Why are Amerimutts so triggered?
>>>Sup Forums152764353
They really are
rate my thread
we don't have banter like you guys do here
people take everything too seriously
the Irish and the Germans were fleeing famine and civil strife, respectively.
the Anglos that started the country were from the more ill-prospective parts of the UK like northern England, lowland Scotland, and Ulster.
not really that they were better, but Europe was doing nothing for them, and so came here and they surely made the right choice.
That's why Sup Forums is no fun, everything is a lizard conspiracy for them
Lack of self-mocking abilities is a synonym for lack of intelligence.
well i personally usually participate in these kind of things
it doesn't help that a lot of them are underage as well
Americans are serious to a fault. I think most people are just very insecure.
>Why are Amerimutts so triggered?
*proceeds to make a hundred posts about americans every day on Sup Forums*
Perfect case in point
>berfik case en poynt
Who is that even supposed to sound like?
>mutts still reply to them
blimey m8 hoo dat done sound like innit?
Ah right yank banter. Well at least you're trying babe
>Likewise, memeing ugly mutt faces won't make race-mixed people less attractive. :P
>be born
>snip the tip
at least thats a step from denial
>Likewise, memeing ugly mutt faces won't make race-mixed people less attractive. :P
Most Sup Forumsyps are literal 16 year olds. You can tell by their edginess and how they type
>spam a meme every day and flood the catalog and irrelevant threads
>mods delete it for spam and flooding
Today I learned the 56% meme is reddit now
>implying other memes also get deleted when they're spammed on Sup Forumspot
>He spent almost 10 minutes squirrelling away in paint over some throwaway post
But you were. Nothing will change that. No matter where you move, no matter what you do, you will never not be an American. You will never be able to speak a language that isn't English with any degree of competence.
Don't like it? Shoot yourself. That's the only way to stop being American.
Hi uggo!
>an article title
Yeah that'll show em
>tfw to intelligent too be wh*Te
Hey nigel! Enjoying your vacation?
Did you just started browsing Sup Forums a week ago?
If you're a regular Sup Forums user you'd see Sup Forums isn't so different than other board cultures only Sup Forums attracts a lot of fake traffic i.e. shills, botnets etc.
Instead of replying to the first thing that triggers you sift through the catalog, ignore stale memes and nonsense bait, if you truely have something you want to discuss, something you want to know or discuss and are honest about you'll get good replies, you just need to ignore the bullshit, same with other boards.
Why are they so incapable of understanding what the meme is even about? It's not even about all mixed race people, it's about self-hating Sup Forumsmutts from America constantly telling Europeans that they aren't white.
>If you're a regular Sup Forums user you'd see Sup Forums isn't so different than other board cultures
Gee, I wonder who the newfag Sup Forumsdditor could be.
Isn't that mostly true though? Americans are descendend from those Europeans who were intelligent and adventurous and risk-taking enough to jump on a boat and go to a New World. The coward who stayed behind are Euros. That's what I was taught.