Do women resist the time of time in your country?

Do women resist the time of time in your country?

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Yes it's called Surgey du plastique

Makeup is man's biggest enemy


do rock humans get old? i doubt it

miru thread

She has changed a lot over the years. Fallen tier orbiters like myself can clearly see the difference.


>tfw she will never be your gf
Why even live


god i want to fuck a milf

bury cute

Why did her eye color change?

A finntalian maybe?

Did a bike run over her head?


I thought you from europe would know. The melanin level of a baby can still change after birth so eye color or even hair can darken
It's sad I know

Goes from amazing (80s-94) to bimbo in 1996. Sad. What the fuck happened?

How old is she in 2013? a-asking for a friend...


I love Russians

>those eyebrows

Genuinely shocked. Slavic girls look the best but tend to age the worst

she is ukrainian
russian are more fair and less interesting desu


You should ask why her eyes are different in every picture

Honest question, do you believe this or it is just banter?


she's russian and moved to ukraine

Doesnt she live in St. Petersburg?
Also East-Slavs are the same. Belarus. Ukie, Russo.



Nah im to far into bumfuck no where. chicks reach their expiry date faster than off brand milk.

I fucking love that guy