

But they are in America exactly because they hate Mexico. I don't get it.

Why are 2nd and 3rd generation shitskin immigrants so fucking annoying

why are brits allowed to post outside of /brit/?

because their parents probably emigrated for very good reasons, which are completely lost on their spoiled, entitled offspring who grow up in a culture which constantly tells them that they're being oppressed

Would love to impregnate her. Latina girls are the most hungry for the European bull.

the only correct one is:
“make mexico SPAIN again”

True, perhaps, for the southwest and California. But the rest of the country was never Mexican. So I don't get it.


> New Mexico was never Mexican
> Tex(j)as was never Mexican

>can't read
>weird filenames on extremely common Sup Forums memes
behold, newcancer




>grow up in a culture which constantly tells them that they're being oppressed
That's asimilation at work, even "whites" think they're oppressed in America

>even "whites" think they're oppressed in America

When having a sign that says "Its okay to be White" is seen as a bad thing I would argue, yes, whites are oppressed.

American user confirms, to be American is to feel oppressed because of your race/ethnicity

Chicanos are nothing more than Mexicans assimilated into American culture

This nigga knows what's up.

get raped, nigger

>When having a sign that says "Its okay to be White" is seen as a bad thing I would argue, yes, whites are oppressed.

Mexicans are usually pretty cool though.

They just suck during election years.

Because they think the US is rich because of places like California so they want the riches. They don't realize that California would be nearly a failed state without integration with the rest of the US economy.

Nah I love Mexico, I'm here so I can make enough dollars to buy a nice retirement home down in the old country

Do you mean buy a room in the home, or buy a whole home nad take care of the elderly?

If the latter, I really really hope you remember that the elderly are people and treat them like you would your own parents. Too often I see elderly get treated like CRAP in homes because they are on medicare etc. Its not okay.

Also I'd happily give California to Mexico too. Why not? It'd help Mexico (California has a big economy can probably lift Mexico out of poverty) and it'd help us (California in general ends up causing more conflict than its worth, seems to combine the worst aspects of left and right wings and catches on fire all the time). Makes sense.

>implying the rich assholes in the bay area want to be mexican

if anything they want that part of the state to become China or India 2.0

California is non-negotiable from a US perspective. It's a hub for Pacific Trade. The US government would sooner genocide Californians than lose access to the coastline.

no no, buy a house in mexico were I can go spend my retirement days

You obviously don't live here if you think that's true.

wife material



Make America British Again

We have airplanes+Alaska/Oregon/Washington....this type of excuse flew in the 19th century (when we first jacked California) but in 201?)

Yeah but I hate the rich assholes in the bay area, they are exactly who I aam thinking of when I say "give it to Mexico". Then and the rich assholes in Hollywood. Worst of the left wing meets the worst of the right wing and creates a cancer. Like "here you go Mexico take these rich assholes off our hands and tax the hell out of htem so you can get rich off them".

I don't mind the hardworking poor/middle class Californians, regardless of race. Its the rich assholes who just fuck everything up.

I spent five years in the bay area, SoCal and Valley Mexicans are like what OP is talking about, but Bay Area is its own monster, I hated it over there, pajeets and 1st gen asian inmigrants were racist pricks, whitey was alright unless they made lots of money

And we have a lot of traffic into the Pacific, more than the ports in Washington and Oregon can handle (plus Alaska's ports are frozen for parts of the year). Airplanes are good for moving people and small goods, but for any sort of large-scale commerce, they're awful.

>Like "here you go Mexico take these rich assholes off our hands and tax the hell out of htem so you can get rich off them

they would leave en masse to Oregon or Seattle or some shit

what are you?



were you sperging out at a peruvian yesterday in another thread?

fuck off

no, he was confusing me and another guy that was sperging out at him, I didn't even know what he was so angry about, kept thinking me and the other guy were samefagging

>que es vivir en la ciudad con el cruce fronterizo mas cruzado en el mundo