Import 500k serbs

>Import 500k serbs
>Muslim problem in your country solved

Where would we even find 500k serbs

but how do you get rid of the Serb problem?


Then you'll need 500m Americans to solve Serb problem in your country

Serbs are based and civilized. They will assimilate in your country, you won't even notice them.

>Import 500k croats
>Serb problem in your country solved

Giving the Muslims slaves solves the problem how?

How to solve the American problem?

they tried to, by importing 500k blacks, but the problem only worsened. I don't know if the american problem is solvable.

>Slav problem created

God I wish it was solvable, for the love of god PLEASE

>Import 1 austrian
>All problems solved

How will you solve communist problem, then?

austrians arent commies

But importing 1 austrian means letting billions of communists and americans to take over your country


>12 years later your country collapses

>Import 1 australian
>BBQ industry explodes

>culturally enriches the balkans

Then you just import some muslims to rebuild it.

I think you might be onto something


>Import 1 australian
>All animal species in ur country become dangerous af

are bears and wolves in russia not already dangerous?

No, they are harmless.

yeah compared to koalas they would be xx

This is rich
Good looking/ get bitches
Turks are so fucked up they often say they are Italian to women because most women don't want a poor, smelly Turk.
They're culture is very rich indeed, if by rich you mean honor-killing.

Good looking? Come off it man, nose as big as a kike's and backheads so flat you can stack them up.

Serbshits are subhuman slavs who can only harm innocent civilians, when facing an actual enemy they literally pussy out

Are Serbs the hardest to trigger on this board next to Spaniards and Shitpostralians?

Jebo bi te

wh*toid c*mskin maaaaaf

Do they even exist?

Some say you have to venture into the abyss of ex-yu to see them in their natural habitat

I don’t want balkan rats in my country

australians are extremely easy to trigger
just mention shit internet

shit internet

Well, bears don't use poison and wolves don't beat up people.
Also, spiders here don't use en masse paratrooping techniques.
Goddamn flying spiders! Why would anyone want to teach spiders how to fly?

Serbs are just Christian Muslims


But then you have Serbs who leech just as much and do even more crime like the mafia and shit.

Import 500k Croats.

but how do you get rid of the Croat problem?

That's when you just nuke the place desu

but how do you get rid of the radiation problem?

kindly ask to japan

And that's when you bring in even more Croats to absorb all of the radiation

but how do you get rid of the mutated croats?

send them in albania, no one will notice a difference

internet so shit that you couldn't even finish the word "delete" without using up your data cap LMOA

>willingly Importing s*rbs

>le based kebab remover
>there are more muslims in serbia now than before
it's just bantz
made me think

Then we Germans give them self worth by telling them they are aryans just like us to make them our loyal mutant lapdogs, heck it worked with the unmutated croats

t. Slobodan

Call amerika for helyp

Dont mind me im just a white nigger.

>good at video games
This is a fucking lie they suck so bad
But the rest is true especially the enriching part
Yuro bois can't compete with the turkish bulls

the shitskin Mussulmen are made for each other, what is new?

>import 1 georgian
>country becomes a superpower


Serbs are roach rape babies.

>Import 500k serbs
>Muslim problem in your country solved
>Thinking how to solve gipsies problem

You import 500k humans.

export all your burgers

You're scaring me. Export where?