Did your country get LIDL'D yet?

Did your country get LIDL'D yet?

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Lidls are too cheap and they are everywhere.. there is something shady going on..

nothing to worry about, friend

Why is the sign in German also got an Aldi in my town, pretty shit desu

Never seen them, just got IKEA'D few months ago.

I do, but mainly old people use them, as they are seen as kind of trashy.
I like them, personally, as well as ALDI. They carry some great products that they Danish ones dont.

very few people shop at them.
LIDL buys all the local incinerator-grade garbage food and rebrands it as a major sale. Should be illegal desu.

We got got LIDL'D years ago, but I've personally never been to one.

yes, but the established brands cooperated and squeezed them out of the market

Yes. They're trying their best to appeal to Lithuanians by having our flag on their logo and getting our basketball God in their commercials, but it just makes them look more foreign, imo.

But they have low prices and the selection there is all completely different from the other stores, so they caught on fairly well.

I love LIDL. I love their cheap Freeway Cola. Cheap Perlenbacher beer and their potato chips.

Did your country get IKEA'd yet?
If so, enjoy välfärd.

Yes but the only thing worth buying there are everyday cutlery

>everyday cutlery
Your submission to Swedish cutlery is noted and appriciated Haakon

I've never seen one.
Why is there an American flag and a german sign?

There are many things wrong with Germany, but Lidl is not one of them.

Great prices and selection. In my country they are the best in fruit and veg, decent meat and (again) cheap.
Cheapness is something dutch people can appreciate.

because of photoshop

Never seen one around here
Florida is Publix territory, best keep your kraut shit outta here Adolf

and without a single bullet shot

the Kaiser would be proud

>letting other people raise their flag on your country

Here they're photoshopping crosses out of pictures not to hurt muslims sensitivity. That's so german of them.


Not only did LIDL remove christian crosses from photos of Greek Churches on their packaging, but they also supported this desecration saying they're trying to be "Religiously neutral", aka muslim-friendly.

Fuck lidl.


Our state got a Lidl, put it in a very ghetto area though

You mean it's smart from a business standpoint?
I agree.

Does anyone have the picture of Hitler laughing over a Lidl shopping trolley

I've never seen one.

Australia has Aldi.
It's fucking awful to shop there because old cunts swarm the place, there are only ever two or three registers open and not self serve.
Prices are pretty good at least, since they tend to stock different brands than in supermarkets.

The best about Ikea is:
the cheapest version kitchen (cheapest surface: plain white), with some drawers though and a wooden countertop from somewhere else.

Then there's a table, Melltorp, it's pretty great for the price, especially the longest version.

All these people in Lithuania greedy for one of ze German supermarkets

>muh cunt only has one really big internationally active company
let me dump a few maps of German supermarket chains


Freeway Orange > Fanta
It's so addictive

Bullshit never heard about Lidl here

we both both Aldi and Lidl and they're really low quality. I thought Euros were always going on about the quality of their food and ingredients?



I like Aldi Flirt better.

>he buys his ultra low quality stuff at Walmart while watching some classy "wrestling"

>Ikea founder 'cried like a baby' over Russian bribery scandal
Why are swedes such crybabies?

We had Lidl here, but they did really badly. German autism didn't mix well with norwegian autism, so it was mostly immigrants who went there.

Also, this:
So they sold their stores and pulled out.


>fc sheets
>tiled roof

I personally prefer Aldi nowadays.

Cheap organic eggs, dairy vegetables, meat and nice selection of fish. Also a lot of products such as almond milk, dried lentils, exotic fruits, coconut oil and nuts that other discounters don't carry.

Also fun fact: the Trader's Joe brand is sold at Aldi in Netherlands which is a US chain also owned by Aldi.


Lidl > Netto > Rewe > Aldi

Prove me wrong.

really makes me think

one of the most common supermarket here, personally no offence ofc, but i do not like lidl

IKEA is popular in Japan more and more every year. :3
There are many Japanese who like Scandinavian furniture.

