Will sweden ever pay reparation for sami genocide?

will sweden ever pay reparation for sami genocide?

Stupidfuck, it is thank to Swede men that those Finnish still able to look somewhat nordic and european.

Yes, Sw*doids will be erased inshallah. The BLACK saami people will no longer suffer.


why is this allowed?

Never happened, is this some sami six gorillion story?

the gibs they currently get is more than enough. a few thousand samis own like half of the country, and no one is allowed to build anything or have any industries there, despite the fact that 99% of the population in that area is non-sami.


Are Sami the niggers of North Europe?

Sorry but sweden didn't do it. However norwegians liked to do it.

we must purge this cancer from the faith of the earse.

Literally nobody cares

this movie was shit by the way.

try not to vomit, just try.
I fucking can't.

In Norway they're just a bunch of ethnic Norwegians wewuzzing as sami, and demanding gibs and special treatment

Scandishits get out

Not me.

What genocide.
They just chill with their deers and do nothing else.

I dream of a happy ending too if you know what i mean

they look like all snowniggers look

The ones living in saami lands are half-swede larpers who cry so they can get gibs from da gubmint. Same as finns thinking they arent half swede mongrels

It's impossible to pay reparations. You could give money to the victims who are still alive, of which there are many, but that doesn't really solve the problem of the destroyed culture, and it's not really fair to give young people who never personally went through it reparations either.
I believe we genocided more than Sweden btw.

>"""""indigenous""""" people
Well, genocide is bad, ok? But these barely look Saami.

Assuming it happened, every other nation should be paying reparations to them for not helping in it

Who's Samy?

>Same as finns thinking they arent half swede mongrels
pay reparations stupid swedenigger and give our rightful finnic land back. we aren't swedes

They're a group of reindeer herders up in northern Scandinavia. They speak a language kind of like Finnish or Estonian.

uh, which genocide?

Samis are literally worse wewuz than blacks, they produce literally nothing of value, atleast like 1/1000 black people becomes a doctor or a scientist or something, samis are just mongol shaman reindeer herders

Where does this forced sterilization of Sami meme come from?

tornedalen will remain swedish forever

fuck off you italian mongrel, trying to save saamic mongrels so as to ensure similar genetic ruin for northern europeans