit, every modern dog was bred for a purpose, they all have their own specific traits and flaws, evidently the pit bull is more aggressive than other breeds, it just means that specific breed is not easy to train and its ownership should be banned or at least limited.
would you allow people to keep hyenas as pets knowing they can't be tamed and will fuck up a human given the chance?

>its ownership should be banned or at least limited
>would you allow people to keep hyenas as pets
Absolutely, as long as they keep them on their property. Hyenas might breed with coyotes, so my main concern would be ecological.

>be nigger
>driving around doing nothing
>spot a crime scene
>decide to watch to see if he can aid his fellow nigger by saying he dindu nuffin
>get told to leave a crime scene multiple times
>puts his dog in his car to get a better look
>nigger continues to interfere in crime scene
>cops tell attempt to arrest him
>nigger dog gets mad
>jumps out of car and attempts to bite officers arresting nigger obstructing justice
>cop shoots in self defense out of fear of being mauled

Nothing wrong with this, you fucking whale murderer. Just look what the beasts can do.

then blacks should also be banned

How's that working out for you, Sven?

s sshutup

>on muh brobberti hurr freedom

so it's perfectly alright to also do what you want with those dogs, you can starve and beat them and train them to maul children but "the man" shouldn't be able to tell you anything because no step on snek and all that bullshit, right?

I KNEW you subhuman yanks would defend this because "le nigger lol"
it's like you yanks are bred to avoid any sort of critical thinking

>be American
>cops kill your dog
>order you to behead the dog so it can be tested for rabies
>offer to go get the documentation showing that all the vaccines are up to date
>cops refuse to allow you back in the house and insist you cut your own dog's head off


>le nigger lol

I can replace nigger with "man" and get the same result. That man shouldn't have been there and if he would have listened to the officer's commands, his dog would not be dead and he wouldn't have gone to jail.

>''Looks like McMeat is back on the menu boys!''

The bad part here is the guy being arrested when he did nothing wrong

>he did nothing wrong

> Muh doggie boehoehhoe he dindu nuffin

Just keep your stupid dog under control whiny faggots

>that liveleak

dinduuuuu all dogs are gud bois it's just the owner's fault!!


yeah he should be arrested for taking pictures of the police, what a dangerous individual.

>the sidewalk is a crime scene

the whole world is a crime scene if you really believe it, follow your dreams mr. angery policeman.

Why are you being so hyperbolic and rude?
>you can starve and beat them
No, that's unethical and illegal. Possessing an animal is not the same as abusing it.
And yes, freedom to do as you will as long as it doesn't hurt others is a core part of our culture. It doesn't directly affect you, so why is it so offensive to you?

Very high quality post

>possessing a dog which has been specifically bred to be a fighting dog does not pose a potential threat to others
>there should be no regulations on fighting dog ownership and everyone who has never heard of dog training should be allowed to own a large aggressive beast

you contradict yourself m8, also this is a problem here too not just in your shithole, I am allowed to discuss it and you should stop playing victim.

>*unleashes limit break, Soul Destroying Amakakeru Ryu no Hirameki Bankai Tsubame Gaeshi Zan Ma Ken-Ni No Tachi Gear Second Eight Gates Unleashed-Space Destruction Beamu Blade*

Even if the dog was going to bite him, he would have had plenty of time to shoot it after it bit him. A dog's bite can hurt, but it doesn't stop you from acting. Regardless, there's a big difference between a dog barking and a dog biting. A regular dog has never even thought of biting a human, because all the ones it has met are his owner or people he knows. All of this is something a person that's supposed to be trained to protect public safety should be able to realize. Why even bother training police if they'll just shoot any amount of opposition that comes their way, anyone can do that.

>Why even bother training police if they'll just shoot any amount of opposition that comes their way, anyone can do that.
Shooting any amount of opposition that comes their way IS their "training"

This guy is just fucking dumb. I feel really bad for the dog. If there's police around and you're walking your dog, and you know your dog is big, you need to get the FUCK out because they are already on edge and don't need your pupper fucking them up.

>pose a potential threat to others
That's not enough reason to ban things.
>your shithole
>you should stop playing victim
You're being rude.
I don't live in California, so this event has about as much to do with me as it does with you. Maybe California should have laws about this, but that's not for me to say. Not my state, not my concern.
The only concern the federal government should have with this is for the potential ecological impact, since wildlife doesn't recognize state borders.
Because it's a dog, so it doesn't really matter. Sure, Mr YOU'RE FUCKED is a psycho who belongs behind bars, but this isn't the same thing. Ultimately, a dog being shot as a result of its owner's irresponsible behavior isn't a big deal.
That's a meme, and it's not true.

Of course killing a dog isn't as big of a deal as killing a human, but a dog isn't nearly as dangerous either. It's just funny to me to see how american police shoot a dog multiple times when it barks at them, while in here a terrorist that stabbed 10 people was shot once in the leg and survived.

>being shot as a result of its owner's irresponsible behavior
it was shot due to the police's incompetant behaviour.

why would you want a terrorist who stabbed 10 people to survive?
I am so happy when the police ill terrorists.

>when it barks at them
Should they have waited until they were bitten? A loose dog that's barking and approaching aggressively seems like a legit reason to shoot.
>while in here a terrorist that stabbed 10 people was shot once in the leg and survived.
You can't interrogate a dog about links to a wider attack dog network.
I disagree. See above.
Frankly, just being loose without its owner is enough reason for me.


entirely the negroes fault. anyone who disagrees either openly or secretly wants their boipussy destroyed by bbc

There's no death penalty in Finland, and even if there was it would be given by a judge and not a police. Police's job is to deliver people to court, not execute them.

>Should they have waited until they were bitten?
Yes. The police exist to protect citizens and their property. They should put the citizens interest ahead of their own while working or they'll be no different from a normal guy that's been given a permission to shoot people.

>Police's job is to deliver people to court, not execute them.
not really, that's not written on any consitution at least.
their job is to protect from threats, the priority with a terrorist who has already murdered people should be to neutralize the threat, not bring him safe and sound to court, I have to agree with burgers on that one.