Why are British people so ugly?
Why are British people so ugly?
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not racemixing
non-meme answer: the nutrition on the British isles
differences in looks between white groups often come from different food due to different climates
on the British isles, due to the weather and the geographical situation food was probably different than in the rest of Europe
I don't find British gay men ugly, see their rugby teams and gay porn
Unironically incest
I wonder what the creators of that website look like
probably better looking than you
>my ugly ass is on fire!
When God created Britannia and the British race, he gave us many gifts, some of which I will share with you. First of all, the British race are the true inheritors of Israel, we are God's chosen people. To the unenlightened eye, you might think he cursed us. You could not be more wrong. The second gift he gave us, is our island. The ocean, our second home, brings in warm waters, defending us from the harsh winters you see in Moscow and Scandinavia. This means we also have some of the best farmland in Europe. When other countries have thick snow, rainfall is abundant here. It is because of this climate we do not have the features you see in Slavs and Scandinavia. Being an island, we are also proficient sailors and free from the struggles of continental Europe.
To our west, God created the Irish. A pathetic, docile people. Before we gracefully offered them purpose within our Empire they used to scream and shake like deranged animals. But under British guidance, they prospered into being only subhumans. Our third gift. You see, Ireland is much smaller than Britain, but very similar. The land is valuable, and it's people feeble and purposeless. They exist only to serve the British. Ireland is a British Isle, you understand.
Our fourth gift, our hideous visage, may seem like a curse to some. But upon further inspection it becomes clear God's intention was to properly motivate the British to seek out lesser races to civilise and procreate with. This was the reason for imperialism. We were on a Holy Quest to bring civilisation to the world. And we did. Our terrifying appearance is actually a boon from God himself. It all makes sense lad.
I wasn't saying it as an insult
Is it really a surprise?
Vikangz took most good looking women, and Christianity burned whats left as witches.
t. Look it up
irelands land is not valuable thats why most farms here are cattle farms
the land is shit for growing crops
This. Beauty that is not in the hands of those in power is quickly disposed of.
Our diet is at least as bad as the American diet, except we don't have the red-meat-eating culture that they have, so children don't get the testosterone from that when growing up.
Children's diets here are truly shocking. I had a friend when I was a kid who claimed he was allergic to 'all fruit and vegetables'. So he literally never ate a fruit or vegetable, you can guess how he ended up. I think our terrible diet is partly a remnant due to the rationing during and after WWII, people forgot how to cook properly and didn't pass those skills onto their children.
Another big reason is breastfeeding. We have the lowest rate of continued breastfeeding in the world. Breastfeeding is ESSENTIAL for proper facial development (pic related). bbc.co.uk/news/health-35438049 (source). Breastfeeding also makes babies more more willing to like new foods (British children dislike almost all non-shit foods) and generally makes a baby not grow up into 'genetic trash'.
This stuff mostly applies to lower-class people. Go into a corner shop in a low-class area and you will be amazed at the people in there. Droopy high-cortisol pockmarked faces prematurely aged by years of biscuits, cakes, smoking and beer.
poor complexions lead to bad make up to conceal it.
Also something about the eyes just doesn't look right to me.
>breastfeeding reconfigures your entire face
It looks like this guy has no teeth left and spent a considerable portion of time adjusting his chewing whenever he ate.
I had a grandfather with superior Med aesthetics, proeminent chin, strong jaw, but 15 years after an accident where he lost most of his front teeth (and no money to fix it) and spending all that time mastigating with just his molars, it was like his jaw had sunk into his face and became narrower.
the other explanation is poor anglo-saxon genetics
I like that one more.
not really interested in whatever spastic thoughts are rattling around your hollow cranium mate
You're right eating your sister's crayons is much more interesting
outside of memes Scandinavia is no better really no matter how many blonde women anons post it is true
It doesn't, but holding your tongue between your teeth leads to TMJ
hey uggos!
Non-meme answer: because they are inbred subhumans
Meme answer: because they are inbred subhumans
Brits are smart but that didn't come without a cost.
Not even British man like British women.
>the land is shit for growing crops
You forgot your national dish son
i remember looking at the results for this, and a lower percentage of german, polish and russian men got accepted than english, lmao
haha piers gets so upset
judging by porn models though, british women must have the largest average breasts in the world
Yet you fawn over our slags and models. Fuck off Tyrone.
>fawn over our slags
no we don't.
God knows I do
I think the theory behind it is early infant malnutrition.
They are not european