What do you think of the Russian language?
>Russkiy yazyk odin iz vostochnoslavyanskikh yazykov, natsional'nyy yazyk russkogo naroda. Yavlyayetsya odnim iz naiboleye rasprostranonnykh yazykov mira
What do you think of the Russian language?
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Its a nice sounding language
I almost took Russian classes back in highschool because I prefer learning hard languages, but pretty much everyone in my class chose French or Spanish, so I chose French instead.
Sad, I know.
Russian is arguably the most beautiful language in the world when women speak it
But an absolute meme-language when men speak it
Sounds stronk. I like their alphabet.
It's competing with Hebrew and Mandarin as the most unpleasant sounding language on Earth.
That's actually a legitimate observation.
It's my favorite language.
Russian is very "free" language, I mean we haven't order of words like in English or German and in our language so easy to make new words.
But I think that Ukrainian is a little bit cute that Russian
I like it. I grew up listening to my parents and extended family speaking it, so I may be a bit biased.
It sounds nice, but I don't really care about the rest of it (grammar, alphabet, etc)
t. japanese boatman
>But I think that Ukrainian is a little bit cute that Russian
i think so too. it has many cute sounding words
The fuck are you even talking about? Did you shart so hard it caused brain damage?
can you speak it?
Too much "H" in Ukrainian and too much "G" in Russian. I think the middle ground would be a better sounding language than the both.
A bit. It's the language I speak most at home, but I'm far from fluent.
just say beautiful
кpacи́вый кpacи́вoe кpacи́вaя кpacи́выe
Pд. кpacи́вoгo кpacи́вoгo кpacи́вoй кpacи́вых
Дт. кpacи́вoмy кpacи́вoмy кpacи́вoй кpacи́вым
Bн. oдyш. кpacи́вoгo кpacи́вoe кpacи́вyю кpacи́вых
нeoд. кpacи́вый кpacи́выe
Tв. кpacи́вым кpacи́вым кpacи́вoй кpacи́вoю кpacи́выми
Пp. кpacи́вoм кpacи́вoм кpacи́вoй кpacи́вых
Кpaтк. фopмa кpacи́в кpacи́вo кpacи́вa кpacи́вы
most worst language grammar ever.
Ukrainian has 1/2 similar words with Russian and 1/2 with Polish, and for me it's strange that Ukrainian is more soft and cute then our language.
Choć Polski też ma swój koloryt które mi bardzo podoba się
Russian sounds good when men speak it, but Ukrainian sounds cuter when women speak it
Are your parents/grandparents immigrated from Russia?
That is mostly about vocabulary though, melody of Ukrainian is much similar to Russian. West Slavic languages are objectively the worst sounding Slavic languages out there.
no, they came from Israel actually. Their great-grandparents left from the USSR
Something that feels off if not written in Cyrillic text.
>tfw out of the 4 other russians I know I'm the only one who can't speak it fluently
fack. I was the only one who rage quit russian school.
you're going to regret that forever.
Sometimes Polish can be cute too, for example in words like "właśnie".
I think most melodic European language is Litvinian, because it has many "lja/ля" sound
Sounds great, i want to learn it but have no idea about where to start from.
I could always pick it up easily if I wanted to.
You can try to find lessons in YouTube. And not give up, because Russian is hard
Wicked cool
Great when spoken by women
>Want to learn Russian
>Suck at rolling Rs
пoпpocи кpacивyю pyccкyю дeвyшкy нayчить тeбя
how do we learn such a language?
We came from Ukraine in the mid 90s
I have Ukrainian parents too. Only, they refused to speak Russian or Ukrainian around me because they wanted me to be "more American"
>a russian grill will never say cпacибo to you
For what purpose? Russian language is absolutely useless on a global scale, why would a foreigner consider to learn it?
We're from Ukraine but my mom is Russian and my dad is a Jew. I know that they speak or at least spoke Ukrainian at some point, but we just spoke English/Russian at home
>they refused to speak Russian or Ukrainian around me because they wanted me to be "more American"
They did everything right.
maybe he's planning to make a visit?
i'm going to Saransk in a few months, not sure if i can learn essential phrases in such a small timeframe.
completely untrue. it's an important lingua franca throughout the former Soviet Union where English speakers are nearly impossible to find
Are you sure? More than 250 millions speaks in Russian
Why so much self-hate? Russian allows you to communicate in pretty much every post-Soviet state. And a businessman who speaks Russian would be very useful for a multinational corporation. Not to mention that Russia has a long and interesting culture with countless untranslated works.
>Russian language is absolutely useless on a global scale
It is the most useful language in all ex-soviet countries and many of the ex-communist countries. Even though there is a huge derussification process going on all those countries, it will remain that way for a long time.
>Raising a monolingual child, whereas you could make them bilingual with no extra effort, as even a complete normie can pick it up easily.
It is a crime, considering they blocked a really good skill opportunity for the child.
Difficult to learn this.
Do you fell that you have something from Russia or Ukraine in your mind? Or you are 100% Americans?
Do you think "Case Inflection" of Russian?
My dad kept insisting on our russian identity. I'd honestly go back to Russia if it weren't a shithole (this is what russians have told me). If Russia were Norway-tier I'd go back. Feels like I'm living on stolen land.
Pretty much completely American
Russian is "cuter" or rather "softer" than Ukrainian. Belarusian is the cutest, imo. Both - Russian and Belarusian have that sing-songiness that Ukrainian rather lacks. On the other hand this makes Ukrainian a little bit easier.
Actually this is stupid there's nothing for me back in Moscow kek.
I mean, they certainly believe so. They're very proud to live in America, they're both engineers that worked very hard to move here. I think it's just a bummer I missed out on two skills, even if I never made use of them.
Eh. In spite of the fact they wanted me to be American, they still made my middle name unironcially Taras, and then made Ukrainian foods for the relevant occasions, and had books by Shevchenko and Frank on the shelves.
>maybe he's planning to make a visit?
Russia isn't a country worth visiting.
>it's an important lingua franca throughout the former Soviet Union
No, only in Russia and Belarus. All other counties of the former SU have abandoned Russian and switched to their national languages.
>where English speakers are nearly impossible to find
In the Baltics it's easier to find an English-speaking person than a Russian-speaking one. 20-30 years more and Russian language will be forgotten even in such countries as Ukraine and Kazakhstan.
>More than 250 millions speaks in Russian
Much less, actually.
>Why so much self-hate?
Because I'm Russian, I was born in Russia and lived in this surrounding my whole life.
>Russian allows you to communicate in pretty much every post-Soviet state
All the people in Russia worth communicating with can speak English.
>Russia has a long and interesting culture with countless untranslated works.
No, all these works were translated into English unless they're complete garbage (pretty much like most of so-called Russian "culture").
Why do Russians write their smiley faces like ))))))? Why do they have no eyes?
Why? Russian has a lot of resources, starting from Lingvist, Memrise, Duolingo, BabaDum. There are at least two great "frequency" Russian-English dictionaries. Etc., etc.
better than the German "^_^"
comfy sounding language and very beautiful.
>Case Inflection
What is it? Can you write synonyms or explain?
on йцyкeн keyboard its easier to just )) than to :)
All Slavic languages work like that (except for Bulgarian/Macedonian), but guess what - Latin also works in this way. Slavs simply preserved more features from the PIE grammar.
>Russian language is absolutely useless on a global scale
it's simply not true
>Why do they have no eyes?
Where we're going we don't need eyes to see.
Well, today he could easily speak fluently three languages. This skill itself has some value.
I like your national anthem. Its glorious
Kot, kota, kotu...
Russian sounds tough and scary when men speak it, but very pretty when women speak it. It's strange.
Ukrainian sounds like Russian, but there's Hs in place of Gs.
Belarusian sounds very cute.
Macedonian sounds very ancient and mysterious.
Like and subscribe for more opinions.
Too difficult for le 56%, don’t even bother.
Odmania, okej, dziękuję
Who thought this letter was a good idea?!
I don't think, I just use it
>Glagolitic and Old Church Slavonic are super cool
>Nobody knows them except for priests
wasted potential
Looks nice, yes?
Looks like Georgian.
нe зa чтo
Yes, yes, we haven't culture, we are barbarians, yes, yes. Tы дeйcтвитeльнo нe чyвcтвyeшь ничeгo к cвoeй Poдинe?
Really? What about this ццййфцйфф?
Tłumaczyłeś to w Google lub po prostu znasz rosyjski?
Actually, that one looks more like Georgian. I was thinking of Armenian last time.
proxy cockhole or one of those edgy libtard 17 year olds who think hating on their home country is cool. please disregard him.
cyka blyattttt xaxaxaxaxa
wtf guys
I'm agree with you
It doesn't sound tough or scary to me. they have this little soft i sound that I keep hearing and they have a kind of singing rhythm when they speak.
What's wrong with them?
It's not all. Ы Ь Ъ
я гoвopю пo-pyccки, бoлee-мeнee, нo мнe oчeнь тpyднo пиcaть пoльзyяcь пoльcкoй клaвиaтypoй
Russian is a dogshit dialect of Ukrainian.
B шкoлe yчил? W ogóle możesz po polsku pisać
Nothing really, it just hurts my brain a bit when I'm looking at it. I can't imagine how annoying it must be with handwriting.
I also tried learning the Cyrillic alphabet, but I could not wrap my brainlet mind around Ь and Ъ. The concept is just so alien to me.
Oh, hello Mister Linguist
The difference between Э and E also confuses me a bit. When it's at the start of words, E seems to be a Ye sound (like Yegor), but when it's in the middle of words it seems to function like a normal Latin E?