say something nice about Hong Kong
Say something nice about Hong Kong
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cute nature and cool skyline
one country two systems
something nice about Hong Kong
They have nice president.
It deserves independence
Conscience of Mainland and superior food
I'll be moving there in less than a month
Hong Kong people are more polite than mainland people.
I support Hong Kong independence.
something nice about Hong Kong
kino movies
look at them wasting space. instead of those closets you could fit another bed into this room.
Jacky chen
Sleeping Dogs wouldn't be the same if it didn't exist
my favorite city in asia
top notch public transport, great food, 7-elevens with cheap beer on every corner and most importantly the people act civilized unlike m*inlanders
I fucked one of your women
HKUST looks awesome. I worked with a guy from there and he was great reseacher.
Fuck you.
Too bad hong kong is filled with m*inlanders.
Literally one of the only two decent places in Ch*na
they often show up in various anime series, as a battle field
No. Complete integration with the Mainland when?
Hong Kong should have declared to be part of Republic of China (i.e. legal government of China) in 1997.
Hong Kong is a good obedient servant to China.
Nice milk powder lol
Unironically better under British rule.
Only if the ruler of Britain was Chinese.
Nuke us please
t. canadian on vacation
Joshua Wong seems to be having some problems with the law lol.
Should we help him out?
I’m Chinese btw.
Just ask me for my help and I’ll get him out of jail. It has to be from a Hong cuck though.
Hong Kong doesn’t have any nuclear power.
China on the other hand....
nyce flag
>retarddit spacing
you have to go back