20yo in 8 months

>20yo in 8 months
>kissless virgin
save me

>20 yo in 2 months hhless kissless virgin

>already 20 years old
>kissless virgin

>no one knows I'm a virgin (I've had gfs but I never fucked them because I have erectile dysfunction and I'm self conscious about my benis)

I'll kiss you :3

nofap/noporn and start lifting brother

>everyone tells me I look 16
>im 21

Stop it! I am not a child!

>there are people younger than me in Sup Forums

>tfw lost virginity at 20

You should grow a beard if you are able to. I'm 20 and look my age, but look like 15 without a beard.

How does this happen to a 20y/o? Virgin I can understand, but kissless?

shyness, lack of self confidence

We don't care.
Being a 19 year old virgin is actually quite common, stop sulking

>all male highschool
>literally not a single friend
>play vidya/work during all freetime
That is how u make a 20 yo in 2 months kissless virgin

Pretty much this. Girls were very much interested in me, but I am way too shy/socially awkward.

Fuck me.

34 yo kissless virgin here,shut up jorge


22 here, don't feel too bad

Try 22

You're not alone

22 in 6 months, KHV.
Had girls show interest in me, I pussy out other than making a move. How do I cure betaness?

Tell me how it DOES happen instead. I have no idea where normal people make all these experiences in their teenage years. It's like a parallel world they live in.


By making the effort to go out and talk to people. If that's something you feel like you can't do, then social counseling or therapy may be able to help

...in school?

>20 yo two weeks ago
>virgin but not kissless

how does it feel to kiss?

>21 in 5 months
>kissless, hugless, handholdless, friendless
>in college and haven't talked to a single person yet despite being 4 months in

22 years old
never been kissed
never had a girldfriend
And I'm feeling fine.

how do I achieve the feeling fine part

You dont
You are wired to want contact with others
The poster you are replying to has simply repressed this temporarily, it will come back

you immerse yourself in escapism or find a hobby you like so much that it will overrun your depression and bad memories

The first time I saw this picture I was under 20

Now I'm 25

What the fuck man you're giving me an existential crisis

You just gotta look at the world around you, mane. In high school I really liked this girl, and when she said she didn't like me, it really broke me up. A year later I went to study in a foreign country, traveled around, saw the sights, met lots of amazing people, had the time of my life. It made me realize the world is much bigger than your home town, the girl you liked in grade school, all that shit is petty, meaningless. There's a big-ass world out there full of wonders that you can explore. Don't limit yourself to gf's and little things like that. Make a little money, go exploring, see the big beautiful world with 7 billion people you never met before.

>went to study in a foreign country, traveled around, saw the sights, met lots of amazing people, had the time of my life

never mind

What's a matter? You don't have to leave America to travel. There's a big country we have here, many amazing cities. Expand your horizons.

well I'm not wealthy. I have to go to school and work. I can't just travel. and I can't interact with other people.

Would not give a shit if it wasn't for peer pressure

> I can't interact with other people.
Are you ugly like elephant man? If you're just decent looking, people will have no problem talking with you.
Women and their company shouldn't be your goal. Make yourself some money, enjoy the good life. A woman is an unnecessary expense.

44 is here boy

I'm not elephant man tier but I'm pretty ugly and I can't talk to people and I have no personality or spine

Talk about what?

>tfw 25 yold virgin
>tfw 5 inches penis
Im too proud to show my little guy to anyone, better to die virgin with dignity that a non-virgin humiliated by some roastie.
I dont even care at this point.

Also the first time i approached to a girl i was 15, she called me a piece of shit since im dark skinned.
She got pregnant at 16 by some cholo near her hood.

>be 25
>lead normal life
>fuck girls from all different races (except asian)
>have normal job, car, house
>still no gf

Can't think of many things worse than having a gf tbqh. Feels good not having to worry about muh khv or muh loneliness

Try to get them to talk about themselves as much as possible if you don't know what to talk about. That way, you'll have a better idea of what sort of stuff would be appropriate to share with them while you're still getting to know them

25 yo kissless v. here
It's not that bad. I simply stopped to care. Beside what makes it easier that majority of my peers are already married so there is less attention to me overall.

>20 only
You're small time kid.

>tfw loveless 26yo non-virgin

How have you not kill yourself? Or ist some kind of (non-metal) illness?

>k handholdess v
Literally how do i meet girls. I don't want to meet a party girl so bars and clubs seem like a bad idea.
I guess I can talk to girls in my courses.

But out of school it seems impossible. They already have their own cliques and approaching a person I don't know in public makes no sense. I'm going to end up in one of those 'omg this creep dared make eye contact and said hi to me' threads.

tfw not a virgin but suffer from anhedonia and an utter paralysis of will and have never loved

by the way: losing your virginity does not change much

haha loser

lost my virginity at 21

If you are blonde you can come to a spic country and get a decent girl. And you wouldnt spend that much money.

>tfw 26 yo virgin.
>never had a gf & never been on a date.

27 y/o virgin though I did make out with a girl at a party once when I was drunk so not kissless technically. Doesn't really count though.

I stopped being an edgelord about it in my early 20s. I'm just focusing on myself, my job, and my passions/hobbies. If I manage to find someone I resonate with along the way then great but I'm not actively looking and trying to force shit to happen. Just get over this shit, move on and do something productive.

>24 in 2 months
It's already over

Just how old is the guy in OP's pic TODAY?

>suffer from anhedonia and an utter paralysis of will

this, I also don't believe in free will. I think some people are just doomed no matter what

Do you have any hobbies? Just go join groups that interest you and youre bound to make friends and meet people that way

>the virgin delusion
>the chad reality

28 kissless virgin here
I've stopped giving a fuck

go to dance lessons or cooking lessons. Be friends with the girls there, that way you will learn to socialize. Then ask those girls to help you with their friends.

Im not a virgin, pekka. Im trying to help others learn that sex is not a big deal

>just find a hobby and talk to girls bro

Cast a fireball, please.

kek, you have to make a little effort comrade. If you dont feel confident talking to a classmate, try to do things that will increase your confidence. I will advice get a nice haircut, Im a cheap ass at everything except for my hair, go to a nice barber shop and get a nice haircut. Change your clothes, make exercise. Or if you dont feel like it, you could lower your standards.

>go to a nice barber shop and get a nice haircut
Yeah I'm sure that will help my ugly acne-ridden face tremendously

нy, знaчит... пoлyчaeтcя... y тeбя тoлькo oдин выхoд

I thought you were Argentina

28 in 3 months here.

I knew a girl all my life, our moms were friends before we were born, we were born only a month apart. At one point when I was 18 we were together and she was dropping hints so fucking obviously, she was basically straight up telling me to ask her out but my stupid ass didn't notice any of them until long after.

She moved away

I regret my stupidity and never still stop regretting it.

Hobby groups are excellent was to find friends social life if you're young still. The problem is they are basically the EXACT OPPOSITE if you're over 20.

You'll still find them, full of people in their 20s, 30 or 40s. But they'll tend to all be normal people, with spouses, kids, jobs, etc. It basically ends up becoming a repeat of high school if you were a loser there. You're that one really weird, lonely sack of shit among your hobby group of normal people.

>Im trying to help others learn that sex is not a big deal

Sex is a big deal, a HUGE one. Not for the sex itself but for the negative social status of being a virgin.

Virginity late in life is a huge social stigma, people will inherently call into question everything about you, related or not to the subject. Your looks, you intelligence, your mental state, your job, your possessions. It makes you a specimen that people will prod at for amusement. As someone who lost it at 29, it was a horrible experience getting there. I had effectively 0 interaction with women before 25, I was a huge loser all through school and the few times I tried I failed hard on the whole natural conversation and interaction part.

From 27 to 29 I had gotten with 2 other women before the one who was my first, the first girl stopped talking to me upon realising I was a virgin (It wasn't openly confessed, but my lack of experience was clear to her). The second didn't walk out immediately, but after finding out she slowly lost interest in me over time, we never really made it to the point of having sex.

There's a reason that people will callously agree with shit like "Virgin at 27? Must be a psycho or something" or the fact that in western cultural works of fiction like mainstream entertainment, the idea of very late age virginity is met with disgust or is played literal laughs. Culturally, virginity stopped being a virtue and become a label that you're demeaned for not shedding as soon as possible after puberty.

We should really raise the posting age to at least 25

Holy shit dude talk then stop giving excuses to yourself. It doesn't matter if a few people think you're weird honestly.

So 12 year olds can pretend they're 26 now instead of 19?

What powers did you specialize in?

>21yo in 6 months
I don't giive a fuck anymore

27 this month here, it ain't going to get better.

Why does Jorge always get so many replies in his shit treads but my threads dont even get 1 reply

I have sworn myself to celibacy for magic powers (Evola told me so).

The regret
I keep telling myself never again, but I always end up doubting myself.
Why don't you hit her up? If your family is close I don't think it would be weird to ask to catch up.

yo in 9 months
>>kissless virgin
>Lost hope already

Be like me bruh

i feel you...

my longest thread had only 50 replies

>Being a 19 year old virgin is actually quite common, stop sulking
>Being a 20 year old virgin is actually quite common, stop sulking
>Being a 21 year old virgin is actually quite common, stop sulking
>Umm user it's too late, girls expect a guy of your age to have at least 10 partners and be a fluent fucker they don't wanna end up with a virgin

Yeah in like 10 years of Sup Forums I don't think I've ever made a thread that made it past 20 posts. Even if I make shitpost magnets on some shit board like Sup Forums it will get 15 post then 404, then someone will make a pretty much the exact same thread and get bump cap

>no-one knows
Except for every single girl friend of your exes, whom they told in great detail about you not being capable of fucking them.

Got my first gf at 21. I was also a virgin and honestly it's because I started obsessing over being one at like 15 that I sayed one. Stop caring about life and use that as your fuel to take a chance. Also don't aim for loose women or you might as well go without one. If my coward ass could do it I have no reason not to beleive in you.

making a new thread for a general is guaranteed bump limit

There are a lot of threatments for acne, it could be something worse. Trust me, women can forget about those stuff if you can. Fake confidence in the meantime.
No, ma, mi piace il loro accento
Not true, made a lot of friends, man and women when I joined rugby last year and Im almost 30.

that's cheating

>hit her up
You realize that since she's a normal human being, she hasn't been waiting for OP this whole time, right? Depending on how long ago that was, she's probably married, or in a relationship, or even if she happens to be single at the moment, what she once felt for OP was nothing more than a fleeting adolescent crush to her.

Most interesting post in the thread and nobody replied. Tell us about yourself, mighty chink.

>18 yo
>held hands
>kissed many times
>not a virgin
Life hasn't been that bad for me after all

Avete la bandiera troppo simile

Same ;_;
Wish I could be just plain ugly instead

22 here, I just want to stay here and shitpost all day, fuck life

E perche (¿)e stato(?) ispirato dalla loro bandiera
non lo facciamo tutti?