what have you learned today on Sup Forums?
What have you learned today on Sup Forums?
everyone hates us
if you visit america you'll most likely get shot and poles smell like old wallpaper and onion and
that I hate anime
Meta on /qa/ only.
All meta discussion of boards is to be redirected to /qa/.
Everyone is only out for their own self-interest and couldn't give a rat's ass about you insomuch as they can use you.
>what have you learned today on Sup Forums?
learned about the Japan Korea Chunnel proposal
everyone hates refugees because refugees are taking advantage of EU hospitality
Funny joke about Poland: they smell like gasoline guzzled from German cars and onions (also like old wallpaper and onions sometimes)
Montenegro is a tax haven for poker players because they have a very low income tax for self-employed people
Alb*nia's ugly flag is from the 1400s
Nothing, unfortunately.
wtf did you spent the past 2 years in the refrigerator or was it the microwave?
why do mexicans have to ruin everything?
Fuck wh*Te people
your flag is just as ugly as Al****ias
Not meta fag
that's also a meta question
lel mehmut stfu
I learnt Sup Forums userbase changes during weekdays and weekends
On weekends there's a lot more college people and normies
int is full of nazi apologists
scandinavians are gay
Just got back from spending time with some friends, so I haven't had time to learn anything.