There is no winning to life if you're paki/indian and look like this

there is no winning to life if you're paki/indian and look like this

then why do they look so happy?

why do you call yourself paki/currycel?

which one are you; paki or indian?

both, both sides are punjabi

ultimately there's no difference between indic pakis and indians

Pakis are literally just muslim northwest indians. The vast majority of the country is Punjabi, like how Sikhs are. Anyone who isn't is a Baloch terrorist or an Afghan refugee

At least you aint a gook

A 'Paki' is a rather recent demonym that emerged after the partition of India in the 1940s. Bangladeshis and Pakistanis were seen as Indians until the British Empire left India.

its better to be east asian than curry

i look handsome though.

proof? you probably look like dogshit considering you're indian, I bet i look better

also, what's considered a 10/10 in india can only pull 5/10 white girls

It's pretty amazing the level of artificiality that is both India and Pakistan. Neither country existed before the Brist came along and unified the subcontinent. The only reason they exist now is as a mutual counter balance to each other. Realistically both could be Balkanized

Just be like the chad Pardeep, striving for physical perfection

The only goodlooking indians are ones that are white passing or middle eastern passing

Yeah, but that guy looks indian as fuck. You're confusing having a slender face with ethnicity. You can find round faced fuckers everywhere

the guy you posted looks more carribean/latino than indian

>See that Punjabi guy there, he doesn't count
I live near surrey. Most of my close friends are also Punjabi. I'm the worst looking one out of that group. But you don't see me project my insecurities every week on Sup Forums. I know what Punjabis look like and what kinds of girls they can get if they act normal and not like retards

>23 years and still virgin

Can't make this shit up anymore

at least you are not ind...oh wait

Doesn't your government pay the citizens to loose their virginity?

How can you be a virgin if you're white and in netherlands it makes no sense.

I'm Afghan(half tajik half pakhtoon) but look southern Euro/Lebanese

If you look southern european then what is your problem?

girls think I am muslim

You could look like this

Oh ok that makes sense.

You could try wearing a cross maybe that will help.

“Indian” wasn’t a thing till the British came along. Before that they spoke different languages, had different religions, looked different, considered themselves different, and killed each other daily.

Pakistan and India are artificial British creations.