Why does New Jerseyans have the reputation of being bad drivers?

Why does New Jerseyans have the reputation of being bad drivers?

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Because they are. Not as bad as Massholes, though. Fuck those guys.

Shitty highways and interstates.

because a lot of us drive from our suburb/city to NYC everyday . Even the most sane person will become a crazy ass driver after doing that for for more than 5 years

What does the moon mean?

>driving in New Jersey at night
>any year



our infrastructure is actually pretty good at least compared to PA and NY, the traffic is just bad and taking decesions can be hard while driving

I don't believe you. It's so close to NYC.

that's the problem nyc ruined 30% of the state.

wait wut


fucking potato frying nazi's man


how did they do that?

I don't understand, NYC is the economic center of the US and the world, it cannot have bad infrastructures... At least, I'd rather see bad infrastructures in the middle of nowhere like in Dakota.

Fuck dude. Shit like this makes me glad to be a flyover.


it doesn't have bad infrastructure, the problem is that there are too much people also because there are millions of cars that pass by nj-nyc highways and nyc itself , there are roadworks every fucking where , so never trust a gps in nyc.
Now is 00:15 and the fucking Lincoln tunnel still has some super slow traffic.

>rich people
Probably referring to places like Greenwich or New Canaan? Is Fairfield county good btwn?

lol do you fucks still believe that nj and nyc are still Italian ?



>asking legitimate questions over a meme statement

The absolute STATE of the /guido/

>Pennsylvania gets listed for Amish
>Ohio has more Amish than Penn

>KY, WV, VA get called inbred
>It's actually the Amish who are inbred

Who made this?
>The US According to NYC
Of fucking course.

>KY, WV are not inbred

But don't Connecticuters meet this issue too (commuting from home to workplace everyday, traffic jam, hurry to go back home because you spend a long time on the road). Why don't they also have this reputation of bad drivers (or maybe they have)?

It is slander created by 19th century immigrants jealous of our pure English genes.

shit like this is why i never stop or slow down unless absolutely necessary when driving at night. sick that americans have to deal with it too

They kinda do but they are much smaller and just irrelevant. New jersey has the highest population density in america

Oh please, br*Toid

I was asking more on what is living in Fairfield county like. Just wondering if it will be a better choice than Westchester county or Long Island

all 3 are unironcally good but if you are gonna work in NYC I recommend Westchester county: more easier to commute to Manhattan and slightly cheaper than long island.

>there are people that will never feel the comfiness of driving in the great Holland tunnel
feel bad for them desu

Thought LI has better public transportation to NYC than Westchester. That is unexpected. I guess I should put Westchester into consideration then.

Does Bergen county, NJ always have bad traffic like ? I was thinking of that as an option too (prob Englewood Cliffs, Fort Lee, or Edgewater) but this map just puts me off

>Bergen county, NJ
you need a car to commute or you will waste like 2 hours if you use public transport
Do a great research on living in nyc metro and try to ask some expert people. You could possible take a very terrible decision. Where are you gonna work exactly? Manhattan?

A vacant wasteland where nobody lives

Either in Washington Heights or Kips Bay/Stuyvesant Town ish.

it would be better to live in the new york side but if you don't find anything good you can try north bergen

If I were to go to Kips Bay/Stuyvesant Town ish, would Long Island City/Astoria/Sunnyside be a good option? Or price won't be that different compared to just living in Manhattan?


Is Idaho known for its Nazis or something? I would consider Texas and everything east of it and South of the Carolinas to be THE "Nazi" states. While I'm sure Idaho isn't some liberal paradise I'm not aware of it being some Nazi haven either. Then again I don't really know anything about Idaho.

On another note, Connecticut has worse drivers than any other Northeast or Mid-Atlantic state and I'll even go so far as to say the US as a whole. As someone who lives in CT and has driven through every state between Pennsylvania and Maine at some point I'll tell you the shit you see here is ridiculous. Pic related ain't even that bad compared to other shit I've seen but I don't have much dash footage recorded so I don't have more good samples.

aaaa what wrong is happening in the webm?

You must not drive. You see that fucking van come to a dead stop when trying to merge? You don't do that shit. What a fucking retard. If he just hit the gas he'd have cleared me and the van in front of me. Also mind as I'm coming up on this idiot I'm doing fucking 80 and I don't know if this guy is gonna cut me off doing 20 or not, it's happened before... many times.

kek , i do the same shit he did

what, you slow to a stop whenever you change lanes?

You don't seriously think this is even a semi-regular occurrence do you

I fucking hate all the NJ drivers who drive here in FL.

Shh, don't tell them we make fake videos like this to scare away southerners and midwesterners so they stay in their shit holes and don't bring their cancerous morality and politics here.

Yup, rest assured we are full of niggers and crime up here. You best stay in your corn field.

You coasties I swear.

Where I'm from you would switch to the open left lane out of courtesy and common sense when you see that driver trying to merge. They never would've had to make a decision to speed up or slow down. You ever consider you were the one driving like an asshole?

But we're all nice and boring where I'm from.

Idaho and Montana have a lot of white nationalists up in the woods as well as your garden-variety survivalists and the two are often conflated.

I mean, yeah it'd be courteous to switch lanes obviously but I'm not obligated to. I have right of way however I wasn't trying to be an asshole. If you watch the webm again you'll notice a car I passed on the left earlier in the video which was somewhere behind me and a truck coming up the on ramp into the left lane. I couldn't safely lane change even if I wanted to.

I'm willing to bet that even in your state you'd have right of way in this circumstance as well. People on the highway almost never have to yield to merging traffic. It's the other way around. It's exactly as you said, it's a courtesy and nothing more.

Yeah you had right of way. But it costs nothing for you and that car ahead of you to switch lanes. Yes it's just courtesy but that's what would normally happen in my state.

That car merging maybe made a mistake by not speeding up rather than slowing down, but it was far closer decision than you switching lanes (certainly the car ahead of you).