Lidl > Rewe > Kaufland > Real > Aldi > Penny > Norma > Netto

Aldi for staples, canned goods and produce,
Lidl for packed poultry,
Rewe when you're disorganized
and organic/ gourmet with what you got left.

And nothing was lost.

they started cashier wage war with other supermarkets

so they are good in my book

bunnings > all your faggy euro supermarkets

Yeah. One of those German hypermarket chains that basically conquered Bulgarian retail since early-mid 2000s. Only Billa (Austrian-Italian) was around a bit before that.

HiT, Kaufland, Lidl, METRO are, along with Billa and Fantastiko (a Bulgarian chain, I think), dominating in Sofia. Carrefour and others are rarer. (I exlude smaller supermarket chains.)



>Multinational companies are loyal to any particular nation-state
Grave mistake Hans, one we already made.

they take their profit home and some of them are actually nationalistic unlike united statitian jewcorps

They're the ones pushing mass migration to cut wages and turn everyone into one easy to market to cultural blob.

Thread theme


the US is pushing mass migration by bombing ppl


t. Lidl shopper

Yes and (((who's))) behind the US? And the ones pushing for Euro governments to open their borders to them?

Is it true you guys sleep on the beds at the shop? Is for testing or are you just tired?

Trump and his extended kike family?


t. Ikea shopper

A lidls just opened near me like a month ago and it has self service checkouts
Always PACKED to the rafters though

Never heard of it.

We do have Aldis though.

Lidl is best for their bread. Everything else is meh.

Trader joes is german owned aswell :^)

Fuck off Sup Forumstard.

You can't eat bathroom fittings.

What?! You sneaky kraut bastards! Using a good old fashioned American sounding name. I think all that JUDEN talk was just projection.

Once you go Mariano's there is no going back

>t. recently discovered cheese

What are the yellow countries supposed to mean?

Yes and they are planning huge expansion here.

The first time I went to a german supermarket I thought there must have been a certain trick with the prices

Turns out this is what food was supposed to cost all along

Beer is ridiculously cheap

As a finn i can understand you perfectly. You can imagine my shock when i found out that i could buy good, non mass produced beer that costs only like 0.90

there's probably a small one in Peter or something

Have you never slept in IKEA? It's very comfy, highly recommend

only gypsies and pensioners go to LIDL. its absolute dogshit
their meme "'foreign cuisine"" weeks are fun tho, i went once during the am*rican week and got some marshmallows, shit was cash

Kaufland and Billa are the only decent foreign chains here

Thank our low wages.

And low taxes

That's cool but hold my beer.


I'm from the United States.

Where the fuck do we have Lidl stores? From Michigan and never see a-one.

the map is a fake ad campaign by some Scottish soft drink company.
Coca cola just buys local companies and steal their profits for the most part, so it's no surprise they own almost everything.

>Central Europe isn't a real thin-

JYSK > other furniture stores > dogshit > IKEA

>JYSK > other furniture stores > dogshit > IKEA
based, literally chilling on a jyst pillow right now

Have you been Jysk'd yet?

Couldn't find one for LEGO ;_;

Lidls are the only shop where I can see more North Africans than in kebabs and Mosques.

Totally JYSKed over here.

Kronborg hand towels suck, though. Too small and too unable to just damn DRY! :D

IKEA is very, very cheap compared to others.
It might be a little soulless, but still

>IKEA is very, very cheap compared to others.

because the quality is fucking shit
even gypsys have a higher quality standard than this

My small village got an Aldi. But a modern looking one with premium brands. The interior looks almost the same as a expensive Dutch supermarket. Fucking German tricks.

I don't find the quality particularly shit though. My bigger problem with IKEA is that all the designs are very basic

You forgot about IVAR, the absolute most based shelf system of all time.

Did you country get KONE'd yet?

>because the quality is fucking shit
I keep hearing this from americans but it's not true.

In my experience IKEA is a lot better than small time furniture makers.

Because people he had the privilegium to grow up with, turned out to be monsters.
Monsters who failed the Swedish morale.
And turned into low quality Slavs instead of Medelsvensons.