Can we stop fighting each other?

Can we stop fighting each other?

When I see a dutch being hateful to a Spanish, a Dane trashing a German, or a Finn humiliating a Swede, my heart is broken. We're all European brothers.

Gay sex should be encouraged and mandatory between us.

We should unite and bring the heat on the brits for ever.

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>Can we stop fighting each other?

All I want for Christmas is to stand waist deep in the blood of Continentals.

I love you, my sweet dark elf of the eternal night.

I want to be frens with all my eurofellows

me too?

good post


meric France, you are best ally

>Can we stop fighting each other?
>Gay sex should be encouraged and mandatory between us.
what is sublimation?

But Brits gave us gibs and jobs.

And we're not fighting either, you thin-skinned frog. It's called banter.


>We should unite and bring the heat on the brits for ever.
No, we should unite to take Brussel, and force the EU to reform or disband.

Brits are evil, they need to be punished

Fuck off Juncker

t. M Schultz

>European Unity
We will not allow that.


Fucking smelly baquetteloving pierre. I have nothing in common with you.


also this

>can we stop fighting each other?

>When I see a dutch being hateful to a Spanish, a Dane trashing a German, or a Finn humiliating a Swede, my heart is broken. We're all European brothers.

I like that you wrote dutch instead of Dutch. It would have been better of you wrote seaniggerjuden scum, but anyway, here's your merci.

>Gay sex should be encouraged and mandatory between us.

No. And that's precisely why the hairy russian bear is not yurop

>We should unite and bring the heat on the brits for ever.

Why renounce wine for beer, or chocolate for tiramisu when one can have both? We can all shit on the britshits AND go on with our stuff and traditions

Most of them are on our side. The truth is the EU is a franco-German project and we're crashing it with no survivors

You are both not Russia.

There is only 1 natural conclusion to this continent

Don't antagonize them like this. You're making us look like a bunch of butthurts too.

If anything, there's silver lining with the UK leaving, we're free to co-operate more.
We should drop Hungary or Greece next. Although dropping Greece has its dowsnides because they're basically Europe's mascot.

Europeans weren't even white since 1100 ad. The last true aryans sailed to the colonies to escape the tyranny of the king of europe. You can't govern yourselves which is why you fail.


Don't you remember the words of Nigel? It's not butthurt, it's just what they wanted.

>Asking Europeans to stop fighting each other
lol, it's in our blood to fight each other.

With the UK gone, this is now strictly a Franco-German enterprise. From here on out, every solution to every problem will be "more integration". Martin Schulz has already called for it, a United States of Europe. Something we warned about for years and they denied it. So with us gone, you won't have that parity, that safeguard in parliament to strike down this insanity. So you're destined to become nothing more than a regional outpost of Europe. Sad!

the UK, Faroe Islands and Iceland should for the Atlantic Islands Union like the EU only better

Norway can be an honorary member

>nothing more than a regional outpost of Europe.
So, same as always (if not worse - outside of Europe) except now our human rights will be respected, we will be protected and money will be pumped into our infrastructure? Doesn't sound too bad.

Also Schulz has no power.

>Gay sex should be encouraged and mandatory between us.

But Norway isn't an island...

that's why it's an "honorary" member

I know you want it. It will be a sweet and tender moment.


Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

Might be a bit different for your country with Russian revanchist ambitions. I can see the appeal to a small eastern european country sandwiched between two powers. Of course you'd choose the EU over Russia. Your country knows how it feels from last time. So the EU to you people is a shining beacon of human rights and democracy.

This is the most French thing I've read in a while

Thank you.


Yeah, but you guys are doing fairly well on your own, so it's understandable why you wouldn't want more integration and get tired of the constant struggle against it. Add tot hat the whole British isolationism thing you've had going for hundreds of years now.

>not europe
It's a surprisingly correct map

lucien... you eat snails...

My fair and proud Baltic prince...

I'll co-operate once Finland and Sweden stop assfucking eachother in every thread

come quick

>No. And that's precisely why the hairy russian bear is not yurop
Wow homophobic much?

i'm smoking a fat blunt right now ;)

id rather die than see an eu army. imagine a german giving orders to british soldiers. sickening

Eu is french/german trick

you'd prefer a paki?

Now imagine a German being your Commander-in-Chief, or even worse, your head of state!
