/cum/ canada usa mexica


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glad yuletide

why don't boxers try throwing both fists at the same time? you wouldn't be able to dodge both.

it would ruin their defense and probably wouldn't have as much momentum

brilliant idea
you should become a boxer and dominate with this tactic

>Americans celebrate lief erikson day
>didn't even land on American territory
>Americans celebrate Columbus Day
>didn't even reach continental North America

last ordinal number + 1

fuck wypipo



Wish he was my grandpa

Now where could my pipe be


I want to go to La Rumorosa, Fuck Tijuana. i have never seen snow in my life

buying more bitcoin

I'm a poet

I liked his other quote
>I am smoking

You weren't here for the snow we had in Otay like 15 years ago? Shit was pretty cash.
Anyway just fucking go, dude. It's like a 45min drive away and a couple of toll booths.

Just be careful, user.

runescape gold is the new crypto

I havent cooked any food in quite a while

night cum is so much better without europosters

That anime is very sexy; I want to fuck it.

look at me dad aren't you proud

good use of semicolon

>"Accidentally" huffs paint thinner at work

went to gym and got paid a whole month in advance. feel accomplished.

still no gf. don't want one because she will leech off my success.

kike bankers cancelled another one of my transactions

i used normiebase too

rate e

what if i told you some gfs make you more successful

make your case

banks are gay
they stopped letting me view my account online because i didnt "use it enough"

I don't want a boyfriend leeching off my success

which is the best city in the USA, for someone who

Hates gambling.

Hates the sluts, bitches and rostitutas

Hates all alcoholic drinks.

Hates bets

hates the lottery

hates cigarettes

hates the autumn and winter climates

fuck off retard. getting tired of your terrible gimmick

probably alabama or georgia


man what i wouldn't give to leech off a heavy khazar chest

also i didnt sleep for like 60 hours or so

one would think you only feel really tired but not really, i didn't feel tired like "normally" nor i felt what you feel when you really sleepy, it was so fucking weird and scary, you feel so weird, no concept of time, lights and shadows that are not there, there was even at time where i swear a car was gonan run over me and i just ran but the cars were completely stopped

The cars should have ran you over


>have ran

Qué chingaderas te estás metiendo

i just masturbated

rate my ex


please kill yourself

>African Kings had slave empires before white men even had mud huts
>white man puts a brother down by making slavery illegal all over the world

just a bunch of jealous cum skins


De que penes se tratan estos pinches hilos?

Who here /rustbelt/? At least my county managed to avoid the full effects somewhat.

any brittany venti man in

socal here
what are you talking about

De ningún tema en especial

Es más que nada un chatroom

the winter storm that hit a sizable portion of the good parts of america

Europeans stopped slaving other europeans kinda because they were all christians, and when the transatlantic slave trade started the europeans views on slavery were changing, they just didnt care about africans.

Nada nada sólo lo hice por la escuela

Eso creí. ¿Te tocó nieve antier? A mí sí desu.

got a misleading (You)


A lot of places in the rust belt/appalachia got hit hard the past few decades and as such poverty skyrocketed and there's an opioid epidemic that's still going on. The county I'm in managed to avoid things from getting that bad, though that's not to say it's too great either.
Winter is going to suck this year, it's started snowing at the end of October.


The day it snows in t¡non-mountanous Sinaloa is the day the world ends

simple as


I have filtered ryan and cara

did you sleep yet?

i can see her butt...

>The day it snows in t¡non-mountanous Sinaloa is the day the world ends
>simple as


is your name actually cara (i.e., you a girl?)

I have a feeling it will snow in mexico city this year and im not ready for it, yes it snows all year in some parts of the city but i mean like it will actually snow in the center of it.

good boy

it didn't get below 80 here until november

¿Te tiene estresado?
Yo vivo en Culiacán, Sinaloa

Aquí no pasan milagros

dont care

stop speaking mexican in /cum/

>I filter posters I don't like

The use of English, French and Spanish is completely allowed in these threads, always have been

can't imagine living in a place where it doesn't snow

only important languages are japanese and german

umm no sweaty

didn't ask; don't care

Yes, sweet tits

I only filter posters I do like

there are only 2 good mexican posters

don't think so xx

En unos 4 años cuando el periodo de donaldo termine, todos los latinoamericanos vamos a ser vistos como judios, si hasta los mas arios o gueritos, ejemplo.
Si una persona se llama John, todo tranquilo, pero si se apellida Gonzalez o Torres o algún apellido hispano preparense para ser vistos como los apestados, algo asi como cuando se enteran los gringos que alguien se apellida Goldberg, es una pena la verdad, pero pues eso nos pasa por que no le hicimos como China que tuvieron un pais hermético, y se pudieron proteger del imperialismo gringo/europeo, ahora que se entienda algo, por que los culeros gringos le tiran miarda al socialismo pero los judios que son capitalistas, los odian?
Doble moral?
Bueno lo unico que me queda es tratar de embarazar a una aria, blanquear mi raza y cambiarles el apellido a uno inglés para que a mis hijos y nietos no los discriminen, los gueritos la tienen mas facil pero no van a entender la gravedad del asunto hasta que sea demasiado tarde.


I can't imagine living in such a shitty ugly place

well duh. just imagine that it looks like before the snow appeared

fuck off, cara

you don't need to imagine anything, smooth brain

>dirt roads
is this picture from mexico or something?

finally get to go back to lifting

fuck you guys


this general is utterly dire

fuck me guys

whomst've dare tell'th thy'th to kill themthselveths?

is so cold somebudy hug me