The Emperor of Japan, Akihito, has announced his abdication in 2019. He is to be succeeded by Emperor Hiroyuki of clan Nishimura, marking a new period in Japanese reckoning. Say something nice about Japan's future emperor, Sup Forums.
The Emperor of Japan, Akihito, has announced his abdication in 2019...
Moot was better
naruhito is better
by leaving, you should follow his example
>The Emperor of Japan, Akihito, has announced his abdication in 2019
he is not allowed to do this
old man is just blowing hot air
not not allowed, does not have modern precedence
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he isn't Danish
He looks like your typical mongoloid and probably acts like one.
Loud, obnoxious and has a 0.0000001 % chance of not being a downie
more successful than you, Hansel
yes, with almost 16x the population of us and sea access.
No, I meant Hiroyuki Tenno. He is richer than all of Sup Forums put together. Also, i am Slovenian. We used to be your province 100 years ago, remember?
Do any Japs or weebs know what the era name will be called yet?
クソスレ (Kusosure) era
I know that you're slovenian, but even if he is more successful than all of Sup Forums put together, he did absolutley nothing to earn it so I don't have any respect for him.
It's like winning the lottery.
I respect people that earn their fame, like mozart or schrödinger.
weeb here, it will be release before he ascends
this site was going under before have no idea how bad it was
How can criminal be emperor?
After Heisei it's the Ikemen era
Sup Forums is a legitimate business. Hiroyuki introduced a new and better way of communicating online to the world, so he deserves to be made Tenno.
>He is to be succeeded by Emperor Hiroyuki of clan Nishimura
No one country can handle that much autism.
what if happens if the royal family cannot produce a heir? who becomes emepror then?
eg. emperor beig infertile, the whole royal family dying in an accident
is Sup Forums even a business ?