His country has less than 3.7 million square miles of land

>his country has less than 3.7 million square miles of land
oh my, how do landlets live with themselves??

euros don't have any square miles of land cause they use metric shit


>his country doesn't have land on both hemispheres

i love my small country :)

>3.7 million square miles
how much is that in non-retard units?

bigger than you muhammad

We move to bigger countries


Why don't you invade Sweden? You could acquire a lot of clay and rid europe of its cancer at the same time.

Denmark got its shit kicked in by swedish empire and became a european laughing stock for a couple centuries.

That's back when swedes weren't pussies. It's safe for Denmark to strike now.

because unlike someone on the other side of the world, i don't base my opinion on sweden on internet memes.

Not really denmark still have a weak airforce and navy compared to the swedes.

sweden is not a part of nato and if i remember correctly their airforce is outdated

Noone in Nato will support you if you invade someone else. Its more of a defensive pact.

>his country doesn't consists mainly of rocks, forests, rocks and tundra.

ahahah, how can you live with yourselves?

healthy and non-memey opinions on MY board?
get outta Sup Forums fiend!

if the reason is legit, i'm fairly sure countries like usa, norway, france and germany would support us.
however if it's just to get more land, you can't get away with that nowadays. even if nato didn't exist you'd still get 10+ countries after you if you try to take one small corner of another country.

>G*rms too stupid to convert in his head

ummmmmmm not today, sweety :^)

>less than 80% of his country isn't inhabited

How does it feel to live in squalor?