Le 000.1% face

Le 000.1% face.

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The virgin imageboard nerds vs The chad tiger


>laughing at sminem and his best friend

do you have best friend? i doubt it



Is his friend the guy from Pumaman?

pls no bully sminem and his fren

He is not from incest, it's an illness that causes you to have all that unfortunate looks and in some cases the brain doesn't function properly as well. There was this person with the same unfortunate fate who was in old hollywood movies.
Stop being this childish on Sup Forums. It is rude. Go back to Sup Forums.

I will kill everyone o make fun of Sminem with my own BLACK hands

Do Russians not have hairdressers or barbers?

Fine. I'll bully Israel instead.

sminem is uralian am i right?

we do

sminem lives in Volgograd

faggots *ehem* hipsters love to brag about it on their vlogs. that's purely a moscowite and petersburgian thing.

So what, Russian men cut their own hair?

No wonder they look terrible

what kinda degenerate question is that?
actually, do the british have the aforementioned themselves? the only haircuts i see are either bald, balding or that basic “5 minutes in front of the mirror” one

Can a Russian elaborate more on this. Is getting a haircut in Russia by a Barber considered a homosexual act?

uninhibited underclasses who lacks the sense of beauty probably does. never meet em or those haircuts in my entire life tho. the most popular cut here is buzzcut.

There is probably an Aussie lurking here waiting to pounce on the answer and shitpost it up as the new meme.

so basically a hairstyle that can be accomplished by yourself with no need of a skilled barber. Did not know Ruskies thought going to the barber was a feminine thing.

Anytime there is a bully post on this board friends, remember it is likely some weeb poster like this dude
Anime was a mistake

Getting a haircut by a regular hairdresser is ok. Going to a so-called barbershop and getting a haircut by a barber there is considered gay af. Hipsters have ruined the thing for us.

We all know Russians aren't averse to homosexual acts.


>laughing at poor disabled kids on the internet

>going to a barbershop is considered gay in Russia
Wow, you guys really are in the closet homos if you think another man cutting your hair is gay.

>Laughing at sminem

Kill yourself

Barber IS a regular hairdresser.

no actually, but some people may mock you a bit.
one of my friend does it by himself, yes. i prefer going to hairdressers.

In Australia, Barbers are for men, hairdressers are for women and kids.


You don't get it. There are regular hairdressers known since USSR, and there are those barbers in barbershops aka hipsters' gimmicky shit. Two different things here.

They did not explain it quite well.
Thing is, Russian word for hairdresser is parikhmakherskaya and these places are called "barbershops" as in literally saying an English word in a Russian speech, which is laughable.
The phonologies of Russian and English are quite different, which is why Russians sounds so bad, when speaking English, so imagine how ugly English words sound in Russian.
These "barbershops" are usual barbershops, but all barbers there are some fags from /fa/ dressed in some shitty Russian streetwear (terrible phenomenon) and charging too much money for a cut.
Hence, going to a "barbershop" is laughed at.
Also, you have to realise, that outside of Moscow and St. Petersuburg and may be cities 1M+ in population, there are really shitty barbers which cut the notorious Russian haircuts, which are posted here.

Here it's like the Aussie said - barbers are the normal guys who just cut your hair, hairdressers are the fancy faggots who do expensive hair treatment to women.

You’re misinterpreting stuff, mutt-friend. Going to a barber and getting a regular haircut isn’t considered gay, but going to a pretentious cargocultistic barbershop (look guys, this one looks like an American one so it’s automatically good) and getting a fancy haircut with a foot long fringe is considered gay.

Asians are weird for thinking going to a barbershop is gay.

Still could be an Uralian. They shuffled everyone around back in the USSR

What does sminem mean? Is it the name of some Russian artist or is it actually a word?

Volgograd is a mixing central anyway, he can be anything. He looks finnougrian to me.

We don't want your hipster bullshit here.

>barbershops are american
Every country has a barbershop. Apparently in Russia going to a salon (what every other nation views for women and gay men) is masculine while going to a barber is gay. You guys do the reverse what everyone else does in this regard.

>le Tatar conquest is a Russophobic myth face

just go and reread this post

How is this not gay? Literally three bear daddies from gay porn.

Why do you guys in Russia always think in terms of sexuality? This type of shit is a sign of inner demons, maybe the entire male populous of Russia are in the closet/

seeing sminem makes me happy. he seems like a very chill guy

Won't fall for your jewish tricks

>maybe the entire male populous of Russia are in the closet
Despite this might be true, the fact that everyone else is outside the closet seems far more disturbing to me.

What did you say about Sminem

On the first photo he was in a t-shirt that had Eminem on it, but cunt-eyed chinese, who were making the shirt have overlooked the mistake.
So instead of Eminem you got Sminem.

Is the fake Eminen T-shirt that smimen wore

Do they teach you how to read in USA?
Cutting hair is considered a female's job. If you are a barber in Russia, you probably like munching on dicks.
Hence it is considered gay to have your hair cut by a man, and straight if a woman does it.

It's the same in Finland, if you're a male barber you're either a lisping gay, a shitskin immigrant or both with 100% certainty. It's just a woman's job in here for some reason. I know in USA you have normal straight men barbers but it really isn't the same here.

So it's an asian thing to think barbers are gay?

So it's mutt thing to think that barbers are not gay?

Wrong. It's the asian gay thing to become barbers.

it just is that way
male barbers are rare and are often gay
why can't you accept that?


well barbers used to be the guys who also did medical and dental procedures so it is considered a very masculine job in the anglosphere and other parts of the west.

Reminder that if Sminem had normal ears then he wouldn't stand out of place in Russia

understandable cultural difference

is it true that sminem was bullied because people made fun of him online

>is upper middle class in rich 1st world country
>born with good genetics

see what happens when your people take shitposting too far.

>tfw i had Sminem's haircut until i was like 12

Are you me????

Is the Snimen Haircut common for turkish children too? i thought it was mostly Eastern-european

The guy is clearly finnougric while the other one is probably armenian or something like that. They both look ill

The bar code hairstyle was pretty common in my childhood but i guess it lost popularity by time