Red pill me on the Sup Forums addiction and why you can never leave it
Red pill me on the Sup Forums addiction and why you can never leave it
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I will leave tomorrow, this is my last night here.
i can leave but i have nowhere else to go on the internet
you bond with them over silly gimmicks and shit and you keep craving for more
Don't kill yourself Hans.
There is no such thing as a "Sup Forums addiction." People with too much spare time use Sup Forums, but Sup Forums itself does not rip people away from the interests/relationships/hobbies.
Because a bunch of anons who despise me are the closest thing to friends that I have.
No friends --> browse Sup Forums --> don't socialize ---> no friends
>No friends --> browse Sup Forums --> don't socialize ---> no friends
It's one of the few places I can post without a filter and have 'fun discussions'.
I used to have a group of friends until I started browsing Sup Forums
They stopped talking to me since they couldn't understand what I was saying half the time
It is the Appalachia of the internet. Some of us don't want to be here but we have no choice.
>They stopped talking to me since they couldn't understand what I was saying half the time
was it because you became pic related??
>It is the Appalachia of the internet. Some of us don't want to be here but we have no choice.
fuck. that's an apt way of putting how it feels to be in the NE
i think i will use that, very true
Sup Forums is the only American/English website with both a culture of funposting and an active userbase. Shitter, Normiebook, and Leddit are cringey hellholes full of dead memes and censorship. Lainchan, 420chan, Infinitychan, Wizchan, Krautchan are all fun but they're dead as fuck. Nobody on 2chan or other foreign sites speak English.
This place sucks but it's still the best option available and it's all we have.
No, I got weirder overall
I have no friends and struggle with extreme social anxiety. The anonymous nature of Sup Forums makes it possible for me to still maintain some sort of communication with people, and with people of similar interests and whatnot on top of that. It's the only place that feels like home to me and I'd probably go crazy without it.
>the NE
New England?
north east, specifically Tennessee, Virginia, Maryland etc
I first came to this website when I was 12 years old, and I'm almost 21 now
I wish I never did. I don't have a personality, my sense of humor is bad and my life is directionless. and I can never tell anyone what I'm doing on the computer.
>Tennessee, Virginia, Maryland
Because they don't have other social networks to go to
>fuck. that's an apt way of putting how it feels to be in the NE
We're all going to make it. No Appalachians left behind.
alri , it's still Appalachian country and i hate it here regardless
Same for me.
Apparently I was too racist for them
It's a band-aid for loneliness
I barely talk to people IRL besides my parents, roommate and a few chats with people from my class in uni, so this is a huge source of human interaction. All humans need it, so it's addicting.
I stopped coming here for two years between 2013-2015, and have taken months or week from coming here at all. Could do it easily again
because I have nobody else to talk to.
>revealing your power-level
I'm surprised you managed to have friends despite being autistic enough to do this.
I used to hide it, but after seeing shit like blatant coalburning in public I couldn't.
I started teaching them slangs and terms for niggers and whatnot.
Krautchan is the best fuck this shitty autistic jap nigger card trading board. All of (You) are annoying teenage faggots.
I wish I knew man. I've been trying to leave for the past 3 years now. Been on Sup Forums for almost 10 years soon.
Couple years ago I successfully left for 8 months while working as a wage slave doing 50 hours a week.
I really want to leave now since I want to get my career off the ground before graduating. It's so addictive. As soon as I have some free time I'm here checking on the memes and banter. There's always hot girls posted which is what is bringing me back at the moment
>the new england
Why should you leave? Just get your priorities straight. You are free to spend your time however you want once you've done your duties for the day so to say. Just don't delude yourself e.g. if you want to get fit to get girls then don't skip out on gym for Sup Forums lol. Just takes some character, it's not Sup Forums's fault.
Sup Forums is the only thing that makes me laugh nowadays. Every other place sucks.
Same. Unfortunately
Because I'm terrible at managing my time. Right now I have an exam I need to be studying for. And this I want to be a normie now
Also I'm getting really old mid 20s and I'm starting to notice it.
Sup Forums is a shithole but everywhere else is worse.
most things posted above
Sup Forums is my ghetto
Because what else is there to fill the void?
Because the girl I like posts here anonymously.
I know this. She knows that I know this.
That's why this game will never end.
so you became a Sup Forumstard asshole
you deserve having no friends
She posts on Sup Forums?
Red pill me on why I can stay off for months at a time, but the minute I visit I'm hooked for weeks including regular 20 hours long shitposting sessions